Simple Similarities Service



Simsity is a Super Simple Similarities Service[tm].
It's all about building a neighborhood. Literally!

This repository contains simple tools to help in similarity retreival scenarios by making a convient wrapper around encoding strategies as well as nearest neighbor approaches. Typical usecases include early stage bulk labelling and duplication discovery.


Alpha software. Expect things to break. Do not use in production.


This is the basic setup for this package.

import pandas as pd

from simsity.service import Service
from simsity.indexer import PyNNDescentIndexer
from simsity.preprocessing import Identity, ColumnLister

# The Indexer handles the nearest neighbor search
# The Encoder handles the encoding of the datapoints
service = Service(

# The encoder defines how we encode the data going in.
encoder = make_pipeline(

# The indexer handles the nearest neighbor lookup.
indexer = PyNNDescentIndexer(metric="euclidean", n_neighbors=2)

# The service combines the two into a single object.
service_clinc = Service(

# We can now train the service.
df_clinc = pd.read_csv("tests/data/clinc-data.csv")
service_clinc.train_from_dataf(df_clinc, features=["text"])

# Query the datapoints
service.query("give me directions", n_neighbors=20)

# Save the entire system"/tmp/simple-model")

# You can also load the model now.
reloaded = Service.load("/tmp/simple-model")

# We can also host it as a web service
reloaded.serve(host='', port=8080)

# You can now POST to with payload:
# {"query": {"text": "hello there"}, "n_neighbors": 20}
  • Add support for pretrained encoders and transformed data

    Add support for pretrained encoders and transformed data

    First of all this project looks great! I've taken an initial stab at #12 and also tried to add support querying data that has already been transformed. If you have data that you've already transformed (e.g. a UMAP embedding), you probably don't want to rerun encoder.transform again. In this case you want to index the transformed data and query it directly.

    This is just a first crack so happy to incorporate any feedback you might have!

    opened by gclen 10
  • embetter: better embeddings

    embetter: better embeddings

    This is conceptual work in progress. The maintainer is actively researching this, please do not work on it.

    Problem Statement

    When you submit where is my phoone and you get similarities you may get things like:

    • where is my phone
    • where is my credit card

    Depending on your task, either the "where is" part of the sentence is more important or the "phone" part is more important. The encoder, however, may be very brittle when it comes to spelling errors. So to put it more generally;


    The similarity in an embedded space in our case is very much "general". I'm using "general" here, as opposed to "specific" to indicate that these similarities have been constructed without having a task in mind.

    Similar Issue

    Suppose that we are deduplicating and we have a zipcode, city, first-, and last-name. How would our encoding be able to understand that having the same city is not a strong signal while having the first name certainly is? Can we really expect a standard encoding to understand this? Without labels ... I think not.

    opened by koaning 3
  • Add `Identity` as default encoder for Service.

    Add `Identity` as default encoder for Service.

    As mentioned in

    I think the refit parameter should go in the Service() call. I think there should also be a parameter somewhere to avoid calling .transform() if the data has already been transformed. Do you think it is worth adding an additional parameter to Service() and keeping the indexed_from_transformed_data method?

    It's a fair remark. I think preventing a transfrom() is fair, but the solution would be to have an Identity() transformer that just keeps the data as-is. This would also make a great default value for the encoder.

    Made this issue to track progress and to discuss the approach.

    opened by koaning 2
  • Codecalm tutorial on simsity

    Codecalm tutorial on simsity

    Hi Vincent. Since I discovered you my barrier towards Python has eroded! Thank you. I'm a Data Scientist who wants to check if simsity can help with retrieving similar regions based on environmental variables.

    opened by FrancyJGLisboa 2
  • Update indexer

    Update indexer

    Hi! Are there any plans to add support for updating the indexer, i.e. add new documents without retraining the entire pipeline? Would be a very useful feature .

    from simsity.service import Service
    service = Service(
    service.train_from_dataf(df, features=["text"])
    service.update(new_docs, features=["text"])  # <- this
    opened by nthomsencph 1
  • New API

    New API

    I think the original design was flawed and this project should stick to the scikit-learn API more.

    from simsity.preprocessing import Grab
    from simsity.service import Service
    from simsity.indexer import (AnnoyIndexer, PynnDescentIndexed, NMSlibIndexer,
                                 PineconeIndexer, QdrantIndexer, WeviateIndexer)
    encoder = make_pipeline(
            make_pipeline(Grab("text"), SentenceEncoder()),
            make_pipeline(Grab("title"), SentenceEncoder())
    service = Service(encoder, indexer, batch_size=50)
    items, dists = service.query(X, n=10)
    opened by koaning 0
  • Education Day Goals

    Education Day Goals

    • [x] add typing + type checker
    • [x] add tests for the minhash tools
    • [ ] collect more useful datasets
    • [x] automate the benchmarking
    • [x] write getting started guides
    • [ ] record a quick demo for colleagues
    • [ ] add github actions stash
    opened by koaning 0
  • added-components


    Adding the MinHash components. This is also an amazing opportunity to:

    • [ ] add types and a type checker
    • [ ] add some standard tests for indexers
    • [ ] add a script to run some benchmarks on the clinc dataset
    opened by koaning 0
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