《LightXML: Transformer with dynamic negative sampling for High-Performance Extreme Multi-label Text Classification》(AAAI 2021) GitHub:



LightXML: Transformer with dynamic negative sampling for High-Performance Extreme Multi-label Text Classification


LightXML uses the same dataset with AttentionXML and X-Transform.

please download them from the following links.


train and eval

./run.sh [eurlex4k|wiki31k|amazon13k|amazon670k|wiki500k]
  • Question on dataset

    Question on dataset

    Hi, I am new to XMC. After downloading all datasets, I noticed that the labels for both test and train sets are number or index. I am wondering if there is a file storing the exact text label corresponding to each label index. Thank you so much.

    opened by jil818 6
  • LightXML on other dataset

    LightXML on other dataset

    Hi! Did I need to do something for label clustering when I train LightXML on my own datasets other than [eurlex4k|wiki31k|amazon13k|amazon670k|wiki500k] Why does LightXML only use label clustering on Wiki500k&670k?

    opened by wangchichi1999 6
  • Training about  Wiki10-31k

    Training about Wiki10-31k

    Thanks for your code !!!

    After running your code, I found that you just did a simply binary classification for Wiki10-31k (without label recalling , label ranking and dynamic negative sampling) :



    So, I wonder whether it was all you've done for Wiki10-31k or I missed something important, thanks a lot!

    opened by yc1999 3
  • Remove `apex` from requirements

    Remove `apex` from requirements

    The apex==0.9.10dev that you mentioned in the requirements.txt file is not a valid version of apex which you wanted to use. I got bellow error when running your code

      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/apex/__init__.py", line 13, in <module>
        from pyramid.session import UnencryptedCookieSessionFactoryConfig
    ImportError: cannot import name 'UnencryptedCookieSessionFactoryConfig' from 'pyramid.session' (unknown location)

    According to this discussion best way to solve this issue is to:

    1. remove apex==0.9.10dev from requirements.txt
    2. add bellow instructions in readme as a step of requirement installation
    git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA/apex
    cd apex
    python setup.py install
    opened by sadrasabouri 3
  • Question related to the model training and usage of raw text

    Question related to the model training and usage of raw text

    Hello. Thank you very much for the impressive work and for sharing your work. I have one question related to the training process. In the paper, I read that LightXML can use raw text data to provide end-to-end prediction, similar to usual deep learning based approaches which use raw text.

    However, when I ran the LightXML code, I found that TfIdf feature is used in the train.txt file. I wonder why this TfIdf is necessary? Would the TfIdf affect the performance? Can we swap the TfIdf with other vectorizer (e.g., bag of word feature, word piece, etc.).

    Thank you very much for the help!

    opened by StefanusAgus 3
  • Only ensemble of 'bert-base', 'roberta' and 'xlnet' would get sota on dataset of Eurlex-4K, AmazonCat-13K

    Only ensemble of 'bert-base', 'roberta' and 'xlnet' would get sota on dataset of Eurlex-4K, AmazonCat-13K

    Only ensemble of 'bert-base', 'roberta' and 'xlnet' would get sota on dataset of Eurlex-4K, AmazonCat-13K. Is that realy?

    code from 'src/model.py':

    is_training = labels is not None
    outs = self.bert(
    out = torch.cat([outs[-i][:, 0] for i in range(1, self.feature_layers+1)], dim=-1)
    out = self.drop_out(out)
    group_logits = self.l0(out)
    if self.group_y is None:
        logits = group_logits
        if is_training:
            loss_fn = torch.nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()
            loss = loss_fn(logits, labels)
            return logits, loss
            return logits
    opened by yongzhuo 2
  • Question of the library apex in the requirements

    Question of the library apex in the requirements

    The "requirements.txt" shows the level of the apex is 0.9.10dev. Do you mean the apex from the pypi(https://libraries.io/pypi/apex) or the Nivida apex(https://github.com/NVIDIA/apex)?

    opened by 0ystersauce 2
  • version of Python&Bert pretrained model

    version of Python&Bert pretrained model

    Hi! Great work! : D If the version of Python is 3.6 in your code? And Does LightXML just use Bert-base-uncased from Huggingface, or train it on specific corpus for specific task? Thanks!

    opened by wangchichi1999 2
  • FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './data/Eurlex-4K/train_raw_texts.txt'

    FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './data/Eurlex-4K/train_raw_texts.txt'

    Thanks for your excellent work! I download EUR-Lex.tar but only find train.txt, train_labels.txt, train_texts.txt, test.txt ,test_labels.txt and test_texts.txt. There is no Eurlex-4K/train_raw_texts.txt in tar file. Could you please tell me where to find such file? Thanks!

    opened by zzzmm1 1
  • CUDA version of the project.

    CUDA version of the project.

    Could you please tell me the CUDA version of the project cause I encounter the problem of "RuntimeError: CUDA error: CUBLAS_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED when calling cublasGemmEx( handle, opa, opb, m, n, k, &falpha, a, CUDA_R_16F, lda, b, CUDA_R_16F, ldb, &fbeta, c, CUDA_R_16F, ldc, CUDA_R_32F, CUBLAS_GEMM_DFALT_TENSOR_OP)". I think the description of CUDA version may help.

    opened by 0ystersauce 0
  • Code to cluster labels on new datasets?

    Code to cluster labels on new datasets?


    Thanks for releasing the code for your paper. I was trying out your code on a new dataset. Things are clear to me except the clustering part: can you please release the code to cluster your labels for a new dataset or describe the exact steps?

    opened by kunaldahiya 7
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