Official repo for the work titled "SharinGAN: Combining Synthetic and Real Data for Unsupervised GeometryEstimation"



Official repo for the work titled "SharinGAN: Combining Synthetic and Real Data for Unsupervised GeometryEstimation"

The official project website for this work can be found here.


Python 2.7 Pytorch 0.4.1

The trained model files for both the tasks are made available here here. The pretrained_models folder contains the pretrained model for the generator and the primary task networks before end-to-end training the SharinGAN network as a whole. The final trained models are present in Face_Normal_Estimation/ and Monocular_Depth_Estimation/ directories of the google drive.

The environment.yml file is also provided for one to replicate the environment.

We added the training and validation codes for both the tasks of Monocular Depth Estimation and Face Normal Estimation. We hope to improve the repository with time. We appreciate your inputs and feedback

Monocular Depth Estimation

Place the saved model file (Depth_Estimator_WI_geom_bicubic_da-144999.pth.tar) inside a newly created folder Monocular_Depth_Estimation/saved_models/ of the current repo.

The dataset files required for the dataloaders and are made available at Monocular_Depth_Estimation/dataset_files/.

Place the Monocular_Depth_Estimation/dataset_files/Kitti/.txt files in the original downloaded kitti/ dataset folder. Similarly place the Monocular_Depth_Estimation/dataset_files/VKitti/.txt files in the original downloaded Virtual_Kitti/ dataset folder.

Make3D evaluation

cd Monocular_Depth_Estimation
python --iter 144999
  • About Kitti data

    About Kitti data

    Hi, I'm struggling with the Kitti data u used in ur project, can u plz tell me which item did u download from the official Kitti website? Maybe the data u used is Kitti 360? But I didn't find data which is labeled as 2011. Thank you so much for ur help.

    opened by yuehua-Song666 5
  • More details are expected

    More details are expected

    Thanks for your contribution to this topic. Could you provide more details over your code. For example, the version of Pytorch, or a basic sample run using default parameters.

    opened by sudalvxin 3
  • Comparing Different models

    Comparing Different models

    Hi, Could you please tell me how you compared different models? Did you use the same learning rate, number of epochs, Number of decay epochs, image size, optimizer among all models? Also, did you collect test results using the final saved generator or did you use the best results testing all saved generators at different epochs?

    opened by mohammadshahabuddin 1
  • Looking for trained SharinGAN depth estimation model [KITTI]

    Looking for trained SharinGAN depth estimation model [KITTI]

    Hi Koutilya,

    Thanks for your contribution to this topic.

    With the current script published in Git repo, we notice several bugs, and majorly for reproducing the paper results the important details are missing. [as mentioned in #2 also]

    Can you please update us when the trained Sharingan models and/or the bug-free scripts will be available?

    Thank you,

    opened by Akhil-Gurram 1
  • about the Kitti and vkitti dataset

    about the Kitti and vkitti dataset

    Thank you very much for your excellent job and I think it is interesting. I have some trouble about the datasets, although I have download the Kitti and vkitty. Can you give me some help about how to prepare the datasets ?

    opened by hello-trouble 1
  • the trained model for Face_Normal_Estimation

    the trained model for Face_Normal_Estimation


    Great work~

    Could you please share the trained model of Face_Normal_Estimation? I can only find the trained model for Monocular_Depth_Estimation in the Google Driver:,but nothing for Face_Normal_Estimation.

    Thank you very much~

    opened by reallm 0
  • Questions on the training time

    Questions on the training time

    Thanks for the great work!

    May I ask what is the estimated training time for each stage, i.e., pretraining G, pretraining T, and jointly training G and T, on a single GPU like TITAN or V100? Thanks! : )

    opened by SenZHANG-GitHub 0
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