I-BERT: Integer-only BERT Quantization


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I-BERT: Integer-only BERT Quantization

HuggingFace Implementation

I-BERT is also available in the master branch of HuggingFace! Visit the following links for the HuggingFace implementation.

Github Link: https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/tree/master/src/transformers/models/ibert

Model Links:

Installation & Requirements

You can find more detailed installation guides from the Fairseq repo: https://github.com/pytorch/fairseq

1. Fairseq Installation

Reference: Fairseq

  • PyTorch version >= 1.4.0
  • Python version >= 3.6
  • Currently, I-BERT only supports training on GPU
git clone https://github.com/kssteven418/I-BERT.git
pip install --editable ./

2. Download pre-trained RoBERTa models

Reference: Fairseq RoBERTa

Download pretrained RoBERTa models from the links and unzip them.

# In I-BERT (root) directory
mkdir models && cd models
wget {link}
tar -xvf roberta.{base|large}.tar.gz

3. Download GLUE datasets

Reference: Fairseq Finetuning on GLUE

First, download the data from the GLUE website. Make sure to download the dataset in I-BERT (root) directory.

# In I-BERT (root) directory
wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/W4ngatang/60c2bdb54d156a41194446737ce03e2e/raw/17b8dd0d724281ed7c3b2aeeda662b92809aadd5/download_glue_data.py
python download_glue_data.py --data_dir glue_data --tasks all

Then, preprocess the data.

# In I-BERT (root) directory
./examples/roberta/preprocess_GLUE_tasks.sh glue_data {task_name}

task_name can be one of the following: {ALL, QQP, MNLI, QNLI, MRPC, RTE, STS-B, SST-2, CoLA} . ALL will preprocess all the tasks. If the command is run propely, preprocessed datasets will be stored in I-BERT/{task_name}-bin

Now, you have the models and the datasets ready, so you are ready to run I-BERT!

Task-specific Model Finetuning

Before quantizing the model, you first have to finetune the pre-trained models to a specific downstream task. Although you can finetune the model from the original Fairseq repo, we provide ibert-base branch where you can train non-quantized models without having to install the original Fairseq. This branch is identical to the master branch of the original Fairseq repo, except for some loggings and run scripts that are irrelevant to the functionality. If you already have finetuned models, you can skip this part.

Run the following commands to fetch and move to the ibert-base branch:

# In I-BERT (root) directory
git fetch
git checkout -t origin/ibert-base

Then, run the script:

# In I-BERT (root) directory
# CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES={device} python run.py --arch {roberta_base|roberta_large} --task {task_name}
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python run.py --arch roberta_base --task MRPC

Checkpoints and validation logs will be stored at ./outputs directory. You can change this output location by adding the option --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR. The exact output location will look something like: ./outputs/none/MRPC-base/wd0.1_ad0.1_d0.1_lr2e-5/1219-101427_ckpt/checkpoint_best.pt. By default, models are trained according to the task-specific hyperparameters specified in Fairseq Finetuning on GLUE. However, you can also specify the hyperparameters with the options (use the option -h for more details).

Quantiation & Quantization-Aware-Finetuning

Now, we come back to ibert branch for quantization.

git checkout ibert

And then run the script. This will first quantize the model and do quantization-aware-finetuning with the learning rate that you specify with the option --lr {lr}.

# In I-BERT (root) directory
# CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES={device} python run.py --arch {roberta_base|roberta_large} --task {task_name} \
# --restore-file {ckpt_path} --lr {lr}
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python run.py --arch roberta_base --task MRPC --restore-file ckpt-best.pt --lr 1e-6

NOTE: Our work is still on progress. Currently, all integer operations are executed with floating point.

  • Training in mixed precision

    Training in mixed precision

    ❓ Questions and Help

    Before asking:

    1. search the issues.
    2. search the docs.

    What is your question?

    Hi, thanks for the amazing contribution! I'm trying to use IBert from Huggingface/transformers (4.4.2) in my own training pipeline where I'm fine-tuning in quant mode with mixed precision (Using pytorch's cuda.amp module). This results in overflows in the QuantLinear layers, which causes following training to break due to nans. I'm considering artificially clamping the weights to a smaller range to avoid this or using a lower bit precision (from 8 to say 4) while fine-tuning.

    I'm wondering if you have tried this or have any suggestions about my approaches that could help me train effectively.



     with autocast(enabled=grad_scaler.is_enabled()):
            # TRAINING CODE...

    I'm unable to post any more code (proprietary stuff, sorry!), but I can provide some specifics if you need them.

    What have you tried?

    What's your environment?

    • fairseq Version (e.g., 1.0 or master):
    • PyTorch Version (e.g., 1.0): 1.8.0
    • OS (e.g., Linux): Ubuntu 18.04
    • How you installed fairseq (pip, source):
    • Build command you used (if compiling from source):
    • Python version:
    • CUDA/cuDNN version: 10.1/7.6.5
    • GPU models and configuration:
    • Any other relevant information:
    opened by bdalal 3
  • Why use 22 bit quantized activations for some layer norms (except in Embeddings)?

    Why use 22 bit quantized activations for some layer norms (except in Embeddings)?

    Hi, I've noticed that the QuantAct layers preceding IntLayerNorm in the IBertSelfOutput and IbertOutput modules specify a 22 bit activation width while the QuantAct layer preceding IntLayerNorm in IBertEmbedding specifies a 16 bit activation.

    I couldn't find any mention of these bit width choices in the paper. Could you please explain why these choices have been made?

    Thank you!

    opened by bdalal 2
  • why is Integer-only finetuning is much more slower than fp32 finetune

    why is Integer-only finetuning is much more slower than fp32 finetune

    Compare with fp32 finetuning , It takes about 10x more time to inference dev data during training when do Integer-only finetune to Integer-only finetuning. How can I do INT8 inference and achieve the seepup as described in paper?

    opened by renmada 0
  • (huggingface) The output of IBERT is float. Am I doing wrong?

    (huggingface) The output of IBERT is float. Am I doing wrong?

    ❓ Questions and Help

    What is your question?

    I'm using the huggingface's implementation. Even though I set the quant_mode=True, I see the output of IBert is in float32 type. Am I using the model wrong, or is it expected?


    self.bert = AutoModel.from_pretrained(
        base_model, quant_mode=quant_mode, add_pooling_layer=False
    def forward(
            input_ids: Tensor,
            attention_mask: Tensor,
            k: int = None,
            return_layers: List[int] = None,
            return_orig: bool = False,
            bert_out = self.bert(
            # the output dtype is float32!

    What's your environment?

    • PyTorch Version: 1.7.1
    • OS (e.g., Linux): Ubuntu 20
    • How you installed fairseq (pip, source): No
    • Python version: 3.8.5
    • CUDA/cuDNN version: 11.0
    • GPU models and configuration: RTX 3090
    opened by kyoungrok0517 0
  • Where can I find the integer-sqrt kernel ?

    Where can I find the integer-sqrt kernel ?

    ❓ Questions and Help

    Before asking:

    1. search the issues.
    2. search the docs.

    What is your question?


    What have you tried?

    What's your environment?

    • fairseq Version (e.g., 1.0 or master):
    • PyTorch Version (e.g., 1.0)
    • OS (e.g., Linux):
    • How you installed fairseq (pip, source):
    • Build command you used (if compiling from source):
    • Python version:
    • CUDA/cuDNN version:
    • GPU models and configuration:
    • Any other relevant information:
    opened by Alex-Songs 0
  • About scaling_factor

    About scaling_factor

    Dear Authors, Thanks for sharing valuable codes.

    I'm trying to use your code for vision transformer quantization.

    About the scaling factor for this work, I have some questions. If I want to swap some layers (i.e. GELU -> IntGELU), I have to set the scaling factor for input args.

    For this, I suppose that I can add QuantAct in the forward function of IntGELU,

    class IntGELU(nn.Module):

    def forward(self, x, scaling_factor=None):
         if not self.quant_mode:
             return self.activation_fn(x), None
         x, scaling_factor = QuantAct(32, quant_mode=self.quant_mode)
    Is it right? could you please give me some advice?
    Thanks in advance.
    opened by DOHA-HWANG 0
  • Pre-trained weights for specific tasks

    Pre-trained weights for specific tasks

    Hi, thank you for releasing this project!

    I was wondering if you happen to have the pre-trained weights for the models finetuned on the different downstream tasks (QQP, MNLI.. etc). i.e. the initialisation weights for the quantisation-aware fine-tuning stage. I only say this as it would save me a lot of time and compute, and may be helpful to others too.


    opened by roymiles 0
  • Storing both float32 and int parameters

    Storing both float32 and int parameters


    It looks like at least in the HF code, you are storing both the float32 AND the int weights, which would increase the memory footprint. Don't you want to either load one or the other, or at least have an option to quanitize and send to cuda or something like that, where you would clear the float32 version or int version and send to cuda, thus lowering the memory footprint. Alternately you could overload the 'to' (or 'cuda'? or whatever method is used to convert to cuda) to only move over only the right parameters?


    opened by ontocord 0
  • Latency 20x with quant_mode = true

    Latency 20x with quant_mode = true

    In the hugging face config, I set quant_mode = TRUE. The weight_integer buffer remains 0, and the result is wrong. Moreover, inference latency of integer mode is 20 times of float mode. Can you please explain the reason for me?

    opened by LiamPKU 1
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