Hierarchical Cross-modal Talking Face Generation with Dynamic Pixel-wise Loss (ATVGnet)


Hierarchical Cross-modal Talking Face Generation with Dynamic Pixel-wise Loss (ATVGnet)

By Lele Chen , Ross K Maddox, Zhiyao Duan, Chenliang Xu.

University of Rochester.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Citation
  3. Running
  4. Model
  5. Results
  6. Disclaimer and known issues


This repository contains the original models (AT-net, VG-net) described in the paper Hierarchical Cross-modal Talking Face Generation with Dynamic Pixel-wise Loss. The demo video is avaliable at https://youtu.be/eH7h_bDRX2Q. This code can be applied directly in LRW and GRID. The outputs from the model are visualized here: the first one is the synthesized landmark from ATnet, the rest of them are attention, motion map and final results from VGnet.

model model


If you use any codes, models or the ideas from this repo in your research, please cite:

  title={Hierarchical cross-modal talking face generation with dynamic pixel-wise loss},
  author={Chen, Lele and Maddox, Ross K and Duan, Zhiyao and Xu, Chenliang},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},


  1. This code is tested under Python 2.7. The model we provided is trained on LRW. However, it works fine on GRID,VOXCELB and other datasets. You can directly compare this model on other dataset with your own model. We treat this as fair comparison.

  2. Pytorch environment:Pytorch 0.4.1. (conda install pytorch=0.4.1 torchvision cuda90 -c pytorch)

  3. Install requirements.txt (pip install -r requirement.txt)

  4. Download the pretrained ATnet and VGnet weights at google drive. Put the weights under model folder.

  5. Run the demo code: python demo.py

    • -device_ids: gpu id
    • -cuda: using cuda or not
    • -vg_model: pretrained VGnet weight
    • -at_model: pretrained ATnet weight
    • -lstm: use lstm or not
    • -p: input example image
    • -i: input audio file
    • -lstm: use lstm or not
    • -sample_dir: folder to save the outputs
    • ...
  6. Download and unzip the training data from LRW

  7. Preprocess the data (Extract landmark and crop the image by dlib).

  8. Train the ATnet model: python atnet.py

    • -device_ids: gpu id
    • -batch_size: batch size
    • -model_dir: folder to save weights
    • -lstm: use lstm or not
    • -sample_dir: folder to save visualized images during training
    • ...
  9. Test the model: python atnet_test.py

    • -device_ids: gpu id
    • -batch_size: batch size
    • -model_name: pretrained weights
    • -sample_dir: folder to save the outputs
    • -lstm: use lstm or not
    • ...
  10. Train the VGnet: python vgnet.py

    • -device_ids: gpu id
    • -batch_size: batch size
    • -model_dir: folder to save weights
    • -sample_dir: folder to save visualized images during training
    • ...
  11. Test the VGnet: python vgnet_test.py

    • -device_ids: gpu id
    • -batch_size: batch size
    • -model_name: pretrained weights
    • -sample_dir: folder to save the outputs
    • ...


  1. Overall ATVGnet model

  2. Regresssion based discriminator network



  1. Result visualization on different datasets:


  2. Reuslt compared with other SOTA methods:


  3. The studies on image robustness respective with landmark accuracy:


  4. Quantitative results:


Disclaimer and known issues

  1. These codes are implmented in Pytorch.
  2. In this paper, we train LRW and GRID seperately.
  3. The model are sensitive to input images. Please use the correct preprocessing code.
  4. I didn't finish the data processing code yet. I will release it soon. But you can try the model and replace with your own image.
  5. If you want to train these models using this version of pytorch without modifications, please notice that:
    • You need at lest 12 GB GPU memory.
    • There might be some other untested issues.
  6. There is another intresting and useful research on audio to landmark genration. Please check it out at https://github.com/eeskimez/Talking-Face-Landmarks-from-Speech.


  • Release training data



  • Segmentation fault when running program

    Segmentation fault when running program

    Hi @lelechen63. When I ran the demo, I encountered Segmentation fault. After debugging, it was found that torch and Dlib should be the cause. Can you share the version of Dlib?

    opened by HallidayReadyOne 11
  • is there some processed example data for reference?

    is there some processed example data for reference?

    I am trying to create data for this project. Is there some images or landmark*.npy can be downloaded? just as one processed landmark npy and image region~ thank you

    opened by lianDaniel 10
  • Wrong images generated

    Wrong images generated

    Hi, I clone the code and run the demo.py, nothing error, but the video and the images generated are totally in wrong type like this.


    By the way, I run in CPU mode. thanks in advance.

    opened by taylorlu 8
  • Using Pre-trained Model on GRID dataset

    Using Pre-trained Model on GRID dataset

    Dear Authors, Thanks for sharing the code. I just wanted to know whether the pre-trained model which you have released can be used on GRID dataset or not? I am only interested to run your demo.py. For example, I want to

    1. give a frame from GRID dataset as a target frame
    2. provide a .wav audio file from GRID

    Do you think that should work. Or do I need to take any special care for GRID dataset demo.

    opened by avisekiit 4
  • Where is the network architecture?

    Where is the network architecture?

    We are trying to deploy this project on an android application. In order to do so, we need to convert the pretrained pytorch model (atnet_lstm_18.pth and generator_23.pth) into tensorflow but it shows an error of 'state_dict'. When i load the pre trained models, it only gives the weights but not the architecture. Can you guide me where i can find the Model architecture? And how to convert it to tensorflow? WhatsApp Image 2019-10-22 at 9 28 59 PM

    opened by AtaUllahB 4
  • The use of mean_shape_norm.npy & S.npy & S_3d.npy?

    The use of mean_shape_norm.npy & S.npy & S_3d.npy?

    Hello, I learned about ATVGNet at CVPR2019 site.And this is a very interesting work! But when I read code after that,some place made me confuse. 1.What is the use of mean_shape_norm.npy & S.npy & S_3d.npy, I know it try to normazile landmark,but What is the individual function of the parts(mean_shape_norm.npy & S.npy & S_3d.npy)? Knowing this might give me a better understanding of the code.

    2.How to get mean_shape_norm.npy & S.npy & S_3d.npy?

    look forward to you reply

    opened by Songluchuan 3
  • AT-net label相关问题

    AT-net label相关问题

    作者您好,感谢您出色的工作。 我有两个疑问比较疑惑 1.留意到您在AT-net中的dataset处理中,将mfcc特征向量堆叠为16个拼接在一起。 想问一下堆叠为16的依据是什么?(我们在deepspeech中也有留意到相似的做法) "t_mfcc =mfcc[(r + ind - 3)*4: (r + ind + 4)*4, 1:]" 这一步操作已经是选取了前后3帧共计280ms的特征向量,为什么还要将之拼接16次呢? 2."landmark =lmark[r+1 : r + 17,:]" 正常来讲,我们的label不是以当前帧为中心,为什么这里选取了当前帧往后的16帧的landmark作为标签? 图片


    opened by 821029883 2
  • Comparing on GRID dataset

    Comparing on GRID dataset

    Dear Authors, Thanks for the awesome release of the paper and code.

    I was trying to compare our result with yours on the GRID dataset for the LMD metric. Can you please tell me that in the paper

    1. Which subjects IDs of GRID did you use for testing.

    2. How many keypoints did you use for each subject ? I usually use a dlib detector which gives me 68 keypoints.

    3. Do you perform any normalization of the keypoints (after getting raw pixel coordinates using a dlib detector) to get rid of scale effects before calculating the difference on real and synthetic faces?

    4. Lastly, when you report the SSIM and PSNR: do you calculate those metrics on the entire frame or just cropped out face regions. I just wanted to make sure that we compare fairly with you. So, keenly looking forward to your kind reply.

    Thanks, Avisek Lahiri

    opened by avisekiit 2
  • State_dict


    Im trying to run this script.

    import torchvision import torch from somefile import modelarchitecture model = modelarchitecture() model.load_state_dict(torch.load(???)) model.eval()

    Please guide me which values will be set for "model" and path inside torch.load?

    opened by AtaUllahB 2
  • Question about PCA preprocessing

    Question about PCA preprocessing

    In demo.py, you multiply the example_landmark by 5 before applying PCA,

    example_landmark = example_landmark * 5.0
    example_landmark = example_landmark - mean.expand_as(example_landmark)
    example_landmark = torch.mm(example_landmark, pca)

    And for fake_landmarks, you multiply 2 times 1.1~1.5 before applying PCA

    fake_lmark[:, 1:6] *= 2 * torch.FloatTensor(np.array([1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5])).cuda()
    fake_lmark = torch.mm(fake_lmark, pca.t())
    fake_lmark = fake_lmark + mean.expand_as(fake_lmark)

    so (1) do you apply different scaling parameters for example_landmark and fake_landmarks? (2) how are those scaling parameters (5 vs 2.2~3.0) being selected?

    opened by pcgreat 2
  • Is it possible to generate the landmark from the VG output?

    Is it possible to generate the landmark from the VG output?

    Hi: I'm testing to get the landmarks from the output facial images. Since the VG output images are cropped, the landmarks not so stable from dlib. Is that possible to generate the landmarks directly from VG net? Since we already have a landmark input for the vg net. thanks

    opened by snowzhangy 2
  • error running demo.py cv2

    error running demo.py cv2

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "demo.py", line 486, in test() File "demo.py", line 465, in test fake_store = restore_image(orgImage,rect,fake_store,indx) File "demo.py", line 196, in restore_image cv2.normalize(img, img, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX) cv2.error: OpenCV(4.5.5) :-1: error: (-5:Bad argument) in function 'normalize'

    Overload resolution failed:

    • Layout of the output array dst is incompatible with cv::Mat
    • Expected Ptrcv::UMat for argument 'dst'
    opened by Nyrize 0
  • Error when installing opencv

    Error when installing opencv


    The above line in requirements.txt throws a pretty long error that is not worth reproducing in its entirety:

    Getting requirements to build wheel ... error
      ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1:
       command: /home/arta/anaconda3/envs/py2/bin/python /home/arta/anaconda3/envs/py2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/_in_process.py get_requires_for_build_wheel /tmp/tmp88lNX5
           cwd: /tmp/pip-install-hhbrzT/opencv-python

    I found this website, that, when translated to English, describes a workaround whereby you specify a version of opencv that is compatible with Python 2.7:

    python -m pip install opencv-python==

    I hope this helps.

    opened by aseyedia 1
  • Is it possible to get a weights of the discriminator which was used during the training of VGNet?

    Is it possible to get a weights of the discriminator which was used during the training of VGNet?

    Hello @lelechen63,

    I found your work very interesting. I want to use it for the finetuning on my own data, however I could not find a pretrained discriminator for the model. And when I trying to fine-tune with only generator the model breaks. Could you please advice me on where it can be found. In the link provided on github only a generetor part is available.
    Thank you in advance

    opened by kail-ai 0
  • training vgnet.py

    training vgnet.py

    while training vgnet.py, the model didn't find the file " new_img_full_gt_train.pkl", what should this file contain? and how to create it? could anyone who worked on it help?

    thank you in advance.

    opened by Mora-max 3
Lele Chen
I am a Ph.D candidate in University of Rochester supervised by Prof. Chenling Xu.
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