PYthon Warframe Market API(pywmapi)
API for warframe market, written in Python.
For now, the implemented function is listed below:
- auth
- sign in
- register
- restore password
- items
- list all tradable items
- get info about an item
- get list of orders of an item
- statistics
- get statistics of an item
- profile
- create an order
- Liches
- list all lich weapons
- list all lich ephemeras
- list all lich quirks
- rivens
- list all riven items
- get a list of riven attributes
- auctions
- create auction
- get a list of riven auctions by given search params
- get a list of lich auctions by given search params
- auction entry
- get info about auction by auction id
- get auction bids by auction id
Not uploaded yet
pip install pywmapi
The version of Python MUST greater than 3.6.
package of pywmapi is structured as:
├── auth
├── common
├── items
├── lang
└── statistics
For authentication, look up the auth
For items maniplation, look up the items
For getting statistics of items, look up the statistics
More functionalities is coming!