PyTorch Implementation of Exploring Explicit Domain Supervision for Latent Space Disentanglement in Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation.



PyTorch Implementation of Exploring Explicit Domain Supervision for Latent Space Disentanglement in Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation.


Python 2.7

PyTorch 0.4.0


Multiple identity translation

  1. Downloading Facescrub dataset following, and save it to root_dir.

  2. Splitting training and testing sets into train_dir and val_dir:

    $ python root_dir train_dir val_dir

  3. Train a classifier for domain feature extraction and save it to dosgan_cls:

    $ python --mode cls --model_dir dosgan_cls --train_data_path train_dir --test_data_path val_dir

  4. Train DosGAN:

    $ python --mode train --model_dir dosgan --cls_save_dir dosgan_cls/models --train_data_path train_dir --test_data_path val_dir

  5. Train DosGAN-c:

    $ python --mode train --model_dir dosgan_c --cls_save_dir dosgan_cls/models --non_conditional false --train_data_path train_dir --test_data_path val_dir

  6. Test DosGAN:

    $ python --mode test --model_dir dosgan_c --cls_save_dir dosgan_cls/models --train_data_path train_dir --test_data_path val_dir

  7. Test DosGAN-c:

    $ python --mode test --model_dir dosgan_c --cls_save_dir dosgan_cls/models --non_conditional false --train_data_path train_dir --test_data_path val_dir

Other mutliple domain translation

  1. For other kinds of dataset, you can place train set and test set like:

    ├── YOUR_DATASET_train_dir
        ├── damain1
        |   ├── 1.jpg
        |   ├── 2.jpg
        |   └── ...
        ├── domain2
        |   ├── 1.jpg
        |   ├── 2.jpg
        |   └── ...
        ├── domain3
        |   ├── 1.jpg
        |   ├── 2.jpg
        |   └── ...
    ├── YOUR_DATASET_val_dir
        ├── damain1
        |   ├── 1.jpg
        |   ├── 2.jpg
        |   └── ...
        ├── domain2
        |   ├── 1.jpg
        |   ├── 2.jpg
        |   └── ...
        ├── domain3
        |   ├── 1.jpg
        |   ├── 2.jpg
        |   └── ...
  2. Giving multiple season translation for example (season dataset). Train a classifier for season domain feature extraction and save it to dosgan_season_cls:

    $ python --mode cls --model_dir dosgan_season_cls --ft_num 64 --c_dim 4 --image_size 256 --train_data_path season_train_dir --test_data_path season_val_dir

  3. Train DosGAN for multiple season translation:

    $ python --mode train --model_dir dosgan_season --cls_save_dir dosgan_season_cls/models --ft_num 64 --c_dim 4 --image_size 256 --lambda_fs 0.15 --num_iters 300000 --train_data_path season_train_dir --test_data_path season_val_dir


1. Multiple identity translation

# Results of DosGAN:

# Results of DosGAN-c:

2. Multiple season translation:

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  • test error

    test error

    1 --mode cls --model_dir dosgan_season_cls --ft_num 64 --c_dim 4 --image_size 256 --train_data_path data/season_train_dir --test_data_path data/season_val_dir`

    2 --mode train --model_dir dosgan_season --cls_save_dir dosgan_season_cls/models --ft_num 64 --c_dim 4 --image_size 256 --lambda_fs 0.15 --num_iters 300000 --train_data_path season_train_dir --test_data_path season_val_dir`

    3E:\Users\Raytine\Anaconda3\python.exe F:/imageedit/DosGAN-PyTorch-master/ --mode test --model_dir dosgan_season --cls_save_dir dosgan_season_cls/models --train_data_path data/season_train_dir --test_data_path data/season_val_dir Namespace(batch_size=6, beta1=0.5, beta2=0.999, c_dim=531, cls_save_dir='dosgan_season_cls/models', d_conv_dim=64, d_lr=0.0001, d_repeat_num=6, ft_num=1024, g_lr=0.0001, image_size=128, lambda_fs=5, lambda_gp=10, lambda_rec=10, lambda_rec2=10, log_step=1000, lr_update_step=1000, mode='test', model_dir='dosgan_season', model_save_step=20000, n_blocks=0, n_critic=5, non_conditional=True, num_iters=200000, num_iters_decay=100000, num_workers=1, resume_iters=None, sample_step=2000, test_data_path='data/season_val_dir', test_iters=200000, train_data_path='data/season_train_dir') train dataset loaded test dataset loaded Traceback (most recent call last): File "F:/imageedit/DosGAN-PyTorch-master/", line 118, in main(config) File "F:/imageedit/DosGAN-PyTorch-master/", line 64, in main solver.test1() File "F:\imageedit\DosGAN-PyTorch-master\", line 611, in test1 self.C.load_state_dict(torch.load(C_path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)) File "E:\Users\Raytine\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\torch\nn\modules\", line 719, in load_state_dict, "\n\t".join(error_msgs))) RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for Classifier: size mismatch for conv1.0.bias: copying a param of torch.Size([1024]) from checkpoint, where the shape is torch.Size([64]) in current model. size mismatch for conv1.0.weight: copying a param of torch.Size([1024, 2048, 2, 2]) from checkpoint, where the shape is torch.Size([64, 2048, 4, 4]) in current model. size mismatch for conv2.weight: copying a param of torch.Size([531, 1024, 1, 1]) from checkpoint, where the shape is torch.Size([4, 64, 1, 1]) in current model.

    opened by c1a1o1 1
  • 未能复现原文结果。


    您好: 非常感谢您在图像翻译领域做的贡献,对我帮助良多。最近,在复现您的DosGAN论文的时候,我复现的是多身份翻译,根据说明文档,下载了facescrub数据集,先划分数据集,然后训练cls,然后train,最后test,各相关参数与您的设定一致,但最后的图像却没有任何改变,请问我需要调整某些参数吗? 期待您的回复,非常感谢。 10_x_AB_results

    opened by zhangqian001 0
  • 关于在训练和测试时身份域数量的问题。


    作者您好,非常感谢您在图像翻译方面做的贡献。我现在有这么一些问题。 1、我下载的facescrub数据集只有256个身份,所以在main_dosgan.py文件中我的c_dim设置为256。但是在测试时候不改的话,生成图像的尺寸就是(257*128)*128,就非常的大。如果把c_dim改为4或者8,程序就会报错。想问下您有什么好的建议吗。 2、如果我自己采集数据集的话,每个身份放多少图像合适呢?,具体要多少身份,这会对模型的精度造成很大影响吗? 期待您的回复,谢谢。 祝您身体健康,工作顺利。

    opened by zhangqian001 0
Ph.D. Candidate of University of Science and Technology of China
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