The subfolder shRIOL contains Java files to execute the SHACL files on the OWL ontology.
To compile the Java files: "javac -cp ./src/;./lib/* -d ./class ./src/"
To run compiled class files: "java -cp ./class;./lib/* DetectViolations"
By executing the Java files, the following messages are printed on screen. See the paper for more details and explanations.
The model is not GDPR-compliant. The following violations have been detected: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Personal Data Processing: MESSAGE: The personal data processing is not transparent, as required/defined by Article 12 of the GDPR EXPLANATION: Specifically, these legal authorities judged one or more communications related to pdpHans as follows: - courtA does NOT deem the communication c2Hans enough readable. - courtB deems the communication c2Hans enough readable. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Personal Data Processing: MESSAGE: The personal data processing is not lawful, as required by Art.5(1)(a) and defined by Art.6 of the GDPR. EXPLANATION: The age of the data subject is below the minimal age for consent in his/her Member State. See Art.8(1) of the GDPR. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------