The implementation of "Bootstrapping Semantic Segmentation with Regional Contrast".


ReCo - Regional Contrast

This repository contains the source code of ReCo and baselines from the paper, Bootstrapping Semantic Segmentation with Regional Contrast, introduced by Shikun Liu, Shuaifeng Zhi, Edward Johns, and Andrew Davison.

Check out our project page for more qualitative results.


ReCo is evaluated with three datasets: CityScapes, PASCAL VOC and SUN RGB-D in the full label mode, among which CityScapes and PASCAL VOC are additionally evaluated in the partial label mode.

  • For CityScapes, please download the original dataset from the official CityScapes site: and Create and extract them to the corresponding dataset/cityscapes folder.
  • For Pascal VOC, please download the original training images from the official PASCAL site: VOCtrainval_11-May-2012.tar and the augmented labels here: Extract the folder JPEGImages and SegmentationClassAug into the corresponding dataset/pascal folder.
  • For SUN RGB-D, please download the train dataset here: SUNRGBD-train_images.tgz, test dataset here: SUNRGBD-test_images.tgz and labels here: sunrgbd_train_test_labels.tar.gz. Extract and place them into the corresponding dataset/sun folder.

After making sure all datasets having been downloaded and placed correctly, run each processing file python dataset/{DATASET} to pre-process each dataset ready for the experiments. The preprocessing file also includes generating partial label for Cityscapes and Pascal dataset with three random seeds. Feel free to modify the partial label size and random seed to suit your own research setting.

For the lazy ones: just download the off-the-shelf pre-processed datasets here: CityScapes, Pascal VOC and SUN RGB-D.

Training Supervised and Semi-supervised Models

In this paper, we introduce two novel training modes for semi-supervised learning.

  1. Full Labels Partial Dataset: A sparse subset of training images has full ground-truth labels, with the remaining data unlabelled.
  2. Partial Labels Full Dataset: All images have some labels, but covering only a sparse subset of pixels.

Running the following four scripts would train each mode with supervised or semi-supervised methods respectively:

python             # Supervised learning with full labels.
python         # Semi-supervised learning with full labels.
python     # Supervised learning with partial labels.
python  # Semi-supervised learning with partial labels.

Important Flags

All supervised and semi-supervised methods can be trained with different flags (hyper-parameters) when running each training script. We briefly introduce some important flags for the experiments below.

Flag Name Usage Comments
num_labels number of labelled images in the training set, choose 0 for training all labelled images only available in the full label mode
partial percentage of labeled pixels for each class in the training set, choose p0, p1, p5, p25 for training 1, 1%, 5%, 25% labelled pixel(s) respectively only available in the partial label mode
num_negatives number of negative keys sampled for each class in each mini-batch only applied when training with ReCo loss
num_queries number of queries sampled for each class in each mini-batch only applied when training with ReCo loss
output_dim dimensionality for pixel-level representation only applied when training with ReCo loss
temp temperature used in contrastive learning only applied when training with ReCo loss
apply_aug semi-supervised methods with data augmentation, choose cutout, cutmix, classmix only available in the semi-supervised methods; our implementations for CutOut, CutMix and ClassMix
weak_threshold weak threshold delta_w in active sampling only applied when training with ReCo loss
strong_threshold strong threshold delta_s in active sampling only applied when training with ReCo loss
apply_reco toggle on or off apply our proposed ReCo loss

Training ReCo + ClassMix with the fewest full label setting in each dataset (the least appeared classes in each dataset have appeared in 5 training images):

python --dataset pascal --num_labels 60 --apply_aug classmix --apply_reco
python --dataset cityscapes --num_labels 20 --apply_aug classmix --apply_reco
python --dataset sun --num_labels 50 --apply_aug classmix --apply_reco

Training ReCo + ClassMix with the fewest partial label setting in each dataset (each class in each training image only has 1 labelled pixel):

python --dataset pascal --partial p0 --apply_aug classmix --apply_reco
python --dataset cityscapes --partial p0 --apply_aug classmix --apply_reco
python --dataset sun --partial p0 --apply_aug classmix --apply_reco

Training ReCo + Supervised with all labelled data:

python --dataset {DATASET} --num_labels 0 --apply_reco

Training with ReCo is expected to require 12 - 16G of memory in a single GPU setting. All the other baselines can be trained under 12G in a single GPU setting.

Visualisation on Pre-trained Models

We additionally provide the pre-trained baselines and our method for 20 labelled Cityscapes and 60 labelled Pascal VOC, as examples for visualisation. The precise mIoU performance for each model is listed in the following table. The pre-trained models will produce the exact same qualitative results presented in the original paper.

Supervised ClassMix ReCo + ClassMix
CityScapes (20 Labels) 38.10 [link] 45.13 [link] 50.14 [link]
Pascal VOC (60 Labels) 36.06 [link] 53.71 [link] 57.12 [link]

Download the pre-trained models with the links above, then create and place them into the folder model_weights in this repository. Run python to visualise the results.

Other Notices

  1. We observe that the performance for the full label semi-supervised setting in CityScapes dataset is not stable across different machines, for which all methods may drop 2-5% performance, though the ranking keeps the same. Different GPUs in the same machine do not affect the performance. The performance for the other datasets in the full label mode, and the performance for all datasets in the partial label mode is consistent.
  2. Please use --seed 0, 1, 2 to accurately reproduce/compare our results with the exactly same labelled and unlabelled split we used in our experiments.


If you found this code/work to be useful in your own research, please considering citing the following:

    title={Bootstrapping Semantic Segmentation with Regional Contrast},
    author={Liu, Shikun and Zhi, Shuaifeng and Johns, Edward and Davison, Andrew J},
    journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.04465},


If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].

  • About the performance of training

    About the performance of training

    I'm sorry to bother you. I see that your code works very well, so I want to try to run it. However, when I perform reco and perform semi supervision on 600 tags, the result is only 0.6719. Due to the problem of GPU memory, I changed the batchsize from 10 to 6, and I haven't changed other parameters. Why is the result gap so large? I can't figure out the reason now. I'd like to ask you for advice. Thank you very much

    opened by swt199211 20
  • 关于Active Query Sampling的一些问题

    关于Active Query Sampling的一些问题

    作者你好!拜读了一下这篇论文,感觉收获很大!但是关于Active Query Sampling这一块我有一些小疑问:文中的策略采用的是选取高entropy的像素点作为query,但是高entropy代表着模型对这个像素的预测不够确信而且也不够准确,从而使得这种query和它对应的positive key之间的拉近实际上不一定是准确的,即错误的拉近了query和positive key的距离,很有可能降低了模型的performance,你们是怎么看待这事的。

    opened by chaochao42 15
  • Request for the code of DeepLab V2.

    Request for the code of DeepLab V2.

    Hi, thanks for your sharing code, it's really an awesome work!

    Can you release the code of DeepLabe V2 which contains the projector? There's only code of DeepLab V3.

    Currently I'm studying the contrastive learning based on DeepLabe V2, if you can provide the corresponding code for my reference, it will really appreciate.

    opened by super233 8
  • foreground & background class

    foreground & background class

    I'm amazed with your work about the design of queries and keys sampling! But I get confused at some part. I've tried the DeepLab series model and if I remember correctly, it have a class called background to remove the pixel that we don't interest. And I couldn't find that part in your code and wondering how you inference when you don't have the ground truth data (such as the code in Also wondering how it will influence in training / model performance part, like the model will have one more class although it not attend to estimate the mIOU.

    opened by HuangBugWei 7
  • RandomSampler when creating the dataloaders

    RandomSampler when creating the dataloaders

    Hello, I would like to ask why are you using the RandomSampler when the dataloaders are created for labeled and unlabeled data. For example, when the unlabeled data are more than the labeled, is sampled a specific number of samples from the unlabeled dataset in order to match the amount of the labeled data. Let say that we have 2000 labeled images and 9000 unlabeled images. From the set of 9000 we randomly select a subset of 2000 images at each training epoch, so we construct 2 dataloaders with the same length. Could this sampling make an appropriate use of the whole unlabeled dataset?

    Many thanks

    opened by nysp78 7
  • question about Ablative Analysis

    question about Ablative Analysis

    Hi, In Section 4.4 Ablative Analysis, the Effect of Active Sampling was verified. Could you please tell me how to conduct (Random Query,Random Key ) and other settings? Thanks!

    opened by wwjwy 6
  • Number of Queries and keys

    Number of Queries and keys

    再次打扰一下作者,请问消融研究中的Number of Queries and keys,keys数量选择指的是负样本(r k-)的数量吗? 还有就是消融研究中query-key数量研究是怎么进行的呢,比如query依次选择32 64 128 256 时,对应的key数量是固定值吗?如果是固定为多少呢?谢谢!

    opened by wwjwy 5
  • `Reflect' when filling the cropped images?

    `Reflect' when filling the cropped images?

    Hi, thanks for your great work in combining contrastive learning and semi-supervised semantic segmentation!

    I'm a littble bit confused about your code: The images are filled in the reflect mode including the test stage. Is this fare when comparing with previous state-of-the-art methods where the images are filled in the constant mode with value of 0?

    opened by Haochen-Wang409 5
  • understanding the reco loss

    understanding the reco loss

    I am kinda new to contrast learning and although I completely follow the math, I have a confusion when I am looking at the code (by code I mean the general code, not only your code :) ).

    So in the paper Eq.1 is the reco loss, which is the pixel wise contrastive loss, but in the code here I cannot understand why it is computed different from the way that Eq1 is written, is it a common thing in practice?

    In more details, in the code, we have all_feat, which is 256x513x256, so for each sample the first one is the positive and the rest are the negatives. The seg_logits then will have 256x513 dimension. We then compute the similarity via cosine_similarity (which I think is different from the contrastive loss in eq 1).

    Then, in the next step based on the F.cross_entropy we want all of them to have label zeros, because they have to be the same as the positive one. My confusion is that why we dont use Eq1 as it is written in the paper and why we use F.cross_entropy. I feel this is not exactly the same Eq1. Can you please help me understand the relation?

    opened by seyeeet 4
  • how can I learn the decision boundries?

    how can I learn the decision boundries?


    Thank you very much for this interesting work. Can you please let me know how I can compute the decision boundary as you show in the last page of the paper ?

    opened by seyeeet 4
  • About Random Sampler at the supervised setting

    About Random Sampler at the supervised setting


    When you are creating the dataloader for labeled data in the supervised setting, you are using a random sampler that samples a specific amount of labeled data from the total available labeled images.

    num_samples = self.batch_size * 200 # for total 40k iterations with 200 epochs

    train_l_loader =, batch_size=self.batch_size, sampler=sampler.RandomSampler(data_source=train_l_dataset, replacement=True, num_samples=num_samples), drop_last=True )

    Why are you using this sampler and forward pass a subset of labeled images instead of the whole amount of labeled data? Is it an effective training approach?


    opened by nysp78 3
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