Use Jax functions in Pytorch with DLPack



Use Jax functions in Pytorch with DLPack, as outlined in a gist by @mattjj. The repository was made for the purposes of making this differentiable alignment work interoperable with Pytorch projects.


$ pip install jax2torch


Open In Colab Quick test

import jax
import torch
from jax2torch import jax2torch

# Jax function

def jax_pow(x, y = 2):
  return x ** y

# convert to Torch function

torch_pow = jax2torch(jax_pow)

# run it on Torch data!

x = torch.tensor([1., 2., 3.])
y = torch_pow(x, y = 3)
print(y)  # tensor([1., 8., 27.])

# And differentiate!

x = torch.tensor([2., 3.], requires_grad = True)
y = torch.sum(torch_pow(x, y = 3))
print(x.grad) # tensor([12., 27.])
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