FastAPI framework plugins


Plugins for FastAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production

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FastAPI framework plugins


See release notes


pip install fastapi-plugins
pip install fastapi-plugins[memcached]
pip install fastapi-plugins[all]




Valid variable are

  • MEMCACHED_HOST - Memcached server host.
  • MEMCACHED_PORT - Memcached server port. Default is 11211.
  • MEMCACHED_POOL_MINSIZE - Minimum number of free connection to create in pool. Default is 1.
  • MEMCACHED_POOL_SIZE - Maximum number of connection to keep in pool. Default is 10. Must be greater than 0. None is disallowed.
  • MEMCACHED_PRESTART_TRIES - The number tries to connect to the a Memcached instance.
  • MEMCACHED_PRESTART_WAIT - The interval in seconds to wait between connection failures on application start.
    # run with `uvicorn demo_app:app`
    import typing
    import fastapi
    import pydantic
    from fastapi_plugins.memcached import MemcachedSettings
    from fastapi_plugins.memcached import MemcachedClient
    from fastapi_plugins.memcached import memcached_plugin
    from fastapi_plugins.memcached import depends_memcached
    class AppSettings(OtherSettings, MemcachedSettings):
        api_name: str = str(__name__)
    app = fastapi.FastAPI()
    config = AppSettings()
    async def root_get(
            cache: MemcachedClient=fastapi.Depends(depends_memcached),
    ) -> typing.Dict:
        await cache.set(b'Hello', b'World')
        await cache.get(b'Hello')
        return dict(ping=await
    async def on_startup() -> None:
        await memcached_plugin.init_app(app, config=config)
        await memcached_plugin.init()
    async def on_shutdown() -> None:
        await memcached_plugin.terminate()



  • single instance
  • sentinel

Valid variable are

    • redis - single Redis instance
    • sentinel - Redis cluster
  • REDIS_URL - URL to connect to Redis server. Example redis://user:password@localhost:6379/2. Supports protocols redis://, rediss:// (redis over TLS) and unix://.
  • REDIS_HOST - Redis server host.
  • REDIS_PORT - Redis server port. Default is 6379.
  • REDIS_PASSWORD - Redis password for server.
  • REDIS_DB - Redis db (zero-based number index). Default is 0.
  • REDIS_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT - Redis connection timeout. Default is 2.
  • REDIS_POOL_MINSIZE - Minimum number of free connection to create in pool. Default is 1.
  • REDIS_POOL_MAXSIZE - Maximum number of connection to keep in pool. Default is 10. Must be greater than 0. None is disallowed.
  • REDIS_SENTINELS - List or a tuple of Redis sentinel addresses.
  • REDIS_SENTINEL_MASTER - The name of the master server in a sentinel configuration. Default is mymaster.
  • REDIS_PRESTART_TRIES - The number tries to connect to the a Redis instance.
  • REDIS_PRESTART_WAIT - The interval in seconds to wait between connection failures on application start.
    # run with `uvicorn demo_app:app`
    import typing
    import aioredis
    import fastapi
    import pydantic
    import fastapi_plugins
    class AppSettings(OtherSettings, fastapi_plugins.RedisSettings):
        api_name: str = str(__name__)
    app = fastapi.FastAPI()
    config = AppSettings()
    async def root_get(
            cache: aioredis.Redis=fastapi.Depends(fastapi_plugins.depends_redis),
    ) -> typing.Dict:
        return dict(ping=await
    async def on_startup() -> None:
        await fastapi_plugins.redis_plugin.init_app(app, config=config)
        await fastapi_plugins.redis_plugin.init()
    async def on_shutdown() -> None:
        await fastapi_plugins.redis_plugin.terminate()
Example with Docker Compose - Redis
version: '3.7'
    image: redis
      - "6379:6379"
    image:    demo_fastapi_plugin
      - REDIS_TYPE=redis
      - REDIS_HOST=redis
      - REDIS_PORT=6379
      - "8000:8000"
Example with Docker Compose - Redis Sentinel
version: '3.7'
      - "26379:26379"
      - ...
      - redis-master
      - redis-slave
    image:    demo_fastapi_plugin
      - REDIS_TYPE=sentinel
      - REDIS_SENTINELS=redis-sentinel:26379
      - "8000:8000"


Simple schedule an awaitable job as a task.

  • long running async functions (e.g. monitor a file a system or events)
  • gracefully cancel spawned tasks

Valid variable are:

  • AIOJOBS_CLOSE_TIMEOUT - The timeout in seconds before canceling a task.
  • AIOJOBS_LIMIT - The number of concurrent tasks to be executed.
  • AIOJOBS_PENDING_LIMIT - The number of pending jobs (waiting fr execution).
# run with `uvicorn demo_app:app`
import ...
import fastapi_plugins

class AppSettings(OtherSettings, fastapi_plugins.RedisSettings, fastapi_plugins.SchedulerSettings):
    api_name: str = str(__name__)

app = fastapi.FastAPI()
config = AppSettings()"/jobs/schedule/<timeout>")
async def job_post(
    timeout: int=fastapi.Query(..., title='the job sleep time'),
    cache: aioredis.Redis=fastapi.Depends(fastapi_plugins.depends_redis),
    scheduler: aiojobs.Scheduler=fastapi.Depends(fastapi_plugins.depends_scheduler),  # @IgnorePep8
) -> str:
    async def coro(job_id, timeout, cache):
        await cache.set(job_id, 'processing')
            await asyncio.sleep(timeout)
            if timeout == 8:
                raise Exception('ugly error')
        except asyncio.CancelledError:
            await cache.set(job_id, 'canceled')
        except Exception:
            await cache.set(job_id, 'erred')
            await cache.set(job_id, 'success')

    job_id = str(uuid.uuid4()).replace('-', '')
    await cache.set(job_id, 'pending')
    await scheduler.spawn(coro(job_id, timeout, cache))
    return job_id

async def job_get(
    job_id: str=fastapi.Query(..., title='the job id'),
    cache: aioredis.Redis=fastapi.Depends(fastapi_plugins.depends_redis),
) -> typing.Dict:
    status = await cache.get(job_id)
    if status is None:
        raise fastapi.HTTPException(
            detail='Job %s not found' % job_id
    return dict(job_id=job_id, status=status)

async def on_startup() -> None:
    await fastapi_plugins.redis_plugin.init_app(app, config=config)
    await fastapi_plugins.redis_plugin.init()
    await fastapi_plugins.scheduler_plugin.init_app(app=app, config=config)
    await fastapi_plugins.scheduler_plugin.init()

async def on_shutdown() -> None:
    await fastapi_plugins.scheduler_plugin.terminate()
    await fastapi_plugins.redis_plugin.terminate()

... more already in progress ...


Issues and suggestions are welcome through issues


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.

  • Why are you not closing the database connection before shutdown?

    Why are you not closing the database connection before shutdown?

    We (our team) were trying with your library, and stumbled on this "missing" feature.

    It's important to close the connections for a truly graceful shutdown. Was that a project decision? Didn't you just think about it?

    More important: would you be willing to receive a proposal for this implementation?

    opened by azisaka 6
  • Fix redis_url ignored

    Fix redis_url ignored

    redis_url setting is currently ignored and DSN is always built by using separate parameters

    This is just a PoC, I will provide a more thorough PR in the next days

    opened by yakky 6
  • Remove __all__ in __init__

    Remove __all__ in __init__

    Hi, I noticed this project uses __all__ for most of its modules. However, in fastapi_plugins/ I see __all__ = [] which causes my editor to warn with things like 'RedisSettings' is not declared in __all__. I decided to simply remove __all__ from there since it is optional. Alternatively, I could combine __all__ from each of the imported modules.

    What do you think?

    opened by MatthewScholefield 5
  •  AttributeError: 'State' object has no attribute 'REDIS'

    AttributeError: 'State' object has no attribute 'REDIS'

    Pytest API testing does not work if a function has a cache dependency.

    Here is the example"/login/", response_model=Token)
    async def login(form_data: OAuth2PasswordRequestForm = Depends(),
                    cache: aioredis.Redis = Depends(fastapi_plugins.depends_redis)):
                    await cache.setex("SomeKey", 300, "SomeValue")
        async def test_login_view_pass(self, client):
            data = UserInput(**self.__generate_data())
            await user_create(data)
            response = await"{settings.API_VERSION}/users/login/",
                                         data={"username": data.username,
                                               "password": data.password},
                                         headers={"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"})
            assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK
    self = <starlette.datastructures.State object at 0x7f10ceccd610>, key = 'REDIS'
        def __getattr__(self, key: typing.Any) -> typing.Any:
                return self._state[key]
            except KeyError:
                message = "'{}' object has no attribute '{}'"
    >           raise AttributeError(message.format(self.__class__.__name__, key))
    E           AttributeError: 'State' object has no attribute 'REDIS'
    /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/starlette/ AttributeError

    Is there any way to solve this issue ?

    opened by Koshkaj 4
  • aioredis version issue: `AttributeError: module 'aioredis' has no attribute 'create_redis_pool'`

    aioredis version issue: `AttributeError: module 'aioredis' has no attribute 'create_redis_pool'`

    aioredis does not import anymore create_redis_pool method in its __init__ at least after v1.3.1 see here.

    Unfortunately fastapi-plugins is still using that method in _redis.init() and it defines aioredis>=1.3.* in its see here

    That can cause to raise the following exception in case aioredis > 1.3.1 has been installed in your system

    AttributeError: module 'aioredis' has no attribute 'create_redis_pool'
    opened by kinderp 3
  • The startup example codes do not work, cannot `Depends`  fastapi_plugins.depends_redis

    The startup example codes do not work, cannot `Depends` fastapi_plugins.depends_redis

    I test fastapi-plugins using the example codes ,but it corrupts with

    fastapi.exceptions.FastAPIError: Invalid args for response field! 
    Hint: check that <class 'starlette.requests.HTTPConnection'> is a valid pydantic field type

    the codes all go here

    import fastapi, fastapi_plugins
    import aioredis, pydantic, typing
    class AppSettings(
        api_name: str = str(__name__)
    app = fastapi.FastAPI()
    config = fastapi_plugins.get_config()
    async def root_get(
            cache: aioredis.Redis=fastapi.Depends(fastapi_plugins.depends_redis), # TODO corrupts here,
            conf: pydantic.BaseSettings=fastapi.Depends(fastapi_plugins.depends_config) # noqa E501
    ) -> typing.Dict:
        return dict(ping=await, api_name=conf.api_name)
    async def on_startup() -> None:
        await fastapi_plugins.config_plugin.init_app(app, config)
        await fastapi_plugins.config_plugin.init()
        await fastapi_plugins.redis_plugin.init_app(app, config=config)
        await fastapi_plugins.redis_plugin.init()
        await fastapi_plugins.scheduler_plugin.init_app(app=app, config=config)
        await fastapi_plugins.scheduler_plugin.init()
        await fastapi_plugins.control_plugin.init_app(app, config=config, version="0.0.1", environ=config.dict())
        await fastapi_plugins.control_plugin.init()
    async def on_shutdown() -> None:
        await fastapi_plugins.control_plugin.terminate()
        await fastapi_plugins.scheduler_plugin.terminate()
        await fastapi_plugins.redis_plugin.terminate()
        await fastapi_plugins.config_plugin.terminate()

    packages info:

    pip show fastapi-plugins
    #Name: fastapi-plugins
    #Version: 0.8.1
    pip show fastapi
    #Name: fastapi
    #Version: 0.54.2

    what have I missed?

    opened by tearf001 2
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