Example Flask application illustrating some of my common practices

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Flask overholt


Overholt is an example Flask application illustrating some of my common practices

Development Environment

At the bare minimum you'll need the following for your development environment:

  1. Python
  2. MySQL
  3. Redis

It is strongly recommended to also install and use the following tools:

  1. virtualenv
  2. virtualenvwrapper
  3. Vagrant
  4. Berkshelf

Local Setup

The following assumes you have all of the recommended tools listed above installed.

1. Clone the project:

$ git clone [email protected]:mattupstate/overholt.git
$ cd overholt

2. Create and initialize virtualenv for the project:

$ mkvirtualenv overholt
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

3. Install the required cookbooks:

$ berks install

4. Install the Berkshelf plugin for Vagrant:

$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf

5. Start virtual machine:

$ vagrant up

6. Upgrade the database:

$ alembic upgrade head

7. Run the development server:

$ python wsgi.py

8. In another console run the Celery app:

$ celery -A overholt.tasks worker

9. Open http://localhost:5000


If all went well in the setup above you will be ready to start hacking away on the application.

Database Migrations

This application uses Alembic for database migrations and schema management. Changes or additions to the application data models will require the database be updated with the new tables and fields. Additionally, ensure that any new models are imported into the consolidated models file at overholt.models. To generate a migration file based on the current set of models run the following command:

$ alembic revision --autogenerate -m "<a description of what was modified>"

Review the resulting version file located in the alembic/versions folder. If the file is to your liking upgrade the database with the following command:

$ alembic upgrade head

For anything beyond this workflow please read the Alembic documentation.

Management Commands

Management commands can be listed with the following command:

$ python manage.py

These can sometimes be useful to manipulate data while debugging in the browser.


To run the tests use the following command:

$ nosetests
  • A question for core.Service

    A question for core.Service

    I got a quick question for core.Service. So what's the point to wrap sqlalchemy's methods into Service rather than call them directly in each application?

    Also I didn't find a way to use some sqlalchemy's methods like (query.filter, concatenating multiple filter_by etc.) without calling directly model.query blabla. It seems that Service doesn't provide all methods of sqlalchemy.

    opened by FindBoat 7
  • create_app twice?

    create_app twice?

    Hey, this is an issue I've been running into myself and trying to research it a bit I ran into your pretty nice base project!

    to be able to give functions the annotation @celery.task we need to be able to import the celery = Celery() instance from somewhere.
    but to tie it together with all the Flask related stuff we want to be in app context (and I want to use the config from my app for some celery stuff too) so we need an instance of the app.
    so you create that instance when creating the Celery instance ( I do the same in my project ).

    but this results in doing more create_app calls (or at least 1 more) when importing tasks to queue them from your blueprints.
    The thing is .. I'm not sure if it matters ... but it feels wrong ...

    Just putting it here to discuss, hope you don't mind

    opened by rubensayshi 5
  • Many to many bidirectional relationship is not JSON serializable

    Many to many bidirectional relationship is not JSON serializable

    When I try to access a model with a bidirectional many to many relationship, I get the error: TypeError: <sqlalchemy.orm.dynamic.AppenderBaseQuery object at 0x2a01b50> is not JSON serializable The error makes sense, as rv = {..., 'users': <sqlalchemy.orm.dynamic.AppenderBaseQuery object at 0x2758b50>}.

    How would I go about executing that query so it becomes serialized?

    • Do I create a __json_modifiers__ for 'users' and run a lambda to convert it to a list/json?
    • Am I missing something in sqlalchemy that can resolve this?
    projects_users = db.Table('projects_users',
        db.Column('id', db.Integer, primary_key=True),
        db.Column('user_id', db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('users.id')),
        db.Column('project_id', db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('projects.id'))
    class UserJsonSerializer(JsonSerializer):
    class User(UserJsonSerializer, UserMixin, db.Model):
        __tablename__ = 'users'
        id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
        projects = db.relationship('Project', secondary=projects_users,
            backref=db.backref('users', lazy='dynamic'))
    class ProjectJsonSerializer(JsonSerializer):
        # __json_hidden__ = ['users']
        #  __json_modifiers__  = {
        #    'users': lambda x, self: x.all()
        # }
    class Project(ProjectJsonSerializer, db.Model):
        __tablename__ = 'projects'
        id = db.Column(db.Integer(), primary_key=True)
        name = db.Column(db.String(255))

    Thanks so much for your flask skeleton project. It has cleared up so many questions I had about how to scale large projects.

    opened by scottwernervt 5
  • Service Objects vs Service Mixins

    Service Objects vs Service Mixins

    I'm wondering what are the drawbacks of using mixins vs using objects. I actually implemented services by using a mixin instead of a separate object on its own.

    This helps me in a two ways:

    1. I don't have to define model, since I'm using classmethods to obtain the model I'm running the query on.
    2. I don't have to create or instantiate objects to use getters like all, find, etc.
    class ServiceMixin(object):
        def save(self):
            return self
        def all(cls):
            return cls.query.all()
        def get(cls, _id):
            return cls.query.get(_id)
        def get_all(cls, id_cl="id", *ids):
            id_column = cls.get(id_cl)
            return cls.query.filter(id_column.in_(ids)).all()
        def find(cls, **kwargs):
            return cls.query.filter_by(**kwargs)
        def first(cls, **kwargs):
            return cls.find(**kwargs).first()
        def get_or_404(cls, id):
            return cls.query.get_or_404(id)
        def new(cls, **kwargs):
            return cls(**cls._preprocess_params(kwargs))
        def _preprocess_params(kwargs):
            kwargs.pop('csrf_token', None)
            return kwargs
        def create(cls, **kwargs):
            return cls.save(cls.new(**kwargs))
        def update(self, **kwargs):
            for k, v in self._preprocess_params(kwargs).items():
                setattr(self, k, v)
            return self
        def delete(self):

    To use it, simply inherit it when creating your models:

    class Product(db.Model, ServiceMixin):
        id = db.Column(db.Integer(), primary_key=True)
        name = db.Column(db.String(250))
    Product.all() # Gets all of the products
    Product.find(name="tacos") # Finds all products named "tacos"
    p = Product(name="spegahetti")
    p.save() # Saves the newly created Product

    Anyway, this project template is great stuff! Thanks for letting us in on this.

    opened by yiumingh 4
  • Create Overholt without JavaScript

    Create Overholt without JavaScript

    It would be really helpful if there was a version of this repository without the JavaScript. Perhaps just a static version to better show how Flask would work with more projects.

    opened by sethmoon 4
  • Outdated dependencies in requirements.txt

    Outdated dependencies in requirements.txt

    I tried to launch your example, but found out, that there is no such version for kombu. I tried to remove all version specifications, and found out, that you are using deprecated (and removed in current stable version) factory-boy method set_creation_function(). One more error is in WTForms usage.

    Possible fix could be:

    diff --git a/overholt/products/forms.py b/overholt/products/forms.py
    index 2e7adbf..106d72c 100644
    --- a/overholt/products/forms.py
    +++ b/overholt/products/forms.py
    @@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
         Product forms
    -from flask_wtf import Form, TextField, SelectMultipleField, Required, \
    -    Optional
    +from wtforms import Form, TextField, SelectMultipleField, validators
     from ..services import products
    @@ -22,12 +21,12 @@ class ProductFormMixin(object):
     class NewProductForm(ProductFormMixin, Form):
    -    name = TextField('Name', validators=[Required()])
    +    name = TextField('Name', validators=[validators.Required()])
         categories = SelectMultipleField(
    -        'Categories', coerce=int, validators=[Required()])
    +        'Categories', coerce=int, validators=[validators.Required()])
     class UpdateProductForm(ProductFormMixin, Form):
    -    name = TextField('Name', validators=[Optional()])
    +    name = TextField('Name', validators=[validators.Optional()])
         categories = SelectMultipleField(
    -        'Categories', coerce=int, validators=[Optional()])
    +        'Categories', coerce=int, validators=[validators.Optional()])
    diff --git a/overholt/stores/forms.py b/overholt/stores/forms.py
    index 4edf74c..5899bae 100644
    --- a/overholt/stores/forms.py
    +++ b/overholt/stores/forms.py
    @@ -6,22 +6,22 @@
         Store forms
    -from flask_wtf import Form, TextField, Required, Optional
    +from wtforms import Form, TextField, validators
     __all__ = ['NewStoreForm', 'UpdateStoreForm']
     class NewStoreForm(Form):
    -    name = TextField('Name', validators=[Required()])
    -    address = TextField('Address', validators=[Required()])
    -    city = TextField('City', validators=[Required()])
    -    state = TextField('State', validators=[Required()])
    -    zip_code = TextField('Zip Code', validators=[Required()])
    +    name = TextField('Name', validators=[validators.Required()])
    +    address = TextField('Address', validators=[validators.Required()])
    +    city = TextField('City', validators=[validators.Required()])
    +    state = TextField('State', validators=[validators.Required()])
    +    zip_code = TextField('Zip Code', validators=[validators.Required()])
     class UpdateStoreForm(Form):
    -    name = TextField('Name', validators=[Optional()])
    -    address = TextField('Address', validators=[Optional()])
    -    city = TextField('City', validators=[Optional()])
    -    state = TextField('State', validators=[Optional()])
    -    zip_code = TextField('Zip Code', validators=[Optional()])
    +    name = TextField('Name', validators=[validators.Optional()])
    +    address = TextField('Address', validators=[validators.Optional()])
    +    city = TextField('City', validators=[validators.Optional()])
    +    state = TextField('State', validators=[validators.Optional()])
    +    zip_code = TextField('Zip Code', validators=[validators.Optional()])
    diff --git a/tests/factories.py b/tests/factories.py
    index 9ebdcb9..63539d2 100644
    --- a/tests/factories.py
    +++ b/tests/factories.py
    @@ -15,22 +15,22 @@ from overholt.core import db
     from overholt.models import *
    -def create_sqlalchemy_model_function(class_to_create, *args, **kwargs):
    -    entity = class_to_create(**kwargs)
    -    db.session.add(entity)
    -    db.session.commit()
    -    return entity
    +class MyFactory(Factory):
    +    @classmethod
    +    def _create(cls, target_class, *args, **kwargs):
    +        entity = target_class(**kwargs)
    +        db.session.add(entity)
    +        db.session.commit()
    +        return entity
    -class RoleFactory(Factory):
    +class RoleFactory(MyFactory):
         FACTORY_FOR = Role
         name = 'admin'
         description = 'Administrator'
    -class UserFactory(Factory):
    +class UserFactory(MyFactory):
         FACTORY_FOR = User
         email = Sequence(lambda n: 'user{0}@overholt.com'.format(n))
         password = LazyAttribute(lambda a: encrypt_password('password'))
    @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class UserFactory(Factory):
         active = True
    -class StoreFactory(Factory):
    +class StoreFactory(MyFactory):
         FACTORY_FOR = Store
         name = Sequence(lambda n: 'Store Number {0}'.format(n))
         address = '123 Overholt Alley'
    @@ -52,11 +52,11 @@ class StoreFactory(Factory):
         zip_code = '12345'
    -class ProductFactory(Factory):
    +class ProductFactory(MyFactory):
         FACTORY_FOR = Product
         name = Sequence(lambda n: 'Product Number {0}'.format(n))
    -class CategoryFactory(Factory):
    +class CategoryFactory(MyFactory):
         FACTORY_FOR = Category
         name = Sequence(lambda n: 'Category {0}'.format(n))
    opened by peterdemin 3
  • Error running 'alembic upgrade head'

    Error running 'alembic upgrade head'

    Using Python 2.7 after a fresh install I get the following error. I've dug around in the source for hours and traced it to something to do with overholt/tasks.py but I don't know how to fix it properly.

    Any ideas? thanks

    $ alembic upgrade head Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/www/recruitinginbox.com/venv2.7/bin/alembic", line 8, in load_entry_point('alembic==0.6.4', 'console_scripts', 'alembic')() File "/var/www/recruitinginbox.com/venv2.7/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/alembic/config.py", line 298, in main CommandLine(prog=prog).main(argv=argv) File "/var/www/recruitinginbox.com/venv2.7/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/alembic/config.py", line 293, in main self.run_cmd(cfg, options) File "/var/www/recruitinginbox.com/venv2.7/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/alembic/config.py", line 279, in run_cmd **dict((k, getattr(options, k)) for k in kwarg) File "/var/www/recruitinginbox.com/venv2.7/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/alembic/command.py", line 125, in upgrade script.run_env() File "/var/www/recruitinginbox.com/venv2.7/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/alembic/script.py", line 203, in run_env util.load_python_file(self.dir, 'env.py') File "/var/www/recruitinginbox.com/venv2.7/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/alembic/util.py", line 212, in load_python_file module = load_module_py(module_id, path) File "/var/www/recruitinginbox.com/venv2.7/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/alembic/compat.py", line 58, in load_module_py mod = imp.load_source(module_id, path, fp) File "alembic/env.py", line 15, in app = create_app() File "/var/www/recruitinginbox.com/overholt/api/init.py", line 23, in create_app register_security_blueprint=register_security_blueprint) File "/var/www/recruitinginbox.com/overholt/factory.py", line 44, in create_app register_blueprints(app, package_name, package_path) File "/var/www/recruitinginbox.com/overholt/helpers.py", line 26, in register_blueprints m = importlib.import_module('%s.%s' % (package_name, name)) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/importlib/init.py", line 37, in import_module import(name) File "/var/www/recruitinginbox.com/overholt/api/stores.py", line 13, in from ..tasks import send_manager_added_email, send_manager_removed_email File "/var/www/recruitinginbox.com/overholt/tasks.py", line 12, in celery = create_celery_app() File "/var/www/recruitinginbox.com/overholt/factory.py", line 52, in create_celery_app app = app or create_app('overholt', os.path.dirname(file)) File "/var/www/recruitinginbox.com/overholt/factory.py", line 44, in create_app register_blueprints(app, package_name, package_path) File "/var/www/recruitinginbox.com/overholt/helpers.py", line 26, in register_blueprints m = importlib.import_module('%s.%s' % (package_name, name)) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/importlib/init.py", line 37, in import_module import(name) ImportError: No module named overholt

    opened by dukedougal 2
  • Basic questions about vagrant

    Basic questions about vagrant

    Hi, Thanks very much for taking the time to write this code and share its analysis! I've not used Vagrant before, and was wondering if you might be able to shed some light on its use within overholt.

    From what I can tell after reading the docs and the Vagrantfile, it looks like the virtual machine only gets used for MySQL/Redis.io backend storage - with the actual flask development server running on the local machine.. Is that correct?

    I suppose I'm just confused what the exact role vagrant plays in the development stack here, and why more of the web server aspects aren't part of the virtual machine?


    opened by briancappello 2
  • Upgrading flask-security fails tests

    Upgrading flask-security fails tests

    Upgrading flask-security beyond version 1.6.5 causes the tests to fail. More specifically, login/logout doesn't seem to work. In the dashboard tests, the response always contains the full template, even if the user isn't logged in first, or if the user is logged out at the beginning of the test.

    To reproduce:

    pip install --upgrade Flask-Security==1.6.6
    pip install --upgrade Flask-WTF==0.8

    (Second pip line is necessary else Flask-Security does complain about some missing imports. Not sure why pip pulls the wrong dependencies here.)

    Any idea what might have changed between 1.6.5 and 1.6.6 that causes the tests to fail? Or is it really just due to the WTF forms? If yes, I don't understand how this influences _login() of the test module.

    opened by arnuschky 1
  • How to use more then one route on the same view function?

    How to use more then one route on the same view function?

    Currently, a view function only has one route. @route(bp, '/someurl', methods=['GET']). e.g. But how about if I need more then one url mapping for the same view function?

    opened by kinorsi 1
  • Implementing Application Dispatching by Path/Subdomain

    Implementing Application Dispatching by Path/Subdomain

    Hi, I really like the suggested structure of your flas applications... I'm really new to Flask and to the freedom it provides. If you fin the time, can you answer a question?

    I'm creating a multi-tenant application using the PostgreSQL schemas, where I will have a public schema + a schema for each tenant. So, I need my application to be something like this: http://www.application.com/tenant/

    I'm pretty sure the answer to achieve that is something like this: http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/patterns/appdispatch/#dispatch-by-path

    The problem is that I do not know how to best acommodate this in the overholt architecture. Could you give me some tips?

    Thank you very much

    opened by DanielFerreiraJorge 1
  • potential decorator issue

    potential decorator issue

    I think you mean to return wrapper here, instead of return f, right? https://github.com/mattupstate/overholt/blob/master/overholt/api/init.py#L50

    otherwise the bp.route and other decorators won't apply. maybe i'm misunderstanding!

    opened by don-swept 0
  • how to init database

    how to init database

    I had change the url of connecting mysql,and created a database named overholt ,but no tables in it. what I want to konw is that how can create the tables???

    thank you ! @mattupstate

    opened by duckbill 2
  • python3 & update packages to latest

    python3 & update packages to latest

    • Updated test factories to use factory.alchemy.SQLAlchemyModelFactory
    • Added orm scoped session for db connections
    • Updated packages to latest
    • is_authenticated is not callable any more
    • updating to python 3 print()
    • updating wtforms imports. TextField is now StringField and Required is now DataRequired
    • fix for SQLAlchemy error TypeError: unhashable type: 'Role'
    • Added @factory.post_generation hook for roles generation when a user is created
    • Secret key utf8 encoded to match FlaskTestCaseMixin hmacs version

    Updating to latest packages had last been done in #23, which I wish I had checked before updating myself!

    opened by RedCraig 1
  • Flask Principal within Overholt

    Flask Principal within Overholt

    Hey, Can you show how to use flask-principal within this, as in where does the Role get managed, and how to use the protected views. Do you create a new Service object per role that you need? Or just use the Flask-Principal decorators to hide the views?

    opened by tejovanthn 0
  • How to use Flask-Restful with this structure

    How to use Flask-Restful with this structure

    I'm using Flask-Restful for my API but how would I use api.add_resource similar to how you did route?

    Also I want to add some wrappers for app and api. Where is the best place to have these wrappers?

    opened by ghost 1
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