Unofficial PyTorch code for BasicVSR


Dependencies and Installation

  • The code is based on BasicSR, Please install the BasicSR framework first.
  • Pytorch=1.51


cd ./code

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python basicsr/ -opt options/train/BasicVSR/train_BasicVSR.yml

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python basicsr/ -opt options/train/BasicVSR/train_IconVSR.yml


cd ./code

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python basicsr/ -opt options/test/BasicVSR/test_BasicVSR_REDS.yml

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python basicsr/ -opt options/test/BasicVSR/test_BasicVSR_Vid4.yml


It takes about 5 days to train the BasicVSR/IconVSR model with the REDS dataset on 2 V100 GPUs.

Dataset(BI) BasicVSR (paper) Ours IconVSR_w/o Refill (paper) Ours
REDS4 31.42/0.8909 31.409/0.8907 31.60 31.6026
Vid4 27.24/0.8251 27.269/0.8311 - -
  • Pretrained models and SR results can be downloaded Here.
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