wg-exporter is a simple yet effective Prometheus exporter for Wireguard




wg-exporter is a simple yet effective Prometheus exporter for Wireguard.

What are the collected metrics ?

  • General:
    • wg_connected_peers: number of connected peers to the VPN server
  • Server:
    • wg_server_info{pkey, interface}: the listen port of the VPN server, labeled by the public key of the server, and the interface name
  • Peers: (All labeled by the public key of the peer and the interface name connected to)
    • wg_peer_latest_handshake{pkey, interface}: unit timestamp of the last handshake
    • wg_peer_transfer_rx{pkey, interface}: data received in bytes
    • wg_peer_transfer_tx{pkey, interface}: data transmitted in bytes
    • wg_peer_connection_status{pkey, interface}: is the peer connected now ? 0 for False, 1 for True


Clone the project

git clone git@github.com:men1n2/wg-exporter.git


After running your Wireguard interface, run the script using sudo (it needs the rights to execute "wg show all"):

sudo python3 src/app.py

And that's it :) The exporter will listen by default to port 8400.

Add the exporter to your scrape_configs in your prometheus .yml config file:


  - job_name: "wg"
      - targets: ["localhost:8400"]
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