IMDb Discord Bot
how to run this bot.
the first step you must create
file -
the second step you must create a
- if you use windows :
python -m venv .venv # for activate virtualenv .\.venv\Scripts\activate
- if you use linux :
sudo apt install virtualenv virtualenv -p py3 .venv # for activate virtualenv source ./.venv/bin/activate
- if you use macos :
brew install virtualenv virtualenv -p py3 .venv # for activate virtualenv source ./.venv/bin/activate
- if you use windows :
the third step you must install
- if you use windows :
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- if you use linux :
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- if you use macos :
pip install -r requirements.txt
- if you use windows :
the last step you must run this bot
bot commands
=> this command for show help -
=> this command change command prefix on your server, need administrator role, default prefix =>i>
, if you mention bot, bot say your now prefix -
=> this command search your movies and return a select box, with 10 of result, you must select a movie and bot return url of movie