Repo for WWW 2022 paper: Progressively Optimized Bi-Granular Document Representation for Scalable Embedding Based Retrieval

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Repo for WWW 2022 paper: Progressively Optimized Bi-Granular Document Representation for Scalable Embedding Based Retrieval.



Data Download and Preprocess


These commands will download and preprocess the MSMARCO Passage and Doc dataset, then the resutls will be saved to ./data.
We take the Passage dataset as the example to show the running workflow.

Conventional Workflow

Representation Learning

Train the encoder with random negative (or set --hardneg_json to provied bm25/hard negatives) :

mkdir log
python --model_name_or_path roberta-base \
--max_query_length 24 --max_doc_length 128 \
--data_dir ./data/${dataset}/preprocess \
--learning_rate 1e-4 --optimizer_str adamw \
--per_device_train_batch_size 128 \
--per_query_neg_num 1 \
--generate_batch_method random \
--loss_method multi_ce  \
--savename ${savename} --save_model_path ./model \
--world_size 8 --gpu_rank 0_1_2_3_4_5_6_7  --master_port 13256 \
--num_train_epochs 30  \
--use_pq False \
|tee ./log/${savename}.log

Unsupervised Quantization

Generate dense embeddings of queries and docs:

python ./ \
--data_type ${data_type} \
--preprocess_dir ./data/${data_type}/preprocess/ \
--max_doc_length 256 --max_query_length 32 \
--eval_batch_size 512 \
--ckpt_path ./model/${savename}/${epoch}/ \
--output_dir  evaluate/${savename}_${epoch} 

Product Quantization based on Faiss and recall performance:

python ./test/ \
--output_dir ./data/${data_type}/evaluate/${savename}_${epoch} \
--ckpt_path /model/${savename}/${epoch}/ \
--subvector_num 96 \
--index opq \
--topk 1000 \
--data_type ${data_type} \
--MRR_cutoff 10 \
--Recall_cutoff 5 10 30 50 100

Progressively Optimized Bi-Granular Document Representation

Sparse Representation Learning

Instead of running unsupervised quantization for the well-learned dense embeddings, the sparse embeddings are generated from contrastive learning, which optimizes the global discrimination and helps to enable high-quality answers to be covered in candidate search.


We find that using Faiss OPQ to initialize the PQ module has a significant gain for MSMARCO dataset. But for the largest dataset: Ads dataset, initialization with Faiss OPQ is redundant and has no promotion.

python --model_name_or_path ./model/dense_global_model/20 \
--max_query_length 24 --max_doc_length 128 \
--data_dir ./data/${dataset}/preprocess \
--learning_rate 1e-4 --optimizer_str adamw \
--per_device_train_batch_size 128 \
--per_query_neg_num 1 \
--generate_batch_method random \
--loss_method multi_ce  \
--savename ${savename} --save_model_path ./model \
--world_size 8 --gpu_rank 0_1_2_3_4_5_6_7  --master_port 13256 \
--num_train_epochs 30  \
--use_pq True \
--init_index_path ./data/${data_type}/evaluate/dense_global_model_20/OPQ96,PQ96x8.index \
--partition 96 --centroids 256 --quantloss_weight 0.0 \
|tee ./log/${savename}.log

where the ./model/dense_global_model/20 and ./data/${data_type}/evaluate/dense_global_model_20/OPQ96,PQ96x8.index is generated by conventional workflow.



python ./ \
--data_type ${data_type} \
--preprocess_dir ./data/${data_type}/preprocess/ \
--max_doc_length 256 --max_query_length 32 \
--eval_batch_size 512 \
--ckpt_path ./model/${savename}/${epoch}/ \
--output_dir  evaluate/${savename}_${epoch} 

python ./test/ \
--output_dir ./data/${data_type}/evaluate/${savename}_${epoch} \
--subvector_num 96 \
--index opq \
--topk 1000 \
--data_type ${data_type} \
--MRR_cutoff 10 \
--Recall_cutoff 5 10 30 50 100 \
--ckpt_path ./model/${savename}/${epoch}/ \
--init_index_path ./data/${data_type}/evaluate/dense_global_model_20/OPQ96,PQ96x8.index

Dense Representation Learning

The dense embeddings are optimized based on the candidate distribution generated by sparse embeddings. We propose a novel sampling strategy called locality-centric sampling to enhance local discrimination: construct a bipartite proximity graph and conduct random walk or snow sample on it.


Encode the quries in train set and generate the candidates for all train queries:


python ./ \
--data_type ${data_type} \
--preprocess_dir ./data/${data_type}/preprocess/ \
--max_doc_length 256 --max_query_length 32 \
--eval_batch_size 512 \
--ckpt_path ./model/${savename}/${epoch}/ \
--output_dir  evaluate/${savename}_${epoch} \
--mode train

python ./test/ \
--output_dir ./data/${data_type}/evaluate/${savename}_${epoch} \
--subvector_num 96 \
--index opq \
--topk 1000 \
--data_type ${data_type} \
--MRR_cutoff 10 \
--Recall_cutoff 5 10 30 50 100 \
--ckpt_path ./model/${savename}/${epoch}/ \
--init_index_path ./data/${data_type}/evaluate/dense_global_model_20/OPQ96,PQ96x8.index \
--mode train \

This command will save the train_hardneg.json to output_dir. Then train the dense embeddings to distinguish the ground truth from the negative in candidate:

python --model_name_or_path roberta-base \
--max_query_length 24 --max_doc_length 128 \
--data_dir ./data/${dataset}/preprocess \
--learning_rate 1e-4 --optimizer_str adamw \
--per_device_train_batch_size 128 \
--per_query_neg_num 1 \
--generate_batch_method {random_walk or snow_sample} \
--loss_method multi_ce  \
--savename ${savename} --save_model_path ./model \
--world_size 8 --gpu_rank 0_1_2_3_4_5_6_7  --master_port 13256 \
--num_train_epochs 30  \
--use_pq False \
--hardneg_json ./data/${data_type}/evaluate/sparse_global_model_20/train_hardneg.json \
--mink 0  --maxk 200 \
|tee ./log/${savename}.log



python ./ \
--data_type ${data_type} \
--preprocess_dir ./data/${data_type}/preprocess/ \
--ckpt_path ./model/${savename}/${epoch}/ \
--max_doc_length 256 --max_query_length 32 \
--eval_batch_size 512 \
--ckpt_path ./model/${savename}/${epoch}/ \
--output_dir  evaluate/${savename}_${epoch} 

python ./test/ \
--data_type ${data_type} \
--output_dir  evaluate/${savename}_${epoch} \
--candidate_from_ann ./data/${data_type}/evaluate/sparse_global_model_20/dev.rank_1000_score_faiss_opq.tsv \
--MRR_cutoff 10 \
--Recall_cutoff 5 10 30 50 100


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