RESTler is the first stateful REST API fuzzing tool for automatically testing cloud services through their REST APIs and finding security and reliability bugs in these services.



What is RESTler?

RESTler is the first stateful REST API fuzzing tool for automatically testing cloud services through their REST APIs and finding security and reliability bugs in these services. For a given cloud service with an OpenAPI/Swagger specification, RESTler analyzes its entire specification, and then generates and executes tests that exercise the service through its REST API.

RESTler intelligently infers producer-consumer dependencies among request types from the Swagger specification. During testing, it checks for specific classes of bugs and dynamically learns how the service behaves from prior service responses. This intelligence allows RESTler to explore deeper service states reachable only through specific request sequences and to find more bugs.

RESTler is described in these peer-reviewed research papers:

  1. RESTler: Stateful REST API Fuzzing (ICSE'2019)
  2. Checking Security Properties of Cloud Service REST APIs (ICST'2020)
  3. Differential Regression Testing for REST APIs​ (ISSTA'2020)
  4. Intelligent REST API Data Fuzzing​​ (FSE'2020)

If you use RESTler in your research, please cite the (default) ICSE'2019 paper (BibTeX).

RESTler was created at Microsoft Research and is still under active development.

RESTler architecture

Build Status

Build Status

Setting up RESTler

RESTler was designed to run on 64-bit machines with Windows or Linux. Experimental support for macOS is also enabled.

Build instructions

Prerequisites: Install Python 3.8.2 and .NET 5.0, for your appropriate OS.

Create a directory where you'd like to place the RESTler binaries:

mkdir restler_bin

Switch to the repo root directory and run the following Python script:

python ./ --dest_dir

Note: if you get nuget error NU1403 when building, a quick workaround is to clear your cache with this command

dotnet nuget locals all --clear

Binary-drop instructions

RESTler binary drops are coming soon.

Prerequisites: Install Python 3.8.2 and .NET 5.0 or higher, for your appropriate OS.

Using RESTler

RESTler runs in 4 main modes (in order):

  1. Compile: from a Swagger JSON or YAML specification (and optionally examples), generate a RESTler grammar. See Compiling.
  2. Test: execute quickly all of the endpoints+methods in a compiled RESTler grammar for debugging the test setup and compute what parts of the Swagger spec are covered. This mode is also called a smoketest. See Testing. To use custom test engine settings, see Test Engine Settings.
  3. Fuzz-lean: execute once every endpoint+method in a compiled RESTler grammar with a default set of checkers to see if bugs can be found quickly. See Fuzzing.
  4. Fuzz: bug hunting - explore a RESTler fuzzing grammar in smart breadth-first-search mode (deeper search mode) for finding more bugs. Warning: This type of fuzzing is more aggressive and may create outages in the service under test if the service is poorly implemented (e.g., fuzzing might create resource leaks, perf degradation, backend corruptions, etc.). See Fuzzing.

Quick Start

For a quick intro with simple examples, see this Tutorial.

To quickly try RESTler on your API, see Quick Start.

Bugs found by RESTler

There are currently two categories of bugs found by RESTler.

  • Error code: currently, any time a response with status code 500 ("Internal Server Error") is received, a bug is reported.
  • Checkers: each checker tries to trigger specific bugs by executing targeted additional requests or sequences of requests at certain points during fuzzing, determined by context. Some checkers try to find additional 500s, while other checkers try to find specific logic bugs such as resource leaks or hierarchy violations. For a full description of checkers, see Checkers.

When a bug is found, RESTler reports bugs triaged in bug buckets, and provides a replay log that can be used to reproduce the bug (see Replay).

Advanced Topics

For tips on using RESTler effectively, please see Best Practices and Improving Swagger Coverage.

See also these Frequently Asked Questions.

If you're interested in using RESTler at scale as part of your CI/CD pipeline, check out the REST API Fuzz Testing self-hosted service.


If you have a request/suggestion/question, please file an issue. See for instructions.


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When you submit a pull request, a CLA-bot will automatically determine whether you need to provide a CLA and decorate the PR appropriately (e.g., label, comment). Simply follow the instructions provided by the bot. You will only need to do this once across all repositories using our CLA.

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The software may collect information about you and your use of the software and send it to Microsoft. Microsoft may use this information to provide services and improve our products and services. You may turn off the telemetry as described in the repository. There are also some features in the software that may enable you and Microsoft to collect data from users of your applications. If you use these features, you must comply with applicable law, including providing appropriate notices to users of your applications together with a copy of Microsoft's privacy statement. Our privacy statement is located at You can learn more about data collection and use in the help documentation and our privacy statement. Your use of the software operates as your consent to these practices.

For more information, see

Reporting Security Issues

Security issues and bugs should be reported privately, via email, to the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) at [email protected]. You should receive a response within 24 hours. If for some reason you do not, please follow up via email to ensure we received your original message. Further information, including the MSRC PGP key, can be found in the Security TechCenter.

For additional details, see

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  • infer the payload based on examples

    infer the payload based on examples

    By testing and from user guide documentation (/blob/main/docs/user-guide/, I find that RESTler compiler does not use examples in the swagger to construct a valid string for a number of properties. For example for `lastDoneBefore' in the swagger file we have:

    - in: query
      name: lastDoneBefore
      description: Last done service before date and time or duration.
          value: 2008-01-23T12:05:01.700Z
          value: 2008-01-23T00:06:00.000Z
          value: '-P1DT8H5M10S'
          summary: >-
            1 day 8 hours 5 minutes and 10 seconds ago, value is
          value: P3D
          summary: 3 day from now
          value: '-PT8H'
          summary: 8 hours ago
          value: '-PT32M'
          summary: 32minutes ago
          value: PT100S
          summary: 100 seconds from now
      required: false
        type: string

    RESTler cannot interpret the examples in the schema above to construct a valid string for lastDoneBefore. This probably is the main cause for most of our 40x errors.

    2021-02-05 04:20:29.127: Sending: 'GET /url/api/work?pageFromKey=fuzzstring&pageSize=0&pageTotal=true&sort=["fuzzstring"]&healthStatus=["good"]&type=["machine"]&tamperProtectionEnabled=true&lockdownStatus=["creatingWhitelist"]&lastDoneBefore=fuzzstring&lastDoneAfter=fuzzstring&ids=["fuzzstring"]&fields=["fuzzstring"]&view=basic HTTP/1.1\r\nAccept: */*\r\nHost:\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nAccept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br\r\nX-KLM-ID: <...>\r\n_OMITTED_AUTH_TOKEN_\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\nUser-Agent: restler/7.2.0\r\n\r\n'
    2021-02-05 04:20:29.411: Received: 'HTTP/1.1 400 \r\nDate: Tue, 05 Feb 2021 04:20:29 GMT\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\nContent-Length: 231\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nX-Correlation-ID: <...>\r\nX-Request-ID: <...>\r\n\r\n{\n    "error": "illegalArgument",\n    "correlationId": "<...>",\n    "requestId": "<...>",\n    "createdAt": "2021-02-05T04:20:29.262Z",\n    "message": "Invalid request"\n}

    Are there going to be any updates to RESTler's compiler for this matter?

    Otherwise, do I have to add the property to fix custom strings using the "restler_custom_payload" field in dict.json? Is there any better solution, for example, adding to examples.json file?

    bug documentation enhancement 
    opened by mbiuki 25
  • MacOS/Linux Support?

    MacOS/Linux Support?

    Does this tool support Mac/Linux?

    When I compiled the tool and ran the I saw in the error:

    • python3 --api_spec_path $REDACTED/data/file.json --restler_drop_dir $REDACTED/restler-fuzzer-7.2.0/restler_bin
    • System.Exception: Platform not supported

    The documentation only references Windows, so it would be nice to know if windows is the only intended target.

    opened by LewisArdern 18
  • Why are there more values fuzzed than specified in the dictionary?

    Why are there more values fuzzed than specified in the dictionary?

    Hi! I defined in my (custom) dict.json that a fuzzable datetime object should look like this:

      "restler_fuzzable_datetime": [

    However, when I run restler test, I see in the network testing log that It's testing with a group like this:

    + restler_fuzzable_datetime: ['"2019-06-26T20:20:39+00:00"', '"2021-10-17"', '"2021-09-15"']
                                                                    definitely not mine 

    This leads to the tests failing since the format is not supported. How do I make sure only my dict is used?

    opened by c7h 14
  • How do I force Restler to try out all different values provided in a custom payload?

    How do I force Restler to try out all different values provided in a custom payload?

    ... or what would be the best practice to achieve something similar, if custom payloads are not intended for this purpose? I am testing Restler on a very simple CRUD Api for TodoItems (id: Integer, name: String, isComplete: Boolean) and have provided the following custom payload in the dictionary:

    "restler_custom_payload": {
      "name": [
        "fuzzstring", "ultrasuperduperannoyinglylongstringwithwhichtofuzz"

    and introduced a very simple bug which I was hoping to "catch" with Restler. Trying to POST or PUT any TodoItem with a name longer than 20 characters returns 501. After 5 minutes in fuzz mode, Restler only uses the shorter string for any and all requests and thus does not discover the bug. The one exception and only reason I know the custom payload was correctly compiled is that Restler used the second, longer string once, in a sequence where it POSTed an item with the short name, deleted it and then tried to PUT an item with the long name at the same id. Resulting in a 404 because the item has been deleted.

    If I reverse the order in this list, it will try to POST with the long name, get the 501, create a bug bucket, try the short string and (sensibly) use the short name in all further tests. I would like to know how I can test each value at least once, without needing to manually order them such that the correct ones come last and whether a custom payload is even the right way to do that.

    Thanks, Joris

    opened by Joris-Kuehl 11
  • Test command not sending any requests

    Test command not sending any requests

    Hi, I have used latest image from Docker hub to setup Restler. Howerver, if I run test command, it does not send any requests. All request related files (runSummary.json, errorBuckets.json etc..) are empty. Following entries can be found in the logs: 2021-05-05T10:40:47.0744743Z Request coverage (successful / total): 0 / 1 2021-05-05T10:40:47.0745209Z No bugs were found. 2021-05-05T10:40:47.0745516Z Task Test succeeded. Am I doing anything wrong here?

    opened by Gurubg1 11
  • Track parameter combinations in the spec coverage file.

    Track parameter combinations in the spec coverage file.

    This change adds a new option to track parameter combinations to the engine.

    When the fuzzing mode is 'test-all-combinations', a new property 'tracked_parameters' will appear in speccov.json. This property contains key-value pairs of all of the parameters for which more than one combination is being tested.

    In this commit, the parameters for which tracking is supported are:

    • enums
    • custom payloads

    For example, an enum 'per_page' with several values will appear as:

        "tracked_parameters": {
            "per_page_9": "2"

    The suffix '9' is used to disambiguate between several primitives of the same name appearing in the payload (for example "location" appears several times in a body), and is the position of the argument in the request definition.

    Full support for tracking fuzzable primitives will be enabled in a future update. For fuzzable primitives, the name of the parameter or property in the payload is not yet included, and a default 'tracked_param' name is used instead.

    For example:

        "tracked_parameters": {
            "tracked_param_14": "1"
    opened by marina-p 10
  • NameSpaceRuleChecker: Questions and possible bug with DELETE

    NameSpaceRuleChecker: Questions and possible bug with DELETE

    Dear developers

    I'm aware that this checker is currently off by default, but nevertheless I played around with it and have a few questions about it. It's basically three questions in one issue, but they are related to each other so I'm including them in one issue.

    To test, I'm using the following REST API:

    POST /rest/admin/products/{username} => This creates a product provided by user {username}. This can only be done by a user with a valid JSON Web Token (JWT) and only if the username in the token corresponds to {username}. It returns, among other data, the productID of the newly created product.

    GET /rest/admin/products/{username}/{productID} => Allows to get a product. Can only be done with valid JWT that contains the corresponding username. So just like the POST request above, this is part of the "administrative area" of the API (anything below /rest/admin) to maintain products.

    DELETE /rest/admin/products/{username}/{productID} => Allows to delete a product. Can only be done with valid JWT that contains the corresponding username. Also part of the "administrative area".

    GET /rest/products/{productID} => Allows any user (no authentication required) to get a product. So in contrast to the requests above, this is not part of the "administrative area" of the API used for maintaining product, but allows anonymous users to view product details.

    There's a little python program that returns valid JWTs of two users, luke and snoopy. This is used in parameter --token_refresh_command.

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    import sys
    sys.stdout.write("{'luke':{}, 'snoopy':{}}\n")
    sys.stdout.write("Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJNYXJrZXRwbGFjZSIsInN1YiI6Imx1a2UiLCJleHAiOjE5MDczNTM5NzJ9.jdoYfz_diOQa...\n")
    sys.stdout.write("Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJNYXJrZXRwbGFjZSIsInN1YiI6InNub29weSIsImV4cCI6MTkwNzM1NDAxMX0.XiOtGu...\n")

    I've added two vulnerabilities:

    • With a valid JWT, one can GET the products of another user, e.g., snoopy can successfully execute GET /rest/admin/products/luke/25 to get a product that belongs to luke.
    • With a valid JWT, one can DELETE the products of another user, e.g., snoopy can successfully execute DELETE /rest/admin/products/luke/25 to delete a product that belongs to luke.

    The results of fuzz-lean are as follows:

    • GET /rest/admin/products/luke/25 as user snoopy is correctly recognised as a vulnerability.
    • GET /rest/products/25 is wrongly flagged as a vulnerability. Intuitively, I wouldn't have expected this as the POST request created the product below /rest/admin/products/luke. But apparently, a vulnerability is flagged if the corresponding productID is used in any other request, no matter what the full pat is. Is this intentional?
    • DELETE /rest/admin/products/luke/25 as user snoopy is not recognised as a vulnerability. Apparently, when testing this, restler first does a POST and a corresponding DELETE (so the product is removed), and then it does another DELETE (I assume with the second user). This results in a 4xx error, as the product is longer there. This seems to be a wrong verification approach and a possible bug. The correct approach would be to do POST with the JWT of user1 and then DELETE with the JWT of user2.

    And a final question: Is there a way to link the username in a token (that is returned by the python script above in my case) with the username that is used in the path of the POST request? Right now, I have hardcoded this in which works (so it always uses username luke), but this is not really an elegant solution.

    So to summarise: three questions/issues:

    • Is allowed access to GET /rest/products/25 intentional?
    • Is the missed vulnerability with DELETE /rest/admin/products/luke/25 due to a bug?
    • Is there a good way to link the username in a JWT to parameters used in requests?

    For reference, I've attached, the network log and the two reported vulnerabilities.

    Thanks a lot! Marc network.testing.140572845729536.1.txt NameSpaceRuleChecker_20x_1.txt NameSpaceRuleChecker_20x_2.txt

    opened by rennhard 10
  • Moved Permanently (301) Error During Testing

    Moved Permanently (301) Error During Testing


    I am having trouble getting past the Testing step as I am receiving 0% request coverage. On every endpoint request there is a 301 "Moved Permanently" error. I changed the API spec to contain only one endpoint so it is easier to work with / troubleshoot.

    Here is the command I am running for test:

    $ dotnet ~/restler-fuzzer/restler_bin/restler/Restler.dll test 
          --grammar_file Compile/ 
          --dictionary_file Compile/dict.json 
          --settings Compile/engine_settings.json 
          --token_refresh_command "python3 ~/restler-fuzzer/demo/" 
          --token_refresh_interval 720 
    Starting task Test...
    Using python: 'python3' (Python 3.9.7)
    Request coverage (successful / total): 0 / 1
    No bugs were found.
    Task Test succeeded.
    Collecting logs...

    Here is whats returned in the speccov.json file (host is omitted): image

    All configurations (dictionary, engine_settings, grammar) are set to default / are unchanged. My API spec uses token based authentication and I have a simple script to generate the token:

    print("{u'myapp': {}}")
    print("Authorization: Bearer XXXXXX")

    Even when trying to force other errors I still receive a 301. For example I tried adding an endpoint with a URI that clearly doesn't exist hoping to get a 401 error but I still receive a 301. Even when I remove the auth token script I expect to receive some failed auth status but I do not.

    When I try these endpoints in Postman they are successful so I am not sure where the issue is. I noticed that RESTler does not support API endpoints that depend on server-side redirecting but the endpoint I am using does not.

    Any tips on how to troubleshoot this would be appreciated and if there is any information you would like me to provide, let me know.

    opened by ivanmudarth 9
  • Support multiple authentication headers in requests

    Support multiple authentication headers in requests

    Summary of the Pull Request

    Currently, scripts to generate authentication tokens can only provide one single authentication header for API requests. For various use cases (such as API sandboxes), multiple authentication headers are required to allow the API to function properly (e.g. additional API keys).

    This PR allows authentication scripts to provide multiple authentication headers for all requests, where the required headers for each application are separated with a --- delimiter on a new line.

    The new format for authentication scripts requiring multiple authentication headers for each request is:

    {u'app1': {}, u'app2':{}}
    ApiTokenTag: 9A
    ApiTokenTag2: 85
    ApiTokenTag: ZQ
    ApiTokenTag2: UE

    This change is backwards compatible, since headers are still parsed for each application if the --- delimiter is not found:

    {u'app1': {}, u'app2':{}}
    ApiTokenTag: 9A  // Header for app1
    ApiTokenTag: ZQ  // Header for app2

    The changes have been manually tested on our real-world API example and it worked as expected. Also a separate unit test is included to cover all edge cases:

    PR Checklist

    • [x] CLA signed. If not, go over here and sign.
    • [x] Tests added/passed.
    • [x] Requires documentation to be updated
    • [x] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different approach. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx
    opened by victor-li 9
  • Sequence of requests

    Sequence of requests

    Hi RESTler authors,

    I'm using RESTler to test a small local-hosted service, for which RESTler doesn't seem to infer a lot of producer-consumer dependencies (please see attached dependencies.json.txt). In the fuzzing phase, however, I still see a lot of sequences of requests generated in various lengths (please see attached network.testing*.txt). I wonder why? If there is no dependency relationship, would a request be appended to any existing sequence? Is it because of checkers? Thanks! dependencies.json.txt network.testing.140060271036160.1.txt

    opened by qixin5 9
  • Error: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x9d in position 681: invalid start byte

    Error: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x9d in position 681: invalid start byte

    Starting restler with cmd:

    restler test --grammar_file Compile/ --dictionary_file Compile/dict.json --token_refresh_interval 3500 --token_refresh_command "python3.8 /opt/api/some-service/" --no_ssl

    Some minutes later:

    ERROR: Restler engine failed. See logs in /opt/api/admin-service/Test directory for more information.

    But EngineStdErr is empty. The information in EngineStdOut:

    Initializing: Garbage collection every 30 seconds. Terminating garbage collection. Waiting for max 300 seconds. 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x9d in position 681: invalid start byte

    The information from main.txt:

    Rendering request 14 from scratch

    2021-03-18 11:09:59.824: Final Swagger spec coverage: 4 / 25 2021-03-18 11:09:59.824: Rendered requests: 0 / 25 2021-03-18 11:09:59.824: Rendered requests with "valid" status codes: 4 / 0 2021-03-18 11:09:59.824: Num fully valid requests (no resource creation failures): 4 2021-03-18 11:09:59.824: Num requests not rendered due to invalid sequence re-renders: 0 2021-03-18 11:09:59.824: Num invalid requests caused by failed resource creations: 0 2021-03-18 11:09:59.824: Total Creations of Dyn Objects: 0 2021-03-18 11:09:59.824: Total Requests Sent: {'gc': 0, 'main_driver': 71} 2021-03-18 11:09:59.824: Bug Buckets: {'main_driver_504': 1}

    opened by InLineR495 9
  • Query stripped from endpoints

    Query stripped from endpoints


    RESTler is stripping query from endpoints when trying different combinations for an endpoint (the last combination). In HTTP traffic logs (network.testing.xxxx.txt), the log for such requests has the query present as 'restler_static_string' but it is not part of the actual request sent. Here is the log for an example request.

    This makes the errors in speccov.json very misleading because speccov.json includes the last request combination for an endpoint and the last combination is the one with its query stripped.

    The following is the log in speccov.json for the same request. The error message says that the mandatory HTTP header "x-ms-blob-type" is not specified for this request. This error does not correspond to the endpoint that is being tested i.e., "/{containerName}/{blob}?comp=seal" because it is generated for the endpoint "/{containerName}/{blob}", without query.

    ["29431971b3bea3460dbcf6ad5662cac3e7783dad_2": {
            "verb": "PUT",
            "endpoint": `"/{containerName}/{blob}?comp=seal",
            "verb_endpoint": "PUT /{containerName}/{blob}?comp=seal",
            "valid": 0,
            "matching_prefix": "None",
            "invalid_due_to_sequence_failure": 0,
            "invalid_due_to_resource_failure": 0,
            "invalid_due_to_parser_failure": 0,
            "invalid_due_to_500": 0,
            "status_code": "400",
            "status_text": `"An HTTP header that's mandatory for this request is not specified.",
            "error_message": "\ufeff<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n<Error><Code>MissingRequiredHeader</Code><Message>An HTTP header that&apos;s mandatory for this request is not specified.\nRequestId:a3243340-f01e-009c-323f-145ad8000000\nTime:2022-12-20T06:54:12.4169971Z</Message><HeaderName>x-ms-blob-type</HeaderName></Error>",
            "request_order": 6,
            "sample_request": {
                "request_sent_timestamp": null,
                "response_received_timestamp": "2022-12-20 06:54:12",
                "request_verb": "PUT",
                "request_uri": "/mycontainer905e6e8e45/test_file",
                "request_headers": [
                    "Accept: application/json",
                    "x-ms-version: 2021-12-02",
                    "AUTHORIZATION TOKEN"
                "request_body": null,
                "response_status_code": "400",
                "response_status_text": "An HTTP header that's mandatory for this request is not specified.",
                "response_headers": [
                    "Content-Length: 301",
                    "Content-Type: application/xml",
                    "Server: Windows-Azure-Blob/1.0 Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0",
                    "x-ms-error-code: MissingRequiredHeader",
                    "x-ms-request-id: a3243340-f01e-009c-323f-145ad8000000",
                    "x-ms-version: 2021-12-02",
                    "Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2022 06:54:12 GMT"
                "response_body": "\ufeff<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n<Error><Code>MissingRequiredHeader</Code><Message>An HTTP header that&apos;s mandatory for this request is not specified.\nRequestId:a3243340-f01e-009c-323f-145ad8000000\nTime:2022-12-20T06:54:12.4169971Z</Message><HeaderName>x-ms-blob-type</HeaderName></Error>"
            "tracked_parameters": {}

    Steps to reproduce

    • Use RESTler to compile Azure Storage swagger specs.
    • Run RESTler in Test mode.

    Expected results

    Query should not be removed from endpoints.

    Actual results

    Query removed from combinations of certain requests.

    Environment details

    OS: Windows, Python: 3.8.2, .NET version: 6.0.404, RESTler version: 9.1.0

    opened by anna-mazhar 1
  • Exclude certain fields from being fuzzed

    Exclude certain fields from being fuzzed


    Is there a way to exclude certain headers/query params/body from being fuzzed and keep it static as part of the requests, perhaps by changing the config.json or dict.json?


    opened by ghostpepper108 1
  • allow specifying that 'create_once' APIs should be fuzzed in the same run

    allow specifying that 'create_once' APIs should be fuzzed in the same run

    💡 Idea

    Today, if a resource is specified in 'create_once', it is excluded from fuzzing. This is inconvenient, since the user must now configure two separate RESTler jobs - one with 'create_once' specified, and one just with the creation API so it can be fuzzed.

    RESTler's interface should be improved to allow specifying both to fuzz the create API and subsequently use it in 'create_once' mode for dependencies.

    Design Notes

    No response

    opened by marina-p 0
  • New report to speed up improving coverage

    New report to speed up improving coverage

    Today, it can be slow and painful to figure out some basic questions during coverage investigations by reading the RESTler output files, without writing additional scripts. For example:

    1. Which request, if fixed, would unblock the highest number of requests? In other words, which request should I work on fixing first?

    2. What are all the failed requests that were actually tried (not skipped because of a dependency)?

    3. What is the sequence of concrete requests that were sent for each failure? Today, this needs to be gathered by navigating and copy-pasting in speccov.json, or by finding the same sequence in the network logs (which is not easy to correlate with the speccov file, since request/sequence IDs are not printed there).

    This change includes the following improvements to address these issues:

    1. The engine writes a second file in addition to speccov.json, speccov-min.json, which includes the raw request and response. This leaves the speccov.json file unmodified, since speccov.json format is optimized for directly uploading to a database for further analysis, whereas speccov-min is generated to provide a quick way to generate a report that is more user-friendly to inspect directly.

    2. The engine now prints all combinations to the speccov.json file (up to a maximum), then post-processes this file to determine the data for each request, and provides the first request as the sample request. This allows failures for user-specified examples to be quickly investigated - the last request, on the contrary, is usually a RESTler-generated request (e.g. with 'fuzzstring' plugged in for all string parameters).

    Closes #637

    1. This new 'speccov-min.json' is post-processed by the RESTler driver to produce a new text file, which contains the failed requests, prioritized by the number of dependent requests. For each failed request, RESTler includes the full sequence of requests and responses up to the failure.

    2. Fixed several bugs and missing information in the spec coverage file.

    opened by marina-p 0
  • endpoint definition in is incorrect

    endpoint definition in is incorrect


    The endpoint should be taken from the request ID in the grammar.

    The current implementation does not work for x-ms-paths - the endpoint should include the query in those cases.

    Steps to reproduce

    Provide an endpoint in per-resource settings. Then, inspect the request collection endpoints - they do not correspond to the endpoints specified in the grammar.

    Expected results

    No response

    Actual results

    No response

    Environment details

    No response

    opened by marina-p 1
Open source projects and samples from Microsoft
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