I encountered this numpy type error during the evaluation phase. Any idea how to fix this?
How to reproduce the error
(env)$ python main.py
--data_type detection
--config_file detection_config.json
--data_root_dir ~/../pubtables/PubTables1M-Detection-PASCAL-VOC/
Error Message
{'lr': 5e-05, 'lr_backbone': 1e-05, 'batch_size': 2, 'weight_decay': 0.0001, 'epochs': 20, 'lr_drop': 1, 'lr_gamma': 0.9, 'clip_max_norm': 0.1, 'backbone': 'resnet18', 'num_classes': 2, 'dilation': False, 'position_
embedding': 'sine', 'emphasized_weights': {}, 'enc_layers': 6, 'dec_layers': 6, 'dim_feedforward': 2048, 'hidden_dim': 256, 'dropout': 0.1, 'nheads': 8, 'num_queries': 15, 'pre_norm': True, 'masks': False, 'aux_loss
': False, 'mask_loss_coef': 1, 'dice_loss_coef': 1, 'ce_loss_coef': 1, 'bbox_loss_coef': 5, 'giou_loss_coef': 2, 'eos_coef': 0.4, 'set_cost_class': 1, 'set_cost_bbox': 5, 'set_cost_giou': 2, 'device': 'cuda', 'seed'
: 42, 'start_epoch': 0, 'num_workers': 1, 'data_root_dir': '/home/lxyuan/../pubtables/PubTables1M-Detection-PASCAL-VOC/', 'config_file': 'detection_config.json', 'data_type': 'detection', 'model_load_path': None, 'l
oad_weights_only': False, 'model_save_dir': None, 'metrics_save_filepath': '', 'debug_save_dir': 'debug', 'table_words_dir': None, 'mode': 'train', 'debug': False, 'checkpoint_freq': 1, 'train_max_size': None, 'val_
max_size': None, 'test_max_size': None, 'eval_pool_size': 1, 'eval_step': 1, '__module__': '__main__', '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Args' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Args' objects>
, '__doc__': None}
loading model
loading data
loading data
creating index...
index created!
finished loading data in : 0:00:04.291752
Max batches per epoch: 230294
Output directory: /home/lxyuan/../pubtables/PubTables1M-Detection-PASCAL-VOC/output/20220815202559
Output model path: /home/lxyuan/../pubtables/PubTables1M-Detection-PASCAL-VOC/output/20220815202559/model.pth
Start training
Epoch: [0] [ 0/230294] eta: 21:14:22 lr: 0.000050 class_error: 33.33 loss: 7.6202 (7.6202) loss_ce: 1.3217 (1.3217) loss_bbox: 4.0440 (4.0440) loss_giou: 2.2545 (2.2545) loss_ce_unscaled: 1.3217 (1.3217
) class_error_unscaled: 33.3333 (33.3333) loss_bbox_unscaled: 0.8088 (0.8088) loss_giou_unscaled: 1.1273 (1.1273) cardinality_error_unscaled: 12.5000 (12.5000) time: 0.3320 data: 0.1073 max mem: 796
Epoch: [0] [ 1000/230294] eta: 5:37:18 lr: 0.000050 class_error: 100.00 loss: 2.3491 (3.9134) loss_ce: 0.4271 (0.4534) loss_bbox: 1.0936 (2.2053) loss_giou: 0.8212 (1.2548) loss_ce_unscaled: 0.4271 (0.4534
) class_error_unscaled: 100.0000 (96.9789) loss_bbox_unscaled: 0.2187 (0.4411) loss_giou_unscaled: 0.4106 (0.6274) cardinality_error_unscaled: 1.0000 (1.0919) time: 0.0870 data: 0.0046 max mem: 1393
Epoch: [0] [ 2000/230294] eta: 5:37:05 lr: 0.000050 class_error: 100.00 loss: 3.2153 (3.2962) loss_ce: 0.3987 (0.4452) loss_bbox: 1.6650 (1.7887) loss_giou: 1.0126 (1.0623) loss_ce_unscaled: 0.3987 (0.4452
) class_error_unscaled: 100.0000 (94.8372) loss_bbox_unscaled: 0.3330 (0.3577) loss_giou_unscaled: 0.5063 (0.5312) cardinality_error_unscaled: 1.0000 (1.0160) time: 0.0845 data: 0.0045 max mem: 1393
Epoch: [0] [ 3000/230294] eta: 5:35:23 lr: 0.000050 class_error: 100.00 loss: 2.4226 (2.9530) loss_ce: 0.3809 (0.4328) loss_bbox: 1.1276 (1.5422) loss_giou: 0.8819 (0.9780) loss_ce_unscaled: 0.3809 (0.4328
) class_error_unscaled: 100.0000 (92.2951) loss_bbox_unscaled: 0.2255 (0.3084) loss_giou_unscaled: 0.4409 (0.4890) cardinality_error_unscaled: 1.0000 (0.9888) time: 0.0883 data: 0.0045 max mem: 1393
Epoch: [0] [ 4000/230294] eta: 5:35:24 lr: 0.000050 class_error: 0.00 loss: 1.8408 (2.7103) loss_ce: 0.3210 (0.4222) loss_bbox: 0.7209 (1.3707) loss_giou: 0.6109 (0.9174) loss_ce_unscaled: 0.3210 (0.4222)
class_error_unscaled: 50.0000 (89.8711) loss_bbox_unscaled: 0.1442 (0.2741) loss_giou_unscaled: 0.3055 (0.4587) cardinality_error_unscaled: 0.5000 (0.9609) time: 0.0906 data: 0.0049 max mem: 1393
Epoch: [0] [ 5000/230294] eta: 5:34:34 lr: 0.000050 class_error: 0.00 loss: 2.0806 (2.5365) loss_ce: 0.3440 (0.4120) loss_bbox: 0.7721 (1.2546) loss_giou: 0.7145 (0.8699) loss_ce_unscaled: 0.3440 (0.4120)
class_error_unscaled: 75.0000 (86.8418) loss_bbox_unscaled: 0.1544 (0.2509) loss_giou_unscaled: 0.3572 (0.4349) cardinality_error_unscaled: 0.5000 (0.9352) time: 0.0928 data: 0.0048 max mem: 1393
Epoch: [0] [ 6000/230294] eta: 5:33:42 lr: 0.000050 class_error: 50.00 loss: 1.5561 (2.4004) loss_ce: 0.3442 (0.4008) loss_bbox: 0.5955 (1.1669) loss_giou: 0.5303 (0.8327) loss_ce_unscaled: 0.3442 (0.4008)
class_error_unscaled: 66.6667 (82.8963) loss_bbox_unscaled: 0.1191 (0.2334) loss_giou_unscaled: 0.2652 (0.4163) cardinality_error_unscaled: 0.5000 (0.8982) time: 0.0910 data: 0.0048 max mem: 1393
Epoch: [0] [ 7000/230294] eta: 5:32:53 lr: 0.000050 class_error: 100.00 loss: 1.9024 (2.2844) loss_ce: 0.2432 (0.3884) loss_bbox: 0.6760 (1.0965) loss_giou: 0.6833 (0.7995) loss_ce_unscaled: 0.2432 (0.3884
) class_error_unscaled: 50.0000 (79.1719) loss_bbox_unscaled: 0.1352 (0.2193) loss_giou_unscaled: 0.3416 (0.3998) cardinality_error_unscaled: 0.5000 (0.8579) time: 0.0856 data: 0.0047 max mem: 1393
Epoch: [0] [ 8000/230294] eta: 5:31:30 lr: 0.000050 class_error: 50.00 loss: 1.3197 (2.1904) loss_ce: 0.2045 (0.3753) loss_bbox: 0.5773 (1.0416) loss_giou: 0.6363 (0.7734) loss_ce_unscaled: 0.2045 (0.3753)
class_error_unscaled: 33.3333 (75.1935) loss_bbox_unscaled: 0.1155 (0.2083) loss_giou_unscaled: 0.3182 (0.3867) cardinality_error_unscaled: 0.0000 (0.8116) time: 0.0903 data: 0.0047 max mem: 1393
Epoch: [0] [ 9000/230294] eta: 5:30:25 lr: 0.000050 class_error: 100.00 loss: 1.2540 (2.1009) loss_ce: 0.2317 (0.3612) loss_bbox: 0.4740 (0.9915) loss_giou: 0.5079 (0.7482) loss_ce_unscaled: 0.2317 (0.3612
) class_error_unscaled: 50.0000 (71.3004) loss_bbox_unscaled: 0.0948 (0.1983) loss_giou_unscaled: 0.2539 (0.3741) cardinality_error_unscaled: 0.5000 (0.7655) time: 0.0909 data: 0.0048 max mem: 1393
Epoch: [0] [230293/230294] eta: 0:00:00 lr: 0.000050 class_error: 0.00 loss: 0.2878 (0.4740) loss_ce: 0.0005 (0.0355) loss_bbox: 0.1188 (0.2152) loss_giou: 0.1408 (0.2233) loss_ce_unscaled: 0.0005 (0.0355)
class_error_unscaled: 0.0000 (4.7529) loss_bbox_unscaled: 0.0238 (0.0430) loss_giou_unscaled: 0.0704 (0.1116) cardinality_error_unscaled: 0.0000 (0.0790) time: 0.0888 data: 0.0057 max mem: 1393
Epoch: [0] Total time: 5:45:45 (0.0901 s / it)
Averaged stats: lr: 0.000050 class_error: 0.00 loss: 0.2878 (0.4740) loss_ce: 0.0005 (0.0355) loss_bbox: 0.1188 (0.2152) loss_giou: 0.1408 (0.2233) loss_ce_unscaled: 0.0005 (0.0355) class_error_unscaled: 0.00
00 (4.7529) loss_bbox_unscaled: 0.0238 (0.0430) loss_giou_unscaled: 0.0704 (0.1116) cardinality_error_unscaled: 0.0000 (0.0790)
Epoch completed in 5:45:45.451181
File "/home/lxyuan/playground/table-transformer/src/main.py", line 368, in main
train(args, model, criterion, postprocessors, device)
File "/home/lxyuan/playground/table-transformer/src/main.py", line 317, in train
pubmed_stats, coco_evaluator = evaluate(model, criterion,
File "/home/lxyuan/playground/table-transformer/env/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/torch/autograd/grad_mode.py", line 27, in decorate_context
return func(*args, **kwargs)
File "/home/lxyuan/playground/table-transformer/src/../detr/engine.py", line 81, in evaluate
coco_evaluator = CocoEvaluator(base_ds, iou_types)
File "/home/lxyuan/playground/table-transformer/src/../detr/datasets/coco_eval.py", line 31, in __init__
self.coco_eval[iou_type] = COCOeval(coco_gt, iouType=iou_type)
File "/home/lxyuan/playground/table-transformer/env/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/pycocotools/cocoeval.py", line 76, in __init__
self.params = Params(iouType=iouType) # parameters
File "/home/lxyuan/playground/table-transformer/env/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/pycocotools/cocoeval.py", line 527, in __init__
File "/home/lxyuan/playground/table-transformer/env/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/pycocotools/cocoeval.py", line 507, in setDetParams
self.iouThrs = np.linspace(.5, 0.95, np.round((0.95 - .5) / .05) + 1, endpoint=True)
File "<__array_function__ internals>", line 180, in linspace
File "/home/lxyuan/playground/table-transformer/env/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/numpy/core/function_base.py", line 120, in linspace
num = operator.index(num)
TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object cannot be interpreted as an integer
It seems like i was able to complete one training epoch but got the numpy error message when we were trying to evaluate model performance on the validation set (i.e., src/main:L317
Similar error when I tried to use main.py
to evaluate model performance directly.
How to reproduce the error
(env)$ python main.py
--mode eval
--data_type detection
--config_file detection_config.json
--data_root_dir ~/../pubtables/PubTables1M-Detection-PASCAL-VOC/
--model_load_path ../pretrained_models/pubtables1m_detection_detr_r18.pth
Error Message
{'lr': 5e-05, 'lr_backbone': 1e-05, 'batch_size': 2, 'weight_decay': 0.0001, 'epochs': 20, 'lr_drop': 1, 'lr_gamma': 0.9, 'clip_max_norm': 0.1, 'backbone': 'resnet18', 'num_classes': 2, 'dilation': False, 'pos
ition_embedding': 'sine', 'emphasized_weights': {}, 'enc_layers': 6, 'dec_layers': 6, 'dim_feedforward': 2048, 'hidden_dim': 256, 'dropout': 0.1, 'nheads': 8, 'num_queries': 15, 'pre_norm': True, 'masks': Fals
e, 'aux_loss': False, 'mask_loss_coef': 1, 'dice_loss_coef': 1, 'ce_loss_coef': 1, 'bbox_loss_coef': 5, 'giou_loss_coef': 2, 'eos_coef': 0.4, 'set_cost_class': 1, 'set_cost_bbox': 5, 'set_cost_giou': 2, 'devic
e': 'cuda', 'seed': 42, 'start_epoch': 0, 'num_workers': 1, 'data_root_dir': '/home/lxyuan/mini-pubtables/PubTables1M-Dectection-PASCAL-VOC/', 'config_file': 'detection_config.json', 'data_type': 'detection',
'model_load_path': '../pretrained_models/pubtables1m_detection_detr_r18.pth', 'load_weights_only': False, 'model_save_dir': None, 'metrics_save_filepath': '', 'debug_save_dir': 'debug', 'table_words_dir': None
, 'mode': 'eval', 'debug': False, 'checkpoint_freq': 1, 'train_max_size': None, 'val_max_size': None, 'test_max_size': None, 'eval_pool_size': 1, 'eval_step': 1, '__module__': '__main__', '__dict__': <attribut
e '__dict__' of 'Args' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Args' objects>, '__doc__': None}
loading model
loading model from checkpoint
loading data
creating index...
index created!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/lxyuan/playground/table-transformer/src/main.py", line 375, in <module>
File "/home/lxyuan/playground/table-transformer/src/main.py", line 371, in main
eval_coco(args, model, criterion, postprocessors, data_loader_test, dataset_test, device)
File "/home/lxyuan/playground/table-transformer/src/eval.py", line 693, in eval_coco
pubmed_stats, coco_evaluator = evaluate(args, model, criterion, postprocessors,
File "/home/lxyuan/playground/table-transformer/env/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/torch/autograd/grad_mode.py", line 27, in decorate_context
return func(*args, **kwargs)
File "/home/lxyuan/playground/table-transformer/src/eval.py", line 586, in evaluate
coco_evaluator = CocoEvaluator(base_ds, iou_types)
File "/home/lxyuan/playground/table-transformer/src/../detr/datasets/coco_eval.py", line 31, in __init__
self.coco_eval[iou_type] = COCOeval(coco_gt, iouType=iou_type)
File "/home/lxyuan/playground/table-transformer/env/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/pycocotools/cocoeval.py", line 76, in __init__
self.params = Params(iouType=iouType) # parameters
File "/home/lxyuan/playground/table-transformer/env/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/pycocotools/cocoeval.py", line 527, in __init__
File "/home/lxyuan/playground/table-transformer/env/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/pycocotools/cocoeval.py", line 507, in setDetParams
self.iouThrs = np.linspace(.5, 0.95, np.round((0.95 - .5) / .05) + 1, endpoint=True)
File "<__array_function__ internals>", line 180, in linspace
File "/home/lxyuan/playground/table-transformer/env/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/numpy/core/function_base.py", line 120, in linspace
num = operator.index(num)
TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object cannot be interpreted as an integer
NOTE: I am using numpy==1.23.2
and python3.9