PSPNet in Chainer



This is an unofficial implementation of Pyramid Scene Parsing Network (PSPNet) in Chainer.



  • Python 3.4.4+
    • Chainer 3.0.0b1+
    • ChainerMN master
    • CuPy 2.0.0b1+
    • ChainerCV 0.6.0+
    • NumPy 1.12.0+
    • tqdm 4.11.0+
pip install chainer --pre
pip install cupy --pre
pip install git+git://
pip install git+git://
pip install tqdm

Inference using converted weights


  • Python 3.4.4+
    • Chainer 3.0.0b1+
    • ChainerCV 0.6.0+
    • Matplotlib 2.0.0+
    • CuPy 2.0.0b1+
    • tqdm 4.11.0+

1. Run


$ python -g 0 -m cityscapes -f aachen_000000_000019_leftImg8bit.png

Pascal VOC2012

$ python -g 0 -m voc2012 -f 2008_000005.jpg


$ python -g 0 -m ade20k -f ADE_val_00000001.jpg


If you get RuntimeError: Invalid DISPLAY variable, how about specifying the matplotlib's backend by an environment variable?

$ MPLBACKEND=Agg python -g 0 -m cityscapes -f aachen_000000_000019_leftImg8bit.png

Convert weights by yourself

Caffe is NOT needed to convert .caffemodel to Chainer model. Use


  • Python 3.4.4+
    • protobuf 3.2.0+
    • Chainer 3.0.0b1+
    • NumPy 1.12.0+

1. Download the original weights

Please download the weights below from the author's repository:

and then put them into weights directory.

2. Convert weights

$ python


  • The original implementation by authors is: hszhao/PSPNet
  • The original paper is:
    • Hengshuang Zhao, Jianping Shi, Xiaojuan Qi, Xiaogang Wang, Jiaya Jia, "Pyramid Scene Parsing Network", Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2017
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    Training failes with ModuleNotFoundError when using

    Hi, I got following error when I tried to train PSP net with your How can I train my PSPNet model?

    root@5e6e3385ca5a:/yendo/oss/chainer-pspnet# python3 --result_dir result configs/cityscapes/pspnet.yml
    Warning: using naive communicator because only naive supports CPU-only execution
    Num process (COMM_WORLD): 1
    Using single_node communicator
    Chainer version: 3.4.0
    ChainerMN version: 1.2.0
    cuda: True, cudnn: True
    result_dir: result
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 504, in <module>
        trainer = get_trainer(args)
      File "", line 374, in get_trainer
        model = get_model_from_config(config, comm)
      File "", line 239, in get_model_from_config
        loss.module,, loss.args, comm)
      File "", line 219, in get_model
        mod = import_module(loss_module)
      File "/root/.pyenv/versions/anaconda3-5.0.1/lib/python3.6/importlib/", line 126, in import_module
        return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)
      File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 994, in _gcd_import
      File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 971, in _find_and_load
      File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 941, in _find_and_load_unlocked
      File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
      File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 994, in _gcd_import
      File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 971, in _find_and_load
      File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 953, in _find_and_load_unlocked
    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'loss'
    opened by jo7ueb 0
  • Training Fails with IndexError when using

    Training Fails with IndexError when using

    Hi, I got following error when I tried to train PSP net with your How can I train my PSPNet model?

    root@9bdbca328f5f:/yendo/oss/chainer-pspnet# python3 --gpu --result_dir result configs/cityscapes/pspnet.yml
    Chainer version: 3.4.0
    CuPy version: 2.4.0
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 483, in <module>
        trainer = get_trainer(args)
      File "", line 339, in get_trainer
        chainer.cuda.available, chainer.cuda.cudnn_enabled, ))
    IndexError: tuple index out of range
    opened by jo7ueb 0
  • could you actually train a new model?

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    Hi, I am currently trying to train the cityscapes dataset with your code, but the result is miserable: still 0.5263158 (=1/19) class accuracy after 120 epochs. Apparently, the loss of training data is converged correctly, so it seems like a perfect over fitting. Since I used the same settings as yours, i am wondering how you managed to reproduce the results(maybe i need less learning rate?). thanks in advance!

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Shunta Saito
Ph.D in Engineering, Researcher at Preferred Networks, Inc.
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