A python script that uses pygame to display fractals.



A python script that uses pygame to display interactive fractals. There are 3 fractals on the script. They can be displayed on the colors gray, blue, pink. You can walk and zoom on the fractals.

Mandelbrot Set

Mandelbrot Set

Burning Ship

Burning Ship




The following modules are required:

  • pygame
  • numba

Just type:

git clone https://github.com/mlchelCar/pygame-fractals.git
cd pygame-fractals
pip3 install -r requirements.txt


python3 pygame-fractals.py fractal color

  • fractal: mandelbrot/burning_ship/other
  • color: gray/pink/blue


  • Escape key: quit
  • Up key: move up
  • Down key: move down
  • Left key: move left
  • Right key: move right
  • Shift key: zoom in
  • Ctrl key: zoom out
  • Space key: refresh
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