Coodesh Back-end Challenge ID: 917
The Python Back-end Coodesh Challenge
This API automatically retrieves users from the RandomUser.me once a day and stores on an internal database for later CRUD operations.
About the API
This API is built on python using the Flask-RESTx + SQLAlchemy ORM and SQLite3 database + Marshmallow Serializer.
How to install
- Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/mv-per/coodesh-flask
- Install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
How to Use
Run WebServer
python app.py
go to swagger documentation at http://localhost:5000/docs
NOT IMPLEMENTED Update API configurations in API Configuration
- max_list_size: Size of your database (Default=2000)
- time_to_get_users: At what time the API will load the users into the database (Default="12:48")
- load_size: The size of the load from randomUser (used to avoid server overloading) (Default=100)
- flush_database_everytime: true if you want to erase all current users from database prior to add new ones (Default=false)
Perform CRUD operations with the client list in the Users Section
API DOCUMENTATION http://localhost:5000/docs