NPBG++: Accelerating Neural Point-Based Graphics

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Deep Learning npbgpp

[CVPR 2022] NPBG++: Accelerating Neural Point-Based Graphics

Project Page | Paper

This repository contains the official Python implementation of the paper.

The repository also contains faithful implementation of NPBG.

We introduce the pipelines working with following datasets: ScanNet, NeRF-Synthetic, H3DS, DTU.

We follow the PyTorch3D convention for coordinate systems and cameras.


  • [April 27, 2022] Added more example data and point clouds
  • [April 5, 2022] Initial code release


python -m venv ~/.venv/npbgplusplus
source ~/.venv/npbgplusplus/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

# install pytorch3d
curl -LO
tar xzf 1.10.0.tar.gz
export CUB_HOME=$PWD/cub-1.10.0
pip install "git+" --no-cache-dir --verbose

# install torch_scatter (2.0.8)
pip install torch-scatter -f${CUDA}.html
# where ${CUDA} should be replaced by either cpu, cu101, cu102, or cu111 depending on your PyTorch installation.
# {CUDA} must match with torch.version.cuda (not with runtime or driver version)
# using 1.7.1 instead of 1.7.0 produces "incompatible cuda version" error

python build develop

Below you can see the examples on how to run the particular stages of different models on different datasets.

How to run NPBG++

Checkpoints and example data are available here.

Run training
python trainer.gpus=4 datasets=scannet_pretrain datasets.n_point=6e6 system=npbgpp_sphere system.visibility_scale=0.5 trainer.max_epochs=39 dataloader.train_data_mode=each trainer.reload_dataloaders_every_n_epochs=1
python trainer.gpus=4 datasets=nerf_blender_pretrain system=npbgpp_sphere system.visibility_scale=1.0 trainer.max_epochs=24 dataloader.train_data_mode=each weights_path=experiments/npbgpp_scannet/checkpoints/epoch38.ckpt
python trainer.gpus=4 datasets=h3ds_pretrain system=npbgpp_sphere system.visibility_scale=1.0 trainer.max_epochs=24 dataloader.train_data_mode=each trainer.reload_dataloaders_every_n_epochs=1 weights_path=experiments/npbgpp_scannet/checkpoints/epoch38.ckpt
python trainer.gpus=4 datasets=dtu_pretrain system=npbgpp_sphere system.visibility_scale=1.0 trainer.max_epochs=36 dataloader.train_data_mode=each trainer.reload_dataloaders_every_n_epochs=1  weights_path=experiments/npbgpp_scannet/checkpoints/epoch38.ckpt
Run testing
python trainer.gpus=1 datasets=dtu_one_scene datasets.data_root=$\{hydra:runtime.cwd\}/example/DTU_masked datasets.scene_name=scan118 system=npbgpp_sphere system.visibility_scale=1.0 weights_path=./checkpoints/npbgpp_dtu_nm_mvs_ft_epoch35.ckpt eval_only=true dataloader=small
Run finetuning of coefficients
python trainer.gpus=1 datasets=h3ds_one_scene datasets.data_root=$\{hydra:runtime.cwd\}/example/H3DS datasets.selection_count=0 datasets.train_num_samples=2000 datasets.train_image_size=null datasets.train_random_shift=false datasets.train_random_zoom=[0.5,2.0] datasets.scene_name=5ae021f2805c0854 system=coefficients_ft system.max_points=1e6 system.descriptors_save_dir=$\{hydra:run.dir\}/descriptors trainer.max_epochs=20 system.descriptors_pretrained_dir=experiments/npbgpp_eval_5ae021f2805c0854/descriptors weights_path=$\{hydra:runtime.cwd\}/checkpoints/npbgpp_h3ds.ckpt dataloader=small
Run testing with finetuned coefficients
python trainer.gpus=1 datasets=h3ds_one_scene datasets.data_root=$\{hydra:runtime.cwd\}/example/H3DS datasets.selection_count=0 datasets.scene_name=5ae021f2805c0854 system=coefficients_ft system.max_points=1e6 system.descriptors_save_dir=$\{hydra:run.dir\}/descriptors system.descriptors_pretrained_dir=experiments/npbgpp_5ae021f2805c0854_ft/descriptors weights_path=experiments/npbgpp_5ae021f2805c0854_ft/checkpoints/last.ckpt dataloader=small eval_only=true

How to run NPBG

Run pretraining
python trainer.gpus=4 datasets=scannet_pretrain datasets.train_random_zoom=[0.5,2.0] datasets.train_image_size=512 datasets.selection_count=0 system=npbg system.descriptors_save_dir=experiments/npbg_scannet/result/descriptors trainer.max_epochs=39 dataloader.train_data_mode=each trainer.reload_dataloaders_every_n_epochs=1 trainer.limit_val_batches=0 system.max_points=11e6
python trainer.gpus=4 datasets=nerf_blender_pretrain datasets.train_random_zoom=[0.5,2.0] datasets.train_image_size=512 datasets.selection_count=0 system=npbg system.descriptors_save_dir=experiments/npbg_nerf/result/descriptors trainer.max_epochs=24 dataloader.train_data_mode=each trainer.reload_dataloaders_every_n_epochs=1 trainer.limit_val_batches=0 system.max_points=4e6
python trainer.gpus=4 datasets=h3ds_pretrain datasets.train_random_zoom=[0.5,2.0] datasets.train_image_size=null datasets.train_random_shift=false datasets.selection_count=0 system=npbg system.descriptors_save_dir=experiments/npbg_h3ds/result/descriptors trainer.max_epochs=24 dataloader.train_data_mode=each trainer.reload_dataloaders_every_n_epochs=1 trainer.limit_val_batches=0 system.max_points=3e6  # Submitted batch job 1175175
python trainer.gpus=4 datasets=dtu_pretrain datasets.train_random_zoom=[0.5,2.0] datasets.train_image_size=512 datasets.selection_count=0 system=npbg system.descriptors_save_dir=experiments/npbg_dtu_nm/result/descriptors trainer.max_epochs=36 dataloader.train_data_mode=each trainer.reload_dataloaders_every_n_epochs=1 trainer.limit_val_batches=0 system.max_points=3e6
Run fine-tuning on 1 scene
python trainer.gpus=4 datasets=scannet_one_scene datasets.scene_name=scene0045_00 datasets.n_point=6e6 datasets.train_random_zoom=[0.5,2.0] datasets.train_image_size=512 datasets.selection_count=0 system=npbg system.descriptors_save_dir=experiments/npbg_scannet_0045/result/descriptors system.max_scenes_per_train_epoch=1 trainer.max_epochs=20 weights_path=experiments/npbg_scannet/result/checkpoints/epoch38.ckpt system.max_points=6e6
python trainer.gpus=4 datasets=nerf_blender_one_scene datasets.scene_name=hotdog datasets.train_random_zoom=[0.5,2.0] datasets.train_image_size=512 datasets.selection_count=0 system=npbg system.descriptors_save_dir=npbgplusplus/experiments/npbg_nerf_hotdog/result/descriptors system.max_scenes_per_train_epoch=1 trainer.max_epochs=20 weights_path=experiments/npbg_nerf/result/checkpoints/epoch23.ckpt system.max_points=4e6
python trainer.gpus=4 datasets=h3ds_one_scene datasets.scene_name=5ae021f2805c0854 datasets.train_random_zoom=[0.5,2.0] datasets.train_image_size=null datasets.train_random_shift=false datasets.selection_count=0 system=npbg system.descriptors_save_dir=experiments/npbg_h3ds_5ae021f2805c0854/result/descriptors system.max_scenes_per_train_epoch=1 trainer.max_epochs=20 weights_path=experiments/npbg_h3ds/result/checkpoints/epoch23.ckpt system.max_points=3e6
python trainer.gpus=4 datasets=dtu_one_scene datasets.scene_name=scan110 datasets.train_random_zoom=[0.5,2.0] datasets.train_image_size=512 datasets.selection_count=0 system=npbg system.descriptors_save_dir=experiments/npbg_dtu_nm_scan110/result/descriptors system.max_scenes_per_train_epoch=1 trainer.max_epochs=20 weights_path=experiments/npbg_dtu_nm/result/checkpoints/epoch35.ckpt system.max_points=3e6


If you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing:

  title={NPBG++: Accelerating Neural Point-Based Graphics},
  author={Rakhimov, Ruslan and Ardelean, Andrei-Timotei and Lempitsky, Victor and Burnaev, Evgeny},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.13318},


See the LICENSE for more details.

  • Reproduce the quantitative evaluation on scannet

    Reproduce the quantitative evaluation on scannet


    Thank you for your great work and clean code! I'm interested in your work and trying to reproduce some results using the ScanNet epoch38 checkpoint given by you.

    As far as I understand, the holdout scene for ScanNet is only scene0000_00, so my test result on scene0000_00 should be the same as the paper, which is the performance below:


    However, I can't reach that performance using the checkpoint you released.

    Below is the performance I could reach:


    Here is the command I used to test scene0000_00:

    python trainer.gpus=1<your_test_experiment_folder> datasets=scannet_one_scene datasets.data_root=${hydra:runtime.cwd}/example/scannet datasets.scene_name=scene0000_00 system=npbgpp_sphere system.visibility_scale=0.5 weights_path=./<your_weights_ckpt_file> eval_only=true dataloader=small datasets.n_point=6e6

    Did I miss or misunderstand something about the test command?

    Thank you in advance!

    Best regards!

    opened by cuirq3 5
  • Quick question about ScanNet and DTU data preprocessing

    Quick question about ScanNet and DTU data preprocessing

    Dear authors,

    Thank you so much for your great work and clean code. I had a quick question -- how do you preprocess your ScanNet and DTU data for pretraining? For ScanNet, I believe this would involve generating full.ply and images/ files for each scan in the dataset. For DTU, I believe this involves generating masks and point clouds.

    Your help is greatly appreciated.

    All the best,

    opened by greeneggsandyaml 5
  • The inference of npbg

    The inference of npbg

    Hi, thanks for your great work! Can you provide the command line used to test on the npbg after fine-tuning on the ScanNet? I have replaced the checkpoint path with the last.ckpt after finetuning and add eval_only=true. But the results seems not correct.

    rendered raster

    opened by daipengwa 1
  • Segmentation fault (core dumped)

    Segmentation fault (core dumped)

    When I'm running the testing command, the error always pops out:

    Segmentation fault (core dumped)

    I debug step by step and find that the program exit at this line of code, but I don't know why, I followed the instructions without any change.

    model: pl.LightningModule = instantiate(cfg.system.system_class, cfg)

    Can anybody help me? Thanks very much!

    opened by yijie21 1
  • How to generate the point cloud of scannet scenes

    How to generate the point cloud of scannet scenes

    The paper mentions that the point clouds from the scannet dataset were reconstructed using depth maps following the NBPG setup. However, it seems that the NPBG code for point cloud generation is only reconstructed by RGB, the scale and coordinate system of the reconstructed point clouds are not in the scannet world coordinate system. What do I need to do to generate a point cloud like the one in the example?

    opened by Ru1zhi 1
  • Make datasets accessible

    Make datasets accessible


    Thanks a lot for your contributions! Currently, the datasets provided are hosted on yandex.disk. However, it is not possible to download these datasets in bulk (clicking "download all" on yandex.disk), as a premium subscription to yandex.disk is required. To avoid this problem, could you possibly upload these datasets to a different data repository instead? Such as Zenodo? Licensing of the dataset is also possible on Zenodo. See this repository for example.

    opened by mhdadk 1
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