A comparison of mesh generators.


Mesh Generator Comparison

This repository creates meshes of the same domains with multiple mesh generators and compares the results. The used mesh generators are

For each domain and mesh generator (if applicable), the repostory shows the following data:

  • the mesh generation time
  • the average and minimum cell quality
  • the nummber of CG iterations for the FEM-Poisson-problem on the mesh.

If you'd like to see other mesh generators, domains, or quality measures: Let me know!


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Rectangle with refinement

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Quarter annulus

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Sphere (surface)

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alt text (Poisson problem not applicable.)


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L-shape in 3D

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Box with refinement

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This software is published under the GPLv3 license.

  • cylinder benchmark suggestion?

    cylinder benchmark suggestion?

    • Cylinders are pretty common in FEM analysis and would be a nice additional benchmark for 3D.
    # Mesh a cylinder
    from mpi4py import MPI
    import meshio
    import SeismicMesh
    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    hmin = 0.10
    cylinder = SeismicMesh.Cylinder(h=1.0, r=0.5)
    points, cells = SeismicMesh.generate_mesh(
    points, cells = SeismicMesh.sliver_removal(
    if comm.rank == 0:
            [("tetra", cells)],
    opened by krober10nd 8
  • L-shaped in SeismicMesh

    L-shaped in SeismicMesh

    Adding L-shaped domains for SeismicMesh 3.0.5. The 3D L-shaped domain indeed has some trouble with the pockets between SDFs so that remains to be improved but it's a valid mesh with a bounded minimum dihedral angle.

    Note: min() and max() of two SDFs do not always produce a valid SDF. The result is actually not a distance field, but just a lower bound to the real distance to the resulting surface. Here I use the union to approximate the domain which results in errors "deep" in the interior of the geometry but this okay for meshing in these examples...

    • 2D
     import numpy as np
     import meshio
     from SeismicMesh import Rectangle, generate_mesh, geometry
     hmin = 0.05
     bbox = (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0)
     bbox0 = (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5)
     rect0 = Rectangle(bbox0)
     bbox1 = (0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0)
     rect1 = Rectangle(bbox1)
     corners = geometry.corners
     def union(x):
         return np.minimum.reduce([rect0.eval(x), rect1.eval(x)])
     pfix = np.vstack((corners(bbox0), corners(bbox1)))
     points, cells = generate_mesh(
         [("triangle", cells)],


    • 3D
     from SeismicMesh import Cube, generate_mesh, sliver_removal, geometry
     hmin = 0.05
     bbox = (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0)
     tol = hmin/10
     bbox0 = (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.50 + tol)
     cube0 = Cube(bbox0)
     bbox1 = (0.0, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.50 - tol, 1.0)
     cube1 = Cube(bbox1)
     bbox2 = (0.5 - tol, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.50 - tol, 1.0)
     cube2 = Cube(bbox2)
     corners = geometry.corners
     def union(x):
         return np.minimum.reduce([cube0.eval(x), cube1.eval(x), cube2.eval(x)])
     pfix = np.vstack((corners(bbox0), corners(bbox1), corners(bbox2)))
     points, cells = generate_mesh(
     points, cells = sliver_removal(
         [("tetra", cells)],


    opened by krober10nd 3
  • quarter annulus?

    quarter annulus?

    One more FEMish benchmark that I've used a bunch:

     import meshio
     import SeismicMesh
     h = 0.025
     rect = SeismicMesh.Rectangle((0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0))
     disk0 = SeismicMesh.Disk([0.0, 0.0], 0.25)
     diff0 = SeismicMesh.Difference([rect, disk0])
     disk1 = SeismicMesh.Disk([0.0, 0.0], 1.0)
     quarter = SeismicMesh.Intersection([diff0, disk1])
     def sizes(x):
         return h + 0.10 * abs(disk0.eval(x))
     points, cells = SeismicMesh.generate_mesh(domain=quarter, edge_length=sizes, h0=h)
     meshio.Mesh(points, {"triangle": cells}).write("out.vtk")


    Feel free to reject, I don't want to add more work for you but just think it would bolster this neat page.

    opened by krober10nd 2
  • Possibly add a recommendation section?

    Possibly add a recommendation section?

    You mentioned being willing to add things...

    The graphs are lovely, but someone who is new to FE might not be able to interpret them as to when would be a good reason to use one generator over another, which is a good multi-purpose generator (i.e. if you only learn one, this is the most useful...) You can certainly preface it with "IMHO", but a Recommendation section at the end of the ReadMe would certainly help the utility of the comparison.

    opened by EngineerMama 4
  • spectral radius for scalar wave equation

    spectral radius for scalar wave equation

    • A good way I can estimate the numerically stable timestep and the "goodness" of a 2D/3D simplical mesh is by measuring the spectral radius of the scalar wave operator.
    • dt < 2/sqrt(spectral_radius)
    • Here I used KMV elements which admit diagonal mass matrices for spatial orders < 5.
    • I've confirmed through ad hoc tests that the min. dihedral angle of the mesh reduces the spectral radius, thus increasing the maximum stable timestep.
    • The spectral radius can be calculated like this (in Firedrake):
    import scipy
    import numpy as np
    import firedrake as fd
    from firedrake import dot, grad
    import finat
    def estimate_timestep(mesh, V, c, estimate_max_eigenvalue=True):
        """Estimate the maximum stable timestep based on the spectral radius
        using optionally the Gershgorin Circle Theorem to estimate the
        maximum generalized eigenvalue. Otherwise computes the maximum
        generalized eigenvalue exactly
        Currently only works with KMV elements.
        u, v = fd.TrialFunction(V), fd.TestFunction(V)
        quad_rule = finat.quadrature.make_quadrature(
            V.finat_element.cell, V.ufl_element().degree(), "KMV"
        dxlump = fd.dx(rule=quad_rule)
        A = fd.assemble(u * v * dxlump)
        ai, aj, av = A.petscmat.getValuesCSR()
        av_inv = []
        for value in av:
            if value == 0:
                av_inv.append(1 / value)
        Asp = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((av, aj, ai))
        Asp_inv = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((av_inv, aj, ai))
        K = fd.assemble(c*c*dot(grad(u), grad(v)) * dxlump)
        ai, aj, av = K.petscmat.getValuesCSR()
        Ksp = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((av, aj, ai))
        # operator
        Lsp = Asp_inv.multiply(Ksp)
        if estimate_max_eigenvalue:
            # absolute maximum of diagonals
            max_eigval = np.amax(np.abs(Lsp.diagonal()))
                "Computing exact eigenvalues is extremely computationally demanding!",
            max_eigval = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigs(
                Ksp, M=Asp, k=1, which="LM", return_eigenvectors=False
        # print(max_eigval)
        max_dt = np.float(2 / np.sqrt(max_eigval))
            f"Maximum stable timestep should be about: {np.float(2 / np.sqrt(max_eigval))} seconds",
        return max_dt
    opened by krober10nd 4
  • min dihedral angle?

    min dihedral angle?

    • The minimum dihedral angle would be a useful diagnostic to plot for 3D (in additional too the existing cell-quality measure).

    • The element can still appear to be well-shaped but have a near zero dihedral angle leading to failure in FEM. I suppose this is already captured implicitly in the number of CG iterations.

    opened by krober10nd 0
Nico Schlömer
Mathematics, numerical analysis, scientific computing, Python. Always interested in new problems.
Nico Schlömer
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