Prettify Python exception output to make it legible.

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Logging PrettyErrors


Prettifies Python exception output to make it legible. Install it with

python -m pip install pretty_errors

If you want pretty_errors to be used whenever you run a python script you must add it to your python startup procedure. You can do so easily by running:

python -m pretty_errors

This is the recommended way to use pretty_errors; apart from being simpler and universal, using it will mean SyntaxError exceptions also get formatted prettily (which doesn't work if you are manually importing pretty_errors).


If you have not installed it universally you can use it in your project simply by importing it:

import pretty_errors

Note you need to be running in a terminal capable of colour output in order to get colour output: in Windows this means powershell, cmder, etc. If you must use a monochrome terminal then you can call the helper function pretty_errors.mono(), which will set some config options in a way that is useful for monochrome output.


If you want to configure the output then use pretty_errors.configure(), pretty_errors.whitelist(), pretty_errors.blacklist(), pretty_errors.pathed_config(). For example:

import pretty_errors
    separator_character = '*',
    filename_display    = pretty_errors.FILENAME_EXTENDED,
    line_number_first   = True,
    display_link        = True,
    lines_before        = 5,
    lines_after         = 2,
    line_color          = pretty_errors.RED + '> ' + pretty_errors.default_config.line_color,
    code_color          = '  ' + pretty_errors.default_config.line_color,
    truncate_code       = True,
    display_locals      = True


Scraping STDERR

Sometimes it will be impossible for pretty_errors to utilize sys.excepthook: for instance, if you are using a framework which installs its own logging (such as uvicorn). In such cases, you can make pretty_errors scrape the output to stderr instead, replacing it with its own. To do so simple call:


Note that this will lose some functionality, since pretty_errors will only have access to what is being output on screen, rather then the entire stack trace. A good API will generally have a way to interact with the exception stack, which will allow for using excepthook: replace_stderr should be the last resort. See this comment for an example

Whitelist / Blacklist:

You may use the functions whitelist(path) and blacklist(path) to add paths which will be necessary (whitelist) or excluded (blacklist). The top frame of the stack is never excluded.

Pathed Configurations

You may set up alternate configurations, which are triggered by the path to the code file of the frame. For example, if you were not interested in the system frames (those under 'c:/python') but did not want to hide them completely by using the blacklist you could do this:

meh = pretty_errors.config.copy()
meh.line_color = meh.code_color = meh.filename_color = meh.function_color = meh.line_number_color = (
pretty_errors.pathed_config(meh, 'c:/python')

Environment Variables
    You may disable pretty_errors by setting the environment variable PYTHON_PRETTY_ERRORS to 0. i.e. at a command prompt:

Calling pretty_errors.activate() will override this.

If you wish to selectively utilize pretty_errors, then use the above, and in your code perform your calculation to determine whether or not to call pretty_errors.activate().

    It may be desirable to disable pretty_errors when you are redirecting output to a file (to keep error logs, for instance). If you wish to do so, then setting PYTHON_PRETTY_ERRORS_ISATTY_ONLY to non-zero will cause pretty_errors to check if it is running in an interactive terminal, and only activate if so.

Setting this will disable replace_stderr() in the same situations, unless you call it with the force parameter: replace_stderr(force=True).

Calling pretty_errors.activate() will override this.

You may check pretty_errors.terminal_is_interactive to see if the terminal is interactive (pretty_errors sets this by checking sys.stderr.isatty()). You can use this to select a different config. For example:

if not pretty_errors.terminal_is_interactive:

Configuration settings:

Configuration settings are stored in pretty_errors.config, though should be set using pretty_errors.configure(). A reference for the default config is stored in pretty_errors.default_config.

  • name
    Optional field to store config name in.

  • line_length
    Output will be wrapped at this point. If set to 0 (which is the default) it will automatically match your console width.

  • full_line_newline
    Insert a hard newline even if the line is full. If line_length is the same as your console width and this is enabled then you will see double newlines when the line is exactly full, so usually you would only set this if they are different.

  • separator_character
    Character used to create the header line. Hyphen is used by default. If set to None or '' then header will be disabled.

  • display_timestamp
    When enabled a timestamp is written in the traceback header.

  • timestamp_function
    Function called to generate timestamp. Default is time.perf_counter.

  • exception_above
    When enabled the exception is displayed above the stack trace.

  • exception_below
    When enabled the exception is displayed below the stack trace.

  • stack_depth
    The maximum number of entries from the stack trace to display. When 0 will display the entire stack, which is the default.

  • top_first
    When enabled the stack trace will be reversed, displaying the top of the stack first.

  • always_display_bottom
    When enabled (which is the default) the bottom frame of the stack trace will always be displayed.

  • show_suppressed
    When enabled all suppressed exceptions in the stack trace will be shown (typically they are suppressed because an exception above them has replaced them). The normal python behaviour is to hide them.

  • filename_display
    How the filename is displayed: may be pretty_errors.FILENAME_COMPACT, pretty_errors.FILENAME_EXTENDED, or pretty_errors.FILENAME_FULL

  • line_number_first
    When enabled the line number will be displayed first, rather than the filename.

  • display_link
    When enabled a link is written below the error location, which VSCode will allow you to click on.

  • lines_after, lines_before
    How many lines of code to display for the top frame, before and after the line the exception occurred on.

  • trace_lines_after, trace_lines_before
    How many lines of code to display for each other frame in the stack trace, before and after the line the exception occurred on.

  • truncate_code
    When enabled each line of code will be truncated to fit the line length.

  • display_locals
    When enabled, local variables appearing in the top stack frame code will be displayed with their values.

  • display_trace_locals
    When enabled, local variables appearing in other stack frame code will be displayed with their values.

  • truncate_locals
    When enabled the values of displayed local variables will be truncated to fit the line length.

  • display_arrow
    When enabled an arrow will be displayed for syntax errors, pointing at the offending token.

  • arrow_head_character, arrow_tail_character
    Characters used to draw the arrow which points at syntax errors.

  • inner_exception_message
    Message displayed when one exception occurs inside another, between the two exceptions. Default is None, which will simply display the exceptions separated by the header. If you want to emulate the default non-pretty behaviour, use this:

inner_exception_message = pretty_errors.MAGENTA + "\n During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:\n"

Note that if you use top_first then the order will be reversed, so you should use a message like this instead:

inner_exception_message = pretty_errors.MAGENTA + "\n The above exception occurred during another exception:\n"

  • inner_exception_separator
    Default is False. When set to True a header will be written before the inner_exception_message.

  • prefix
    Text string which is displayed at the top of the report, just below the header.

  • infix
    Text string which is displayed between each frame of the stack.

  • postfix
    Text string which is displayed at the bottom of the exception report.

  • reset_stdout
    When enabled the reset escape sequence will be written to stdout as well as stderr; turn this on if your console is being left with the wrong color.

These color strings will be output before the relevant part of the exception message. You may include non-escape sequence strings if you wish; if you do not have a terminal which supports color output, or simply want to include extra demarcation.

  • header_color
    Escape sequence to set header color.

  • timestamp_color
    Escape sequence to set timestamp color.

  • exception_color
    Escape sequence to set exception color.

  • exception_arg_color
    Escape sequence to set exception arguments color.

  • exception_file_color
    Escape sequence to set color of filenames in exceptions (for example, in a FileNotFoundError).

  • filename_color
    Escape sequence to set filename color.

  • line_number_color
    Escape sequence to set line number color.

  • function_color
    Escape sequence to set function color.

  • link_color
    Escape sequence to set link color.

  • line_color
    Escape sequence to set the color of the line of code which caused the exception.

  • code_color
    Escape sequence to set the color of other displayed lines of code.

  • arrow_head_color, arrow_tail_color
    Escape sequence to set the color of the arrow which points at syntax errors.

  • syntax_error_color
    Escape sequence to set the color of the syntax error token.

  • local_name_color
    Escape sequence to set the color of local variable names.

  • local_value_color
    Escape sequence to set the color of local variable values.

  • local_len_color
    Escape sequence to set the color of local value length when local is truncated.

pretty_errors has some built in escape sequence constants you can use when setting these colors:

  • GREY
  • RED
  • BLUE
  • CYAN

For each color there is a matching BRIGHT_ variant (i.e. pretty_errors.BRIGHT_RED), as well as a _BACKGROUND variant to set the background color (i.e. pretty_errors.RED_BACKGROUND).

For example:

    line_color = pretty_errors.CYAN_BACKGROUND + pretty_errors.BRIGHT_WHITE

Further customization

For the most extensive customization (short of forking the package) you may override the default ExceptionWriter class, allowing you to tailor the output however you wish. Typically you will only need to override the write_ methods.

For example:

class MyExceptionWriter(pretty_errors.ExceptionWriter):
    def write_header(self):
        self.output_text('######## ERROR ########')

pretty_errors.exception_writer = MyExceptionWriter()

Run help(pretty_errors.ExceptionWriter) in the python interpreter for more details.

  • Only last Exception shown

    Only last Exception shown

    While dealing with multiple exceptions ("During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: ..."), Pretty Errors will show only the last one.

    Is there a way to show all of them?

    opened by pmatias 13
  • Use *.pth file instead of

    Use *.pth file instead of

    The site-packages/ file is not reliable loaded for everybody. To ensure pretty_errors is loaded after python -m pretty_errors, create a site-packages/pretty_errors.pth file containing:

    import pretty_errors; pretty_errors.configure() # if you add option here, keep it on one line

    If you don't want to use a *.pth, at least use /home/user/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/, which is more likely to be imported and is meant for things like this. But * files are not imported in venv, which makes them pretty useless for real life Python usage.

    opened by ksamuel 9
  • Error using global install script with venv

    Error using global install script with venv

    Attempting the global install via python -m pretty_errors under a virtual environment with path C:\venvs\flask results in this trace: 193 _run_module_as_main "main", mod_spec) 85 _run_code exec(code, run_globals) 133 found = find_install(True) 66 find_install for path in getallsitepackages(): 54 getallsitepackages return getsitepackages() + getusersitepackages() 42 getsitepackages pattern = re.compile(r'^%s$' % os.path.join(os.environ['VIRTUAL_ENV'], 'lib', 'python[0-9.]+', 'site-packages')) 233 compile return _compile(pattern, flags) 301 _compile p = sre_compile.compile(pattern, flags) 562 compile p = sre_parse.parse(p, flags) 855 parse p = _parse_sub(source, pattern, flags & SRE_FLAG_VERBOSE, 0) 416 _parse_sub not nested and not items)) 502 _parse code = _escape(source, this, state) 401 _escape raise source.error("bad escape %s" % escape, len(escape))

    sre_constants.error: bad escape \l at position 15

    I attempted to fix by using the method described in another issue, changing regex pattern to allow backslashes in path. But then there is no option to install anywhere:

    (flask) C:\Users\dkornacki\rtc-workspace\iSeries Python\iSeries Python\square_po_import>python -m pretty_errors

    To have pretty_errors be used when you run any python file you may add it to your (user level) or (system level), or to pretty_errors.pth.

    (just hit to accept the defaults if you are unsure)

    Choose folder to install into:

    0: Exit

    Option: [default: 0]

    opened by dkornacki-cutco 7
  • May need better integration with ASGI/WSGI servers

    May need better integration with ASGI/WSGI servers

    Hello there, I'd like to use pretty errors in my web development, but I have some issues.

    I use the fastapi framework, which runs multi processes through the ASGI uvicorn server. Doesn't matter what I do (import, setup config, etc.) errors do not get pretty in this context. They do when I run my normal scripts.

    Can I ask for help/directions?

    opened by pdonorio 6
  • How to fully uninstall pretty_errors in all conda env?

    How to fully uninstall pretty_errors in all conda env?

    Hi~, When I installed pretty_errors via pip, I inadvertently chose let it act on all my envs. Therefore, how can I fully uninstall it or do something to fix it? Thank u~

    opened by pengzhiliang 4
  • [Question] Can I change PrettyErrors' configuration globally?

    [Question] Can I change PrettyErrors' configuration globally?

    Or do I have to add pretty_errors.configure( separator_character = '*', filename_display = pretty_errors.FILENAME_EXTENDED, line_number_first = True, display_link = True, lines_before = 5, lines_after = 2, line_color = pretty_errors.RED + '> ' + pretty_errors.default_config.line_color, code_color = ' ' + pretty_errors.default_config.line_color, truncate_code = True, display_locals = True ) at the beginning of each file.

    opened by Fontanapink 3
  • Running pretty_errors as script with virtualenv does not find install folders

    Running pretty_errors as script with virtualenv does not find install folders

    I'm on Ubuntu 20.04 and attempting to install pretty_errors using the python -m pretty_errors -s -p command within a virtualenv. Upon running the command, I get the following output:

    To have pretty_errors be used when you run any python file you may add it to your (user level) 
    or (system level), or to pretty_errors.pth.
    (just hit <enter> to accept the defaults if you are unsure)
     Choose folder to install into:
    0: Exit
    Option: [default: 0]

    After which I hit enter and the install fails. Investigating the file along with Issue #38 lead me to the following function on line 41

    def getsitepackages():
        pattern1 = re.compile(r'^%s$' % re.escape(os.path.join(os.environ['VIRTUAL_ENV'], 'lib', 'python[0-9.]+', 'site-packages')))
        pattern2 = re.compile(r'^%s$' % re.escape(os.path.join(os.environ['VIRTUAL_ENV'], 'lib', 'site-packages')))
        paths = [path for path in set(sys.path) if or]
        return paths

    Using some basic debugging, I discovered that the paths variable returned was completely empty, despite the fact that pattern1 should have match my virtualenv path: /home/username/.virtualenvs/general/lib/python3.9/site-packages I traced the source of this error to the call to re.escape in pattern1. The os.path.join call returns /home/username/.virtualenvs/general/lib/python[0-9.]+/site-packages as expected, but the call to re.escape returns the string '/home/username/\\.virtualenvs/general/lib/python\\[0\\-9\\.\\]\\+/site\\-packages'. Because re.escape escapes all regex special characters, the python[0-9]+ portion of the regex gets mangled and causes to fail. Omitting the call to re.escape matches the string as expected. Upon removing the call to re.escape and running python -m pretty_errors -s -p again, everything installed and functioned as expected.

    >>> import os, sys, re
    >>> sys.path
    ['', '/usr/lib/', '/usr/lib/python3.9', '/usr/lib/python3.9/lib-dynload', '/home/username/.virtualenvs/general/lib/python3.9/site-packages']
    >>> venv_path = sys.path[-1]
    >>> os.path.join(os.environ['VIRTUAL_ENV'], 'lib', 'python[0-9.]+', 'site-packages')
    >>> pattern1_escape = re.compile(r'^%s$' % re.escape(os.path.join(os.environ['VIRTUAL_ENV'], 'lib', 'python[0-9.]+', 'site-packages')))
    >>> pattern1_no_escape = re.compile(r'^%s$' % os.path.join(os.environ['VIRTUAL_ENV'], 'lib', 'python[0-9.]+', 'site-packages'))
    <re.Match object; span=(0, 61), match='/home/username/.virtualenvs/general/lib/python3.9/s>

    Here is my pyvenv.cfg file for Python and virtualenv info:

    home = /usr
    implementation = CPython
    version_info =
    virtualenv = 20.4.6
    include-system-site-packages = false
    base-prefix = /usr
    base-exec-prefix = /usr
    base-executable = /usr/bin/python3.9
    opened by KittyKittyKitKat 3
  • Implementation into pytest

    Implementation into pytest

    Hello there,

    Thanks for creating this awesome lib :). I've been using it for few hours and I just cannot get it to work with pytest.

    Example code:

    import pretty_errors
    def test_abc():
        assert 1==1
        a = ''
        b = a[0]

    Terminal output: image

    Is there anyway to make it work with pytest? Thanks a lot :).

    opened by jackblk 3
  • Missing import time  in

    Missing import time in

    When trying to change configs globally by uncommenting the pretty_errors.configure( in, an error is thrown since time is not imported, but is used in timestamp_function = time.perf_counter.

    On my end, I've just added import time to the top of the file; however, when generating the file import time should be added as well.

    opened by dchen327 3
  • pretty_errors not working without explicit import.

    pretty_errors not working without explicit import.

    Hi, I ran sudo python -m pretty_errors and tried installing both and pretty_errors.pth (not at the same time) but, pretty_errors does not seem to work.

    When installing either of the files, I installed them at /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages.

    With "" it simply does not have any effect. With "pretty_errors.pth" it shows error

    Error processing line 2 of /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pretty_errors.pth:
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/usr/lib/python3.8/", line 175, in addpackage
        File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
        File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pretty_errors/", line 1, in <module>
          import sys, re, colorama, os, time, linecache
      ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'colorama'

    Even though, Colorama is installed and I the latest version. How do I solve this issue?

    opened by nisarg-ujjainkar 3
  • fix bug: module 'site' has no attribute 'getsitepackages'  in virtualenv

    fix bug: module 'site' has no attribute 'getsitepackages' in virtualenv

    support virtualenv

    1. fix bug: in virtualenv, run python -m pretty_errors [option] throws
      module 'site' has no attribute 'getsitepackages'
    2. when run python -m pretty_errors, support displaying
      or pretty_errors.pth according to the path you selected before.
    opened by hyliang96 3
  • No folders to install into are found when run in a virtual environment

    No folders to install into are found when run in a virtual environment

    This issue is the same as #39, unclear why it resurfaced.

    When pretty_errors is run as a module inside a pyenv virtualenv to add it to Python startup procedure (python -m pretty_errors), no folders to install into are found.

    Updating the regexes should resolve this.

    As a workaround I hardcoded the path to site-packages:

    vim $(pyenv prefix)/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pretty_errors/
    # set paths in line 50 to
                # paths = ['<$(pyenv prefix)>/lib/python3.9/site-packages']
    opened by williamstark01 0
  • .pyw files stop working once PrettyErrors is intalled

    .pyw files stop working once PrettyErrors is intalled

    After installing PrettyErrors with pip install pretty-errors or with python -m pip install pretty_errors makes all .pyw files unusable. When i unistalled PrettyErrors .pyw files worked again.

    opened by maxomatic458 0
  • Show function arguments?

    Show function arguments?

    It seems like there is a display_locals which will show local variables. This is very useful, but often functions are short and the exception can be easily understood by looking at the arguments passed to the function. Is there a setting to display function arguments as well as local variables?

    opened by metov 0
  • stack trace when exception occurs in concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor

    stack trace when exception occurs in concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor

    The stack trace pretty errors outputs is that of the main thread. Say I have a task in a thread pool that raises an AssertionError. pretty errors just outputs "AssertionError". 196 _run_module_as_main
    "/Users/me/.asdf/installs/python/3.10.0/lib/python3.10/", line 196
    return _run_code(code, main_globals, None,
     179 reschedule_aps
    "", line 179
    new_schedule = future.result()
     438 result
    "/Users/me/.asdf/installs/python/3.10.0/lib/python3.10/concurrent/futures/", line 438
    return self.__get_result()
     390 __get_result
    "/Users/me/.asdf/installs/python/3.10.0/lib/python3.10/concurrent/futures/", line 390
        raise self._exception
    self: None

    Disabling pretty errors temporarily with PYTHON_PRETTY_ERRORS=0 shows a better trace in that it shows me where the assertion failed.

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/Users/me/.asdf/installs/python/3.10.0/lib/python3.10/concurrent/futures/", line 243, in _process_worker
        r = call_item.fn(*call_item.args, **call_item.kwargs)
      File "", line 463, in bar
        assert False

    Is there a setting or trick to enable this while using pretty errors? Thank you.

    opened by fictorial 0
  • [Question] Can PrettyErrors handle pdb's output?

    [Question] Can PrettyErrors handle pdb's output?

    Is it possible to have PrettyErrors handle exception outputs when using Python's pdb?

    I've used the following code to import PrettyErrors

    import pretty_errors

    but when adding breakpoints within the code the output is not being interpreted. E.g when running python -m pdb -c continue

    opened by MrBeardedGuy 0
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