PPLNN is a Primitive Library for Neural Network is a high-performance deep-learning inference engine for efficient AI inferencing

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Deep Learning ppl.nn



PPLNN, which is short for "PPLNN is a Primitive Library for Neural Network", is a high-performance deep-learning inference engine for efficient AI inferencing. It can run various ONNX models and has better support for OpenMMLab.

alt arch


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  • cuda convolution kernel input question.

    cuda convolution kernel input question.


    I see current implemented cuda conv kernel are either fp16 or int8. And those kernel's data layout is NHWC, as is requred by nvidia's tensor core. So like ./tools/pplnn.py, where it do the layout transpose? in the cpu side? As from nvprof result, I only see the conv kernel.

    If I want to do the transpose at the gpu side, how should I change the command? Or I need to add additional transpose node in the onnx file?

    opened by leiwen83 12
  • 【gemm_fp32_fma performance】常用shape下,gemm_fp32_fma和tensorflow1.15  eigen matmul性能几乎持平?

    【gemm_fp32_fma performance】常用shape下,gemm_fp32_fma和tensorflow1.15 eigen matmul性能几乎持平?

    问题:测试sgemm时,发现openppl的gemm_fp32_fma在一些常用shape下和tensorflow1.15 eigen matmul性能几乎持平,符合预期吗?有啥办法提升吗? 相关参数: openppl版本v0.8,intel 32核机器,均使用多线程,build命令:./build.sh -DPPLNN_USE_X86_64=ON -DPPLNN_ENABLE_ONNX_MODEL=OFF -DPPL_USE_X86_OMP=ON -DPPLNN_USE_OPENMP=ON 以下是测试数据: image

    opened by huangmiumang 9
  • [CUDA] `RuntimeBuilder.Preprocess()` causes subsequent CUDA function calls to fail

    [CUDA] `RuntimeBuilder.Preprocess()` causes subsequent CUDA function calls to fail

    What are the problems?(screenshots or detailed error messages)

    Observe that, for some models (e.g. YOLOX-s, DBNet-r18, others like ResNet-18 are fine), after creating runtime using RuntimeBuilder, subsequent CUDA function calls (or kernel launches) may fail.

    I first getting the CUDA invalid argument error when testing ppl.nn using mmdeploy's test.py, at a point after runtime creation, before inference, when copying data from host to device. Later I met the same problem when testing using mmdeploy's SDK.

    After digging around for a while, I found the the simplest way to reproduce the problem using pplnn.py:

    insert the following code

    import torch
    t = torch.Tensor([[1,1],[1,1]]).cuda()

    to https://github.com/openppl-public/ppl.nn/blob/1ae5d95f3ee49b3e582564cc004443931fbe2f7a/tools/pplnn.py#L564 and then

    python pplnn.py --use-cuda --onnx-model model.onnx --in-shape 1_3_640_640 --quick-select


    INFO: PPLNN version: [0.8.0], commit: [02418bb57bef2d888b57d44589a599080cb806d9]
    [INFO][2022-07-06 22:23:06.057][utils.cc:456] total partition(s) of graph[torch-jit-export]: 1.
    [INFO][2022-07-06 22:23:06.067][opt_graph.cc:324] added 1020 new bridge kernels
    [INFO][2022-07-06 22:23:06.223][opt_graph.cc:581] deleted 990 bridge kernels
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "pplnn.py", line 567, in <module>
        t = torch.Tensor([[1,1],[1,1]]).cuda()
    RuntimeError: CUDA error: invalid argument

    Which version(commit id or tag) of ppl.nn is used?


    What's the operating system ppl.nn runs on?

    Ubuntu 18.04

    What's the compiler and its version?

    GCC-7.5, CUDA-11.1

    What are the commands used to build ppl.nn?

    cmake .. \
        -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/workspace/ppl.nn/install \
        -DPPLNN_USE_X86_64=ON \
        -DPPL_USE_X86_AVX512=OFF \
        -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
    opened by lzhangzz 9
  • Mask R-CNN failed with pplnn

    Mask R-CNN failed with pplnn

    The model was conveted from mmdetection library. And when I try to execute with pplnn, it shows error:

    [INFO][2021-07-14 17:18:19.999][pplnn.cc:703] ppl.nn version: 5d56662bf5a288898f0dd5b90f763459cc86f47a
    [WARNING][2021-07-14 17:18:21.873][engine.cc:209] Default input dims for dynamic graph are 1_3_224_224, we recommend using '--dims' to set a suitable training shape.
    [INFO][2021-07-14 17:18:21.873][pplnn.cc:104] ***** register CudaEngine *****
    [INFO][2021-07-14 17:18:22.320][simple_graph_partitioner.cc:107] total partition(s) of graph[torch-jit-export]: 1.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.322][reshape_reshape.cc:66] infer shape failed.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.338][reshape_add.cc:39] unbroadcastable input.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.339][reshape_add.cc:39] unbroadcastable input.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.340][reshape_add.cc:39] unbroadcastable input.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.341][reshape_concat.cc:42] input shape not match.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.341][reshape_add.cc:39] unbroadcastable input.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.342][reshape_add.cc:39] unbroadcastable input.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.342][reshape_add.cc:39] unbroadcastable input.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.342][reshape_add.cc:39] unbroadcastable input.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.342][reshape_add.cc:39] unbroadcastable input.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.343][reshape_add.cc:39] unbroadcastable input.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.343][reshape_unsqueeze.cc:36] axes overflow.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.343][reshape_concat.cc:42] input shape not match.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.344][reshape_split.cc:59] splited axis and sum of split point not match.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.344][reshape_split.cc:59] splited axis and sum of split point not match.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.345][reshape_split.cc:59] splited axis and sum of split point not match.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.345][reshape_split.cc:59] splited axis and sum of split point not match.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.345][reshape_split.cc:59] splited axis and sum of split point not match.
    [INFO][2021-07-14 17:18:22.346][simple_graph_partitioner.cc:107] total partition(s) of graph[torch-jit-export1]: 1.
    [INFO][2021-07-14 17:18:22.346][opt_graph.cc:204] Create 2 TensorImpl
    [INFO][2021-07-14 17:18:22.346][opt_graph.cc:316] added 2 new bridge kernels
    [INFO][2021-07-14 17:18:22.346][opt_graph.cc:478] deleted 1 bridge kernels
    [INFO][2021-07-14 17:18:22.347][simple_graph_partitioner.cc:107] total partition(s) of graph[torch-jit-export2]: 1.
    [INFO][2021-07-14 17:18:22.347][opt_graph.cc:204] Create 20 TensorImpl
    [INFO][2021-07-14 17:18:22.347][opt_graph.cc:316] added 21 new bridge kernels
    [INFO][2021-07-14 17:18:22.347][opt_graph.cc:478] deleted 14 bridge kernels
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.348][reshape_split.cc:59] splited axis and sum of split point not match.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.348][reshape_concat.cc:42] input shape not match.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.348][reshape_split.cc:59] splited axis and sum of split point not match.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.349][reshape_split.cc:59] splited axis and sum of split point not match.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.349][reshape_split.cc:59] splited axis and sum of split point not match.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.349][reshape_split.cc:59] splited axis and sum of split point not match.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.350][reshape_split.cc:59] splited axis and sum of split point not match.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.350][reshape_split.cc:59] splited axis and sum of split point not match.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.350][reshape_split.cc:59] splited axis and sum of split point not match.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.389][reshape_add.cc:39] unbroadcastable input.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.389][reshape_add.cc:39] unbroadcastable input.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.390][reshape_add.cc:39] unbroadcastable input.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.390][reshape_add.cc:39] unbroadcastable input.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.390][reshape_add.cc:39] unbroadcastable input.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.391][reshape_add.cc:39] unbroadcastable input.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.391][reshape_unsqueeze.cc:36] axes overflow.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.391][reshape_unsqueeze.cc:36] axes overflow.
    [INFO][2021-07-14 17:18:22.392][simple_graph_partitioner.cc:107] total partition(s) of graph[torch-jit-export3]: 1.
    [INFO][2021-07-14 17:18:22.392][opt_graph.cc:204] Create 2 TensorImpl
    [INFO][2021-07-14 17:18:22.392][opt_graph.cc:316] added 2 new bridge kernels
    [INFO][2021-07-14 17:18:22.392][opt_graph.cc:478] deleted 1 bridge kernels
    [INFO][2021-07-14 17:18:22.392][simple_graph_partitioner.cc:107] total partition(s) of graph[torch-jit-export4]: 1.
    [INFO][2021-07-14 17:18:22.393][opt_graph.cc:204] Create 20 TensorImpl
    [INFO][2021-07-14 17:18:22.393][opt_graph.cc:316] added 21 new bridge kernels
    [INFO][2021-07-14 17:18:22.408][opt_graph.cc:478] deleted 14 bridge kernels
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.408][reshape_split.cc:59] splited axis and sum of split point not match.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.409][reshape_concat.cc:42] input shape not match.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.409][reshape_split.cc:59] splited axis and sum of split point not match.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.409][reshape_split.cc:59] splited axis and sum of split point not match.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.410][reshape_split.cc:59] splited axis and sum of split point not match.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.410][reshape_split.cc:59] splited axis and sum of split point not match.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.410][reshape_split.cc:59] splited axis and sum of split point not match.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.411][reshape_split.cc:59] splited axis and sum of split point not match.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.411][reshape_split.cc:59] splited axis and sum of split point not match.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.413][reshape_split.cc:59] splited axis and sum of split point not match.
    [INFO][2021-07-14 17:18:22.426][simple_graph_partitioner.cc:107] total partition(s) of graph[torch-jit-export5]: 1.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.426][reshape_concat.cc:42] input shape not match.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.427][reshape_concat.cc:42] input shape not match.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.427][reshape_concat.cc:42] input shape not match.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.427][reshape_concat.cc:42] input shape not match.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.427][reshape_concat.cc:42] input shape not match.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.428][reshape_concat.cc:42] input shape not match.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.428][reshape_concat.cc:42] input shape not match.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.428][reshape_concat.cc:42] input shape not match.
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:18:22.429][reshape_concat.cc:42] input shape not match.
    [INFO][2021-07-14 17:18:22.429][opt_graph.cc:204] Create 135 TensorImpl
    [INFO][2021-07-14 17:18:22.430][opt_graph.cc:316] added 174 new bridge kernels
    [INFO][2021-07-14 17:18:22.433][opt_graph.cc:478] deleted 153 bridge kernels
    [INFO][2021-07-14 17:18:22.434][opt_graph.cc:204] Create 2263 TensorImpl
    [INFO][2021-07-14 17:18:22.660][opt_graph.cc:316] added 2626 new bridge kernels
    [INFO][2021-07-14 17:20:05.963][opt_graph.cc:478] deleted 2547 bridge kernels
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:20:06.007][scheduler_common.cc:170] exec kernel[Pad_146] failed: invalid value
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:20:06.007][sequential_scheduler.cc:116] execute kernel[Pad_146] failed: invalid value
    [ERROR][2021-07-14 17:20:06.007][pplnn.cc:804] Run() failed: invalid value

    I'm running it with true image data. Dose that pplnn support maskrcnn, or what should I do to execute it suceessfully? Thanks a lot! The model was generated by this command:

    python ../tools/deployment/pytorch2onnx.py ../configs/mask_rcnn/mask_rcnn_r50_fpn_mstrain-poly_3x_coco.py \
    mask_rcnn_r50_fpn_mstrain-poly_3x_coco_20210524_201154-21b550bb.pth \
    --output-file mask_rcnn.onnx --simplify --dynamic-export
    opened by Maosquerade 9
  • tools/pplnn.py --use-cuda output error

    tools/pplnn.py --use-cuda output error

    What are the problems?(screenshots or detailed error messages)

    use ./tools/pplnn.py --use-cuda --onnx-model tests/testdata/conv.onnx to test python api and cuda engine; add input and output data value print to https://github.com/openppl-public/ppl.nn/blob/master/tools/pplnn.py#L499 and https://github.com/openppl-public/ppl.nn/blob/master/tools/pplnn.py#L511 it seems that input tensor and output tensor have the same value; which is different from x86 engine output;

    INFO: PPLNN version: [0.6.3], commit: [9444a9d2ee0b89d8cd4a2fee8cef839fedfe8837]
    [INFO][2022-04-19 18:43:40.768][engine_graph_partitioner.cc:103] total partition(s) of graph[torch-jit-export]: 1.
    [INFO][2022-04-19 18:43:40.768][opt_graph.cc:329] added 4 new bridge kernels
    [INFO][2022-04-19 18:43:40.770][algo_conv_hmma.cc:129] Compiling Conv_0
    [INFO][2022-04-19 18:43:41.454][opt_graph.cc:583] deleted 2 bridge kernels
    INFO: ----- input info -----
    INFO: input[0]
    INFO:     name: input
    INFO:     dim(s): [1, 3, 4, 4]
    INFO:     type: FLOAT32
    INFO:     format: NDARRAY
    INFO:     byte(s) excluding padding: 192
    INFO:     in_data: [[[[-0.7580919  -1.0537796  -1.4523766  -1.1736736 ]
       [-0.50453496 -1.48383    -1.3174736  -0.8811438 ]
       [-1.5446684  -0.33240414 -1.429975   -1.172169  ]
       [-1.2639251  -0.00716734 -0.26453447 -1.4403057 ]]
      [[-1.6206262  -1.3826382  -0.74133873 -0.9391637 ]
       [-0.42861128 -0.09090185 -1.2538221  -0.02137303]
       [-0.074507   -0.29974604 -0.45086026 -1.9801757 ]
       [-0.07279325 -0.67775655 -1.4832225  -1.862076  ]]
      [[-1.0764339  -0.25367737 -1.8603811  -1.5876365 ]
       [-1.8216178  -0.6460962  -0.5559113  -0.9660294 ]
       [-1.837322   -1.0467303  -0.04060197 -0.5114651 ]
       [-0.21527338 -0.26388478 -1.6131785  -1.4633346 ]]]]
    INFO: ----- output info -----
    INFO: output[0]
    INFO:     name: 5
    INFO:     dim(s): [1, 3, 5, 5]
    INFO:     type: FLOAT32
    INFO:     format: NDARRAY
    INFO:     byte(s) excluding padding: 300
    INFO:     out_data: [[[[-0.7580919  -1.0537796  -1.4523766  -1.1736736  -0.50453496]
       [-1.48383    -1.3174736  -0.8811438  -1.5446684  -0.33240414]
       [-1.429975   -1.172169   -1.2639251  -0.00716734 -0.26453447]
       [-1.4403057  -1.6206262  -1.3826382  -0.74133873 -0.9391637 ]
       [-0.42861128 -0.09090185 -1.2538221  -0.02137303 -0.074507  ]]
      [[-0.29974604 -0.45086026 -1.9801757  -0.07279325 -0.67775655]
       [-1.4832225  -1.862076   -1.0764339  -0.25367737 -1.8603811 ]
       [-1.5876365  -1.8216178  -0.6460962  -0.5559113  -0.9660294 ]
       [-1.837322   -1.0467303  -0.04060197 -0.5114651  -0.21527338]
       [-0.26388478 -1.6131785  -1.4633346   0.          0.        ]]
      [[ 0.          0.          0.          0.          0.        ]
       [ 0.          0.          0.          0.          0.        ]
       [ 0.          0.          0.          0.          0.        ]
       [ 0.          0.          0.          0.          0.        ]
       [ 0.          0.          0.          0.          0.        ]]]]
    INFO: Run ok

    Which version(commit id or tag) of ppl.nn is used?

    PPLNN version: [0.6.3], commit: [9444a9d2ee0b89d8cd4a2fee8cef839fedfe8837]

    What's the operating system ppl.nn runs on?


    What's the compiler and its version?

    g++ (Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04) 7.5.0

    What are the commands used to build ppl.nn?


    What are the execution commands?

    PYTHONPATH=./pplnn-build/install/lib python3 ./tools/pplnn.py --use-cuda --onnx-model tests/testdata/conv.onnx

    minimal code snippets for reproducing these problems(if necessary)

    models and inputs for reproducing these problems (send them to [email protected] if necessary)

    opened by sky-fun 8
  • cuda推理报错


    What are the problems?(snapshots or detailed error messages)

    将cpp的分类示例工程改为使用cuda推理(x86可以正常编译运行,benchmark cuda和x86也都可以跑),编译时打印以下内容:

    $ bear make -j
    Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target classification
    [ 50%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/classification.dir/classification.cpp.o
    [100%] Linking CXX executable classification
    /home/ubuntu/Documents/ppl.nn/pplnn-build/install/lib/cmake/ppl/../../../lib/libpplnn_static.a(engine_factory.cc.o):在函数‘ppl::nn::CudaEngineFactory::Create(ppl::nn::CudaEngineOptions const&)’中:
    /home/ubuntu/Documents/ppl.nn/pplnn-build/install/lib/cmake/ppl/../../../lib/libpplnn_static.a(cuda_compiler.cc.o):在函数‘ppl::nn::cuda::CUDANVRTCCompile(std::pair<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, std::vector<char const*, std::allocator<char const*> >, int, bool)’中:
    /home/ubuntu/Documents/ppl.nn/pplnn-build/install/lib/cmake/ppl/../../../lib/libpplnn_static.a(cuda_module.cc.o):在函数‘ppl::nn::cuda::CUDAModule::GetKernelFunc(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)’中:

    Which version(commit id or tag) of ppl.nn is used?

    ppl.nn version: 0a545145b6b1816fd190c6023a588328872fe80f

    What's the operating system ppl.nn runs on?

    Linux ubuntu-1660ti 5.4.0-100-generic #113~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Mon Feb 7 15:02:59 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

    What's the compiler and its version?


    • gcc (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~18.04) 9.4.0
    • gcc (Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04) 7.5.0

    What are the commands used to build ppl.nn?


    What are the execution commands?

    bear make -j

    minimal code snippets for reproducing these problems(if necessary)

    #include "ppl/nn/engines/cuda/cuda_engine_options.h"
    #include "ppl/nn/engines/cuda/engine_factory.h"
    /************************ 2. create runtime builder from onnx model *************************/
        CudaEngineOptions options;
        options.device_id = 0;
        options.mm_policy = CUDA_MM_BEST_FIT;
        auto cuda_engine = CudaEngineFactory::Create(options);
        if (!cuda_engine)
            return false;
        cuda_engine->Configure(ppl::nn::CUDA_CONF_USE_DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS, false);
        vector<unique_ptr<Engine>> engines;
        vector<Engine *> engine_ptrs;

    models and inputs for reproducing these problems (sends them to [email protected] if necessary)

    opened by watersounds 8
  • centernet runs with memory error.

    centernet runs with memory error.

    My gpu is Tesla T4, and sample model runs normally. When I use centernet with --mm-policy=mem, it turns out erorr like this, but it can get an output. image WHen I use --mm-policy=perf, it gets error out of memory like this: image It seems they both end with memory error, is this error familiar to your team, or how can I avoid this error?

    opened by Maosquerade 8
  • pplnn run mobilenet v2 model failed. (use cuda)

    pplnn run mobilenet v2 model failed. (use cuda)

    What are the problems?(screenshots or detailed error messages)

    pplnn run mobilenet v2 model failed(use cuda). mobilenet v2 model is exported from torchvision.

    ppl.nn version: [0.9.0], commit: [2da19ac438d4f726b8744d650a1751d310fc0710-dirty]
    [INFO][2022-12-04 17:42:46.453][pplnn.cc:308] ***** register CudaEngine *****
    [INFO][2022-12-04 17:42:46.474][utils.cc:369] total partition(s) of graph[torch_jit]: 1.
    [INFO][2022-12-04 17:42:46.478][opt_graph.cc:312] added 242 new bridge kernels
    [INFO][2022-12-04 17:42:46.509][algo_conv_hmma.cc:141] Compiling /features/features.0/features.0.0/Conv
    [INFO][2022-12-04 17:42:51.219][algo_conv_hmma.cc:146] select kernel nvIdxnSm75Fp16Conv_hmma1688_nhwc_b64x32_w32x16_k32_s16
    [INFO][2022-12-04 17:42:51.239][algo_conv_hmma.cc:141] Compiling /features/features.1/conv/conv.1/Conv
    [INFO][2022-12-04 17:42:55.559][algo_conv_hmma.cc:146] select kernel nvIdxnSm75Fp16Conv_hmma1688_nhwc_b64x16_w32x8_k64_s32
    [INFO][2022-12-04 17:42:55.650][algo_conv_hmma.cc:141] Compiling /features/features.2/conv/conv.0/conv.0.0/Conv
    [INFO][2022-12-04 17:42:58.170][algo_conv_hmma.cc:146] select kernel nvIdxnSm75Fp16Conv_hmma1688_nhwc_b128x32_w32x16_k32_s32
    [INFO][2022-12-04 17:42:58.184][algo_conv_hmma.cc:141] Compiling /features/features.2/conv/conv.2/Conv
    [INFO][2022-12-04 17:43:00.891][algo_conv_hmma.cc:146] select kernel nv2spkSm75Fp16Conv_hmma1688_nhwc_f1_b32x16_w16x16_k64_s32_buf2
    [INFO][2022-12-04 17:43:00.921][algo_conv_hmma.cc:141] Compiling /features/features.3/conv/conv.0/conv.0.0/Conv
    [INFO][2022-12-04 17:43:06.278][algo_conv_hmma.cc:146] select kernel nvIdxnSm75Fp16Conv_hmma1688_nhwc_b64x32_w32x8_k32_s32
    [INFO][2022-12-04 17:43:06.289][algo_conv_hmma.cc:141] Compiling /features/features.3/conv/conv.2/Conv
    [INFO][2022-12-04 17:43:06.524][algo_conv_hmma.cc:146] select kernel nv2spkSm75Fp16Conv_hmma1688_nhwc_f1_b64x8_w64x8_k128_s32_buf1
    [INFO][2022-12-04 17:43:06.557][algo_conv_hmma.cc:141] Compiling /features/features.4/conv/conv.0/conv.0.0/Conv
    [INFO][2022-12-04 17:43:12.012][algo_conv_hmma.cc:146] select kernel nvIdxnSm75Fp16Conv_hmma1688_nhwc_b128x32_w64x8_k32_s32
    [INFO][2022-12-04 17:43:12.017][algo_conv_hmma.cc:141] Compiling /features/features.4/conv/conv.2/Conv
    Segmentation fault (core dumped)

    What are the types of GPU/CPU you are using?

    RTX 2080 Ti

    What's the operating system ppl.nn runs on?

    Ubuntu 18.04

    What's the compiler and its version?

    g++ 7.5.0 nvcc V10.2.89

    Which version(commit id or tag) of ppl.nn is used?


    What are the commands used to build ppl.nn?

    cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DPPLNN_USE_CUDA=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=install cmake --build . -j 20 --config Release
    cmake --build . --target install -j 20 --config Release

    What are the execution commands?

    ./pplnn-build/tools/pplnn --use-cuda --onnx-model=mobilenet_v2.onnx --kernel-type=float16 --export-algo-file=algos/mobilenet_v2_fp16.json

    minimal code snippets for reproducing these problems(if necessary)

    import torch
    import torchvision
    model = torchvision.models.mobilenet_v2(torchvision.models.MobileNet_V2_Weights.DEFAULT)
    dummy_input = torch.randn(1, 3, 224, 224)
    ./pplnn-build/tools/pplnn --use-cuda --onnx-model=mobilenet_v2.onnx  --kernel-type=float16 --export-algo-file=algos/mobilenet_v2_fp16.json

    models and inputs for reproducing these problems (send them to [email protected] if necessary)

    opened by shiwenloong 7
  • About the core J1900 run the python demo occur get unsupported isa 0

    About the core J1900 run the python demo occur get unsupported isa 0

    Screenshot from 2022-03-24 10-39-10

    cpu core J1900 vendor_id : GenuineIntel cpu family : 6 model : 55 model name : Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU J1900 @ 1.99GHz stepping : 9 microcode : 0x90c cpu MHz : 2042.652 cache size : 1024 KB physical id : 0 siblings : 4 core id : 0 cpu cores : 4 apicid : 0 initial apicid : 0 fpu : yes fpu_exception : yes cpuid level : 11 wp : yes flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx rdtscp lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good nopl xtopology tsc_reliable nonstop_tsc cpuid aperfmperf tsc_known_freq pni pclmulqdq dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr pdcm sse4_1 sse4_2 movbe popcnt tsc_deadline_timer rdrand lahf_lm 3dnowprefetch epb pti ibrs ibpb stibp tpr_shadow vnmi flexpriority ept vpid tsc_adjust smep erms dtherm ida arat md_clear bugs : cpu_meltdown spectre_v1 spectre_v2 mds msbds_only bogomips : 4000.00 clflush size : 64 cache_alignment : 64 address sizes : 36 bits physical, 48 bits virtual

    gcc 7.5.0 os:Ubuntu18.04 LTS PPLNN version: [0.6.3]

    I use the command: PYTHONPATH=./pplnn-build/install/lib python3 ./tools/pplnn.py --use-x86 --onnx-model tests/testdata/conv.onnx

    i find maybe the core is too elder that not support this?

    opened by F0xZz 7
  • x86引擎运行没问题,但cuda引擎无法运行,会卡在Compiling Conv_0直至64G内存全部耗尽

    x86引擎运行没问题,但cuda引擎无法运行,会卡在Compiling Conv_0直至64G内存全部耗尽

    [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.125][fuse_shape_optimizer.cc:257] Output count 1 for fused shape node[Shape_127_Fused] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.126][fuse_shape_optimizer.cc:257] Output count 1 for fused shape node[Shape_139_Fused] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.126][fuse_shape_optimizer.cc:257] Output count 1 for fused shape node[Shape_151_Fused] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.126][fuse_shape_optimizer.cc:257] Output count 1 for fused shape node[Shape_163_Fused] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.126][fuse_shape_optimizer.cc:257] Output count 1 for fused shape node[Shape_176_Fused] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.126][fuse_shape_optimizer.cc:257] Output count 1 for fused shape node[Shape_185_Fused] [INFO][2022-02-26 11:23:12.127][engine_graph_partitioner.cc:103] total partition(s) of graph[torch-jit-export]: 1. [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.153][opt_graph.cc:186] Can not reshape safely for node[Resize_170] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.154][opt_graph.cc:186] Can not reshape safely for node[Resize_158] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.155][opt_graph.cc:186] Can not reshape safely for node[Resize_146] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.156][opt_graph.cc:186] Can not reshape safely for node[Resize_134] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.156][reshape_concat.cc:43] ERROR: input[1]'s dim[2]'s value[1] != input[0]'s dim[2]'s value[37]. [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.156][opt_graph.cc:186] Can not reshape safely for node[Concat_171] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.172][opt_graph.cc:186] Can not reshape safely for node[Resize_183] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.172][opt_graph.cc:186] Can not reshape safely for node[Resize_192] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.173][opt_graph.cc:200] Create 305 TensorImpl [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.173][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_172] and nextnode[Relu_173] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.173][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_124] and nextnode[Relu_125] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.173][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_136] and nextnode[Relu_137] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.173][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_148] and nextnode[Relu_149] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.173][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_160] and nextnode[Relu_161] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.173][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_120] and nextnode[Add_121] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.173][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_120] and nextnode[Relu_122] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.174][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_118] and nextnode[Relu_119] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.174][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_116] and nextnode[Relu_117] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.174][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_113] and nextnode[Add_114] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.174][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_113] and nextnode[Relu_115] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.174][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_111] and nextnode[Relu_112] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.174][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_109] and nextnode[Relu_110] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.174][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_105] and nextnode[Add_107] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.174][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_105] and nextnode[Relu_108] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.175][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_103] and nextnode[Relu_104] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.175][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_101] and nextnode[Relu_102] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.175][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_98] and nextnode[Add_99] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.175][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_98] and nextnode[Relu_100] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.175][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_96] and nextnode[Relu_97] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.175][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_94] and nextnode[Relu_95] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.176][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_91] and nextnode[Add_92] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.176][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_91] and nextnode[Relu_93] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.176][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_89] and nextnode[Relu_90] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.176][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_87] and nextnode[Relu_88] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.176][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_84] and nextnode[Add_85] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.177][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_84] and nextnode[Relu_86] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.177][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_82] and nextnode[Relu_83] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.177][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_80] and nextnode[Relu_81] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.177][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_77] and nextnode[Add_78] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.177][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_77] and nextnode[Relu_79] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.177][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_75] and nextnode[Relu_76] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.178][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_73] and nextnode[Relu_74] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.178][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_70] and nextnode[Add_71] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.178][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_70] and nextnode[Relu_72] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.178][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_68] and nextnode[Relu_69] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.178][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_66] and nextnode[Relu_67] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.178][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_62] and nextnode[Add_64] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.179][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_62] and nextnode[Relu_65] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.180][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_60] and nextnode[Relu_61] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.180][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_58] and nextnode[Relu_59] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.181][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_55] and nextnode[Add_56] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.182][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_55] and nextnode[Relu_57] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.182][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_53] and nextnode[Relu_54] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.182][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_51] and nextnode[Relu_52] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.183][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_48] and nextnode[Add_49] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.183][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_48] and nextnode[Relu_50] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.183][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_46] and nextnode[Relu_47] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.183][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_44] and nextnode[Relu_45] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.183][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_41] and nextnode[Add_42] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.183][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_41] and nextnode[Relu_43] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.184][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_39] and nextnode[Relu_40] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.184][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_37] and nextnode[Relu_38] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.184][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_33] and nextnode[Add_35] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.184][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_33] and nextnode[Relu_36] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.185][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_31] and nextnode[Relu_32] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.185][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_29] and nextnode[Relu_30] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.185][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_26] and nextnode[Add_27] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.185][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_26] and nextnode[Relu_28] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.185][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_24] and nextnode[Relu_25] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.186][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_22] and nextnode[Relu_23] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.186][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_19] and nextnode[Add_20] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.186][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_19] and nextnode[Relu_21] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.186][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_17] and nextnode[Relu_18] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.186][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_15] and nextnode[Relu_16] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.186][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_11] and nextnode[Add_13] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.187][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_11] and nextnode[Relu_14] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.187][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_9] and nextnode[Relu_10] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.187][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_7] and nextnode[Relu_8] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.187][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_4] and nextnode[Relu_5] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.187][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_2] and nextnode[Relu_3] [DEBUG][2022-02-26 11:23:12.187][fs_conv.cc:80] Fuse node[Conv_0] and nextnode[Relu_1] [INFO][2022-02-26 11:23:12.192][opt_graph.cc:311] added 261 new bridge kernels [INFO][2022-02-26 11:23:12.724][algo_conv_hmma.cc:126] Compiling Conv_0

    opened by stujiajia 7
  • [x86-compile] error: impossible constraint in ‘asm’

    [x86-compile] error: impossible constraint in ‘asm’

    I try to compile the latest master.

    CPU | result ------- | ------------- Core i5-9500(not support avx512) | error: impossible constraint in ‘asm’ Xeon 6130(support avx512) | pass

    I find that latest commit supports AVX-512. If it is a bug, will ppl support more CPU(no avx512) and any macro to separate AVX-512 codes? Thanks.

    opened by alanzhai219 7
  • pytorch wrapper

    pytorch wrapper

    Hi guys, Is it possible to supply a torch wrapper for ppl.nn? It will make it much easier to use ppl.nn. the wrapper can parse onnx file, and accept a torch.Tensor for forward-process.

    opened by ShiyangZhang 0
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