Adds SQLAlchemy support to Flask



Flask-SQLAlchemy is an extension for Flask that adds support for SQLAlchemy to your application. It aims to simplify using SQLAlchemy with Flask by providing useful defaults and extra helpers that make it easier to accomplish common tasks.


Install and update using pip:

$ pip install -U Flask-SQLAlchemy

A Simple Example

from flask import Flask
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config["SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI"] = "sqlite:///example.sqlite"
db = SQLAlchemy(app)

class User(db.Model):
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    username = db.Column(db.String, unique=True, nullable=False)
    email = db.Column(db.String, unique=True, nullable=False)

db.session.add(User(username="Flask", email="[email protected]"))

users = User.query.all()


For guidance on setting up a development environment and how to make a contribution to Flask-SQLAlchemy, see the contributing guidelines.


The Pallets organization develops and supports Flask-SQLAlchemy. In order to grow the community of contributors and users, and allow the maintainers to devote more time to the projects, please donate today.


  • Document how to use plain SQLAlchemy models with the Flask-SQLAlchemy session

    Document how to use plain SQLAlchemy models with the Flask-SQLAlchemy session

    The application I was writing required that I have models that were portable (not just for use with Flask), but I still wanted to be able to take advantage of the sessions that Flask-SQLAlchemy provided.

    It would be nice if it were documented somewhere that, if you are willing to forego some of the convenience methods on the Model (like Model.query), then you can use standard SQLAlchemy models with the Flask-SQLAlchemy session.

    Incidentally this approach also helps with avoiding circular imports when passing the SQLAlchemy() instance, db, around to each model.

    Here is an example:

    from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String
    from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
    Base = declarative_base()
    class User(Base):
        __tablename__ = 'users'
        id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
        name = Column(String(50), unique=True)
        email = Column(String(120), unique=True)
        def __init__(self, name=None, email=None):
   = name
   = email
        def __repr__(self):
            return '<User %r>' % (
    from flask import Flask
    from models import Base, User
    from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
    app =  Flask(__name__)
    app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite:////tmp/test.db'
    db = SQLAlchemy(app)
    def setup():
        # Recreate database each time for demo
        db.session.add(User('Bob Jones', '[email protected]'))
        db.session.add(User('Joe Quimby', '[email protected]'))
    def root():
        users = db.session.query(User).all()
        return u"<br>".join([u"{0}: {1}".format(, for user in users])
    if __name__ == '__main__':'', 5000) 
    opened by dmckeone 25
  • Fix #26 Use unique MetaData object for each bind

    Fix #26 Use unique MetaData object for each bind

    An InvalidRequestError occurs when subclassing db.Model with two objects that have the same __tablename__ but different __bind_key__.

    sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError: Table 'users' is already defined for
    this MetaData instance.  Specify 'extend_existing=True' to redefine
    options and columns on an existing Table object.

    This could happen, for example, if you had a users table in two different databases that you needed to access. This patch creates a unique MetaData object for each bind_key which stops this error from happening and allows access to tables with the same name in different databases. It also includes a test to verify the error is fixed.

    opened by ghost 22
  • Please release a maintenance release.

    Please release a maintenance release.

    Last release was Oct 15, 2015.

    A few critical fixes are needed specifically 3fec753592.

    Would it be possible to get a 2.2 release so our requirements file can use a version instead of a git version?

    opened by splbio 21
  • "Fix for AttributeError: 'SessionMaker' object has no attribute '_model_changes' when using fixture to load fixtures"


    I encountered the same error as this (scenario is also stated in the link):


    opened by jpanganiban 19
  • TypeError: can't apply this __setattr__ to DefaultMeta object

    TypeError: can't apply this __setattr__ to DefaultMeta object

    I don't know where this comes from. I have a small project where all versions are pinned and the Flask app runs in a Docker container. I just made an unrelated changes with the same versions and get this error. Does this look familiar?

    Expected Behavior

    Just running without crashes

    from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
    db = SQLAlchemy()

    Actual Behavior


    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/flask_sqlalchemy/", line 716, in __init__
        self.Model = self.make_declarative_base(model_class, metadata)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/flask_sqlalchemy/", line 798, in make_declarative_base
        model.query_class = self.Query
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/declarative/", line 79, in __setattr__
        _add_attribute(cls, key, value)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sqlalchemy/ext/declarative/", line 802, in _add_attribute
        type.__setattr__(cls, key, value)
    TypeError: can't apply this __setattr__ to DefaultMeta object


    • Python version: Python 3.8.4 (Docker python:3.8-slim-buster)
    • Flask-SQLAlchemy version: flask-sqlalchemy==2.4.1
    • SQLAlchemy version: sqlalchemy==1.3.13
    opened by MartinThoma 18
  • Support additional SQLAlchemy parameters.

    Support additional SQLAlchemy parameters.

    I found some SQLAlchemy parameters are helpful when we have unreliable network connectivity between applications and database.

    • creator helps to create custom DBAPI connections.
    • echo_pool will log all check-ins/outs of the pool.
    • pool_pre_ping tests connections for linveness upon each checkout.
    • pool_reset_on_return allows to override default behavior upon return.

    By default, all those options are turned off (or following the default behavior in SQLAlchemy) for backward compatibility.

    For more information about the parameters, please refer to the following official SQLAlchemy documentation:

    opened by yangbaepark 18
  • make it possible to pass additional options to create_engine

    make it possible to pass additional options to create_engine

    I needed to pass in an isolation_level parameters to the create_engine call. I did it like this:

    (on top of the 1.0 tag since that's what we used, but I can make a pull-request with it applied to HEAD if you want)

    opened by gromgull 18
  • Model with tablename of reflected table does not have table assigned

    Model with tablename of reflected table does not have table assigned

    Just updated and my full application, working previously, broke down on setting the model due to the update ( I believe it might be a problem with this new primary key detection thing, which I'm not sure I get the point of. The previously-fine code is thus:

    from flask import Flask
    from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
    app = Flask(__name__)
    db = SQLAlchemy(app)
    class Country(db.Model):
        __tablename__ = 'd_country'

    Resulting in:

    InvalidRequestError: Class <class 'app.models.Country'> does not have a __table__ or __tablename__ specified and does not inherit from an existing table-mapped class.

    I'd be willing to bet that the update didn't take db.reflect() into account. I'm rolling back unless there's something else I can do, but I'd rather not have to do a declared_attr on all my tables just for this thing.

    bug tablename 
    opened by flipperbw 17
  • Issue using NullPool poolclass in MySQL

    Issue using NullPool poolclass in MySQL

    I am using version 2.4.1. I am trying to set my poolclass to NullPool by passing that option into my engine options like so:

    from sqlalchemy.pool import NullPool
    SQLALCHEMY_ENGINE_OPTIONS = {"poolclass":NullPool}

    That is working as expected and the poolclass is being set. However I am getting the following error when running:

    TypeError: Invalid argument(s) 'pool_size' sent to create_engine(), using configuration AuroraMySQLDataAPIDialect/NullPool/Engine.  Please check that the keyword arguments are appropriate for this combination of components.

    The pool_size needs to NOT be set in order to use NullPool. This seems to be happening because the pool_size is being set to 10. I did some digging and found it was being set in apply_driver_hacks:

            if sa_url.drivername.startswith('mysql'):
                sa_url.query.setdefault('charset', 'utf8')
                if sa_url.drivername != 'mysql+gaerdbms':
                    options.setdefault('pool_size', 10)
                    options.setdefault('pool_recycle', 7200)

    If I comment out those last 3 lines and run my code, the pool size doesn't get set and everything works as expected.

    But I would like to figure out a way to prevent the pool size from being set to 10 without having to fork the repo and make this change to do so. Is there any way to do this? I have tried passing in pool_size:0 and pool_size:None into my engine options but it is still getting set to 10 regardless.

    FWIW I am using a custom dialect (, but the driver name starts with "mysql" so it's being caught by this logic regardless.

    opened by olinger 16
  • Add a `py.typed` file?

    Add a `py.typed` file?

    Hi! It looks like the latest release of Flask-SQLAlchemy ships with inline type annotations. This is awesome!

    Would you consider adding a py.typed file to the library? This would mean that we could mark our typeshed stubs for Flask-SQLAlchemy as officially obsolete, and not have to worry about updating our stubs to reflect the changes in 3.0.* (cf.

    opened by AlexWaygood 15
  • Listening for 'before_flush' throws sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError

    Listening for 'before_flush' throws sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError

    Registering a listener for 'before_commit' (and 'before_flush') like so, where:

    db = SQLAlchemy(app)
    event.listen(db.session, 'before_commit', before_commit)

    Throws the following exception:

        @event.listens_for(db.session, "before_flush")
      File "/home/environments/python3/lib/python3.3/site-packages/sqlalchemy/event/", line 68, in decorate
        listen(target, identifier, fn, *args, **kw)
      File "/home/environments/python3/lib/python3.3/site-packages/sqlalchemy/event/", line 49, in listen
        _event_key(target, identifier, fn).listen(*args, **kw)
      File "/home/environments/python3/lib/python3.3/site-packages/sqlalchemy/event/", line 22, in _event_key
        tgt = evt_cls._accept_with(target)
      File "/home/environments/python3/lib/python3.3/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/", line 1142, in _accept_with
        "Session event listen on a scoped_session "
    sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Session event listen on a scoped_session requires that its creation callable is associated with the Session class.

    Per the comment in this thread from Mike Bayer, it seems the issue is with the factory being passed to scoped_session not being a sessionmaker():

    Stepping through the code, it barfs in this method in line 1132 of sqlalchemy/orm/

        def _accept_with(cls, target):
            if isinstance(target, scoped_session):
                target = target.session_factory
                if not isinstance(target, sessionmaker) and \
                        not isinstance(target, type) or
                        not issubclass(target, Session)
                    raise exc.ArgumentError(
                                "Session event listen on a scoped_session "
                                "requires that its creation callable "
                                "is associated with the Session class.")

    db.session.session_factory is of type functools.partial, which angers SQLAlchemy.

    opened by acowlikeobject 15
  • Bump dessant/lock-threads from 3 to 4

    Bump dessant/lock-threads from 3 to 4

    Bumps dessant/lock-threads from 3 to 4.

    Release notes

    Sourced from dessant/lock-threads's releases.


    Learn more about this release from the changelog.


    Sourced from dessant/lock-threads's changelog.

    4.0.0 (2022-12-04)


    • the action now requires Node.js 16

    Bug Fixes

    3.0.0 (2021-09-27)


    • input parameter names have changed

      Rename the following input parameters when upgrading from v2 to v3:

      • issue-lock-inactive-days --> issue-inactive-days
      • issue-exclude-created-before --> exclude-issue-created-before
      • issue-exclude-labels --> exclude-any-issue-labels
      • issue-lock-labels --> add-issue-labels
      • issue-lock-comment --> issue-comment
      • pr-lock-inactive-days --> pr-inactive-days
      • pr-exclude-created-before --> exclude-pr-created-before
      • pr-exclude-labels --> exclude-any-pr-labels
      • pr-lock-labels --> add-pr-labels
      • pr-lock-comment --> pr-comment


    • add new filtering and labeling options, update input parameter names (26fd836)
    • allow manual triggering (a0c7da3)

    2.1.2 (2021-08-17)

    Bug Fixes

    • ignore error when commenting on issue converted to discussion (60d2a1a), closes #24

    2.1.1 (2021-07-09)

    Bug Fixes

    • update GitHub API calls (a3ccc71)

    ... (truncated)


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    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
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    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • Documentation bug on queries.rst

    Documentation bug on queries.rst

    On this page, the information for querying one object is slightly incorrect.

    user = db.session.execute(

    This yields something like:

    (<User 1>,)

    I believe this is because we are working with the ORM models, so we need to use ScalarResult instead of Result. See

    So I think the example should read:

    user = db.session.execute(

    This will yield the model with out the tuple.

    <User 1>


    • Python version: 3.11.0
    • Flask-SQLAlchemy version: 3.0.2
    • SQLAlchemy version: 1.4.44

    I'm happy to update the documentation. I was considering sending a pull request, but it's late, so ended up filing a bug instead.

    opened by richard-to 0
  • support `session.get` kwargs

    support `session.get` kwargs

    Support passing kwargs into db.session.get via db.get_or_404.

    • fixes #1149


    • [x] Add tests that demonstrate the correct behavior of the change. Tests should fail without the change.
    • [x] Add or update relevant docs, in the docs folder and in code.
    • [x] Add an entry in CHANGES.rst summarizing the change and linking to the issue.
    • [x] Add .. versionchanged:: entries in any relevant code docs.
    • [x] Run pre-commit hooks and fix any issues.
    • [x] Run pytest and tox, no tests failed.
    opened by jdimmerman 0
  • support `session.get` kwargs

    support `session.get` kwargs

    SqlAlchemy supports passing in various kwargs to session.get(), such as options, which allows for joinloading relationships (as an example). Ideally we could do the same to flask-sqlalchemy's extension object's get_or_404(). This would be a simple, backwards compatible change to flask-sqlalchemy's implementation.


    from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import UUID
    from uuid import uuid4
    from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload
    class Organization(db.Model):
        __tablename__ = "organization"
        id = db.Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), primary_key=True, default=uuid4)
    class User(db.Model):
        __tablename__ = "user"
        id = db.Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), primary_key=True, default=uuid4)
        organization_id = db.Column(
        organization = db.relationship("Organization")
    # currently - emits 2 queries
    my_user = session.get_or_404(User, my_user_id)
    user_organization = my_user.organization
    # proposed - emits 1 query
    my_user = session.get_or_404(User, my_user_id, options=[joinedload(User.organization)])
    user_organization = my_user.organization

    If this sounds good, I can submit a PR

    opened by jdimmerman 0
  • Support SQLAlchemy 2's `DeclarativeBase` and `MappedAsDataclass`

    Support SQLAlchemy 2's `DeclarativeBase` and `MappedAsDataclass`

    I've been playing with mapped_column and MappedAsDataclass (new stuff in SQLAlchemy 2.x):

    Declarative Table with mapped_column() Declarative Dataclass Mapping


    mkdir sqlaplayground
    cd sqlaplayground
    pyenv local 3.11 
    python -m venv .venv 
    source .venv/bin/activate
    pip install -U pip wheel setuptools
    cat requirements.txt
    # sqlalchemy >= 2.0.0b3
    # flask-sqlalchemy @ git+[email protected]
    # flask >= 2.0.0
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    from __future__ import annotations
    from typing import Optional
    from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey, String, create_engine, orm
    from sqlalchemy.orm import (
        DeclarativeBase, Mapped, MappedAsDataclass, mapped_column, sessionmaker
    CONFIG = {
        "SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI": "sqlite+pysqlite://",
    Engine = create_engine(CONFIG["SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI"], future=True)
    Session = sessionmaker(bind=Engine, future=True)
    session = Session()
    class BaseModel(MappedAsDataclass, DeclarativeBase):
        """subclasses will be converted to dataclasses"""
    class Book(BaseModel):
        __tablename__ = "books"
        id: Mapped[Optional[int]] = mapped_column(
            init=False, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True
        title: Mapped[Optional[str]] = mapped_column(String(length=64), default=None)
        author_id: Mapped[Optional[int]] = mapped_column(
            ForeignKey(""), nullable=False, index=True, default=None
        author: Mapped[Optional[Author]] = orm.relationship(
            "Author", uselist=False, back_populates="books", default=None
    class Author(BaseModel):
        __tablename__ = "authors"
        id: Mapped[Optional[int]] = mapped_column(
            init=False, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True
        name: Mapped[Optional[str]] = mapped_column(String(length=64), default=None)
        books: Mapped[list[Book]] = orm.relationship(
            "Book", uselist=True, back_populates="author", default_factory=list
    book = Book(title="42", author=Author(name="Name"))

    This rather verbose declaration of models gives us some nice things:

    • more precise mypy and PyRight static typechecking.
    • dataclass-like __init__
    # "Book(id=1, title='42', author_id=1, author=Author(id=1, name='Name', books=[...]))"
    # book.__init__(title=None, author_id=None, author=None)

    First try at using my BaseModel with Flask-SQLAlchemy gets me into trouble with metaclass inheritance:

    import flask
    import flask_sqlalchemy
    app = flask.Flask(__name__)
    db = flask_sqlalchemy.SQLAlchemy(model_class=BaseModel)
    # TypeError: metaclass conflict: the metaclass of a derived class must be a (non-strict) 
    # subclass of the metaclasses of all its bases

    which is fair enough...

    I did try few things from Advanced Customization but so far came empty handed.

    Can Flask-SQLAlchemy support this "new" declarative models? Should it? Maybe avoid this problem by somehow replacing metaclass magic with __init_subclass__ from PEP 487 - Simpler customisation of class creation

    opened by tadams42 8
  • 3.0.2(Oct 14, 2022)

    This is a fix release for the 3.0.x feature release. It updates compatibility with SQLAlchemy 2.0 beta 1.

    • Changes:
    • Milestone:
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.0.1(Oct 11, 2022)

    This is a fix release for the 3.0.x feature release.

    • Changes:
    • Milestone:
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.0.0(Oct 4, 2022)

    This is a feature release, which includes new features and removes previously deprecated code. The 3.0.x branch is now the supported bug fix branch, the 2.x branch will become a tag marking the end of support for that branch. We encourage everyone to upgrade, and to use a tool such as pip-tools to pin all dependencies and control upgrades.

    • Changes:
    • Milestone:
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.0.0a2(Sep 26, 2022)

    This is a prerelease to preview the changes in 3.0, the next feature release. Prereleases are an opportunity to test and update your projects early before the final release.

    pip install -U --pre Flask-SQLAlchemy

    There were significant changes in, see the changelog for a full list. Many of those changes will raise deprecation warnings, but it was not feasible to implement warnings for some things.

    • Changes:
    • Milestone:
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.0.0a1(Sep 18, 2022)

    This is a prerelease to preview the changes in 3.0, the next feature release. Prereleases are an opportunity to test and update your projects early before the final release.

    pip install -U --pre Flask-SQLAlchemy

    There were significant changes in, see the changelog for a full list. Many of those changes will raise deprecation warnings, but it was not feasible to implement warnings for some things.

    • Changes:
    • Milestone:
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.5.1(Mar 18, 2021)

    Fixed compatibility with SQLAlchemy 1.4 and Python 2.7.

    • Changes:
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.5.0(Mar 18, 2021)

  • 2.4.4(Jul 14, 2020)

  • 2.4.3(May 26, 2020)

  • 2.4.2(May 25, 2020)

  • 2.3.2(Oct 11, 2017)

  • 2.3.1(Oct 4, 2017)

    Install or upgrade

    Install from PyPI with pip:

    pip install -U Flask-SQLAlchemy


    • If a model has a table name that matches an existing table in the metadata, use that table. Fixes a regression where reflected tables were not picked up by models. (#551)
    • Raise the correct error when a model has a table name but no primary key. (#556)
    • Fix repr on models that don't have an identity because they have not been flushed yet. (#555)
    • Allow specifying a max_per_page limit for pagination, to avoid users specifying high values in the request args. (#542)
    • For paginate with error_out=False, the minimum value for page is 1 and per_page is 0. (#558)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    Flask-SQLAlchemy-2.3.1.tar.gz(102.94 KB)
    Flask-SQLAlchemy-2.3.1.tar.gz.asc(488 bytes)
    Flask_SQLAlchemy-2.3.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl(16.22 KB)
    Flask_SQLAlchemy-2.3.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl.asc(488 bytes)
  • 2.3.0(Sep 28, 2017)

    Install or upgrade

    Install from PyPI with pip:

    pip install -U Flask-SQLAlchemy


    • Multiple bugs with __tablename__ generation are fixed. Names will be generated for models that define a primary key, but not for single-table inheritance subclasses. Names will not override a declared_attr. PrimaryKeyConstraint is detected. (#541)
    • Passing an existing declarative_base() as model_class to SQLAlchemy.__init__ will use this as the base class instead of creating one. This allows customizing the metaclass used to construct the base. (#546)
    • The undocumented DeclarativeMeta internals that the extension uses for binds and table name generation have been refactored to work as mixins. Documentation is added about how to create a custom metaclass that does not do table name generation. (#546)
    • Model and metaclass code has been moved to a new models module. _BoundDeclarativeMeta is renamed to DefaultMeta; the old name will be removed in 3.0. (#546)
    • Models have a default repr that shows the model name and primary key. (#530)
    • Fixed a bug where using init_app would cause connectors to always use the current_app rather than the app they were created for. This caused issues when multiple apps were registered with the extension. (#547)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    Flask-SQLAlchemy-2.3.0.tar.gz(101.57 KB)
    Flask-SQLAlchemy-2.3.0.tar.gz.asc(488 bytes)
    Flask_SQLAlchemy-2.3.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl(15.84 KB)
    Flask_SQLAlchemy-2.3.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl.asc(488 bytes)
  • 2.2(Feb 27, 2017)

    Install or upgrade

    Install from PyPI with pip:

    pip install -U Flask-SQLAlchemy


    • Minimum SQLAlchemy version is 0.8 due to use of sqlalchemy.inspect.
    • Added support for custom query_class and model_class as args to the SQLAlchemy constructor. (#328)
    • Allow listening to SQLAlchemy events on db.session. (#364)
    • Allow __bind_key__ on abstract models. (#373)
    • Allow SQLALCHEMY_ECHO to be a string. (#409)
    • Warn when SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI is not set. (#443)
    • Don't let pagination generate invalid page numbers. (#460)
    • Drop support of Flask < 0.10. This means the db session is always tied to the app context and its teardown event. (#461)
    • Tablename generation logic no longer accesses class properties unless they are declared_attr. (#467)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    Flask-SQLAlchemy-2.2.tar.gz(98.37 KB)
    Flask-SQLAlchemy-2.2.tar.gz.asc(488 bytes)
    Flask_SQLAlchemy-2.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl(14.53 KB)
    Flask_SQLAlchemy-2.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl.asc(488 bytes)
  • 2.1(Nov 16, 2015)

    Released on October 23rd 2015, codename Caesium

    • Table names are automatically generated in more cases, including subclassing mixins and abstract models.
    • Allow using a custom MetaData object.
    • Add support for binds parameter to session.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
Adds GraphQL support to your Flask application.

Flask-GraphQL Adds GraphQL support to your Flask application. Usage Just use the GraphQLView view from flask_graphql from flask import Flask from flas

GraphQL Python 1.3k Jan 3, 2023
Adds GraphQL support to your Flask application.

Flask-GraphQL Adds GraphQL support to your Flask application. Usage Just use the GraphQLView view from flask_graphql from flask import Flask from flas

GraphQL Python 1.2k Feb 17, 2021
A Fast API style support for Flask. Gives you MyPy types with the flexibility of flask

Flask-Fastx Flask-Fastx is a Fast API style support for Flask. It Gives you MyPy types with the flexibility of flask. Compatibility Flask-Fastx requir 18 Nov 26, 2022
SQLAlchemy database migrations for Flask applications using Alembic

Flask-Migrate Flask-Migrate is an extension that handles SQLAlchemy database migrations for Flask applications using Alembic. The database operations

Miguel Grinberg 2.2k Dec 28, 2022
SqlAlchemy Flask-Restful Swagger Json:API OpenAPI

SAFRS: Python OpenAPI & JSON:API Framework Overview Installation JSON:API Interface Resource Objects Relationships Methods Custom Methods Class Method

Thomas Pollet 365 Jan 6, 2023
A Flask app template with integrated SQLAlchemy, authentication, and Bootstrap frontend

Flask-Bootstrap Flask-Bootstrap is an Flask app template for users to clone and customize as desired, as opposed to a Flask extension that you can ins

Eric S. Bullington 204 Dec 26, 2022
Mixer -- Is a fixtures replacement. Supported Django, Flask, SqlAlchemy and custom python objects.

The Mixer is a helper to generate instances of Django or SQLAlchemy models. It's useful for testing and fixture replacement. Fast and convenient test-

Kirill Klenov 870 Jan 8, 2023
Mixer -- Is a fixtures replacement. Supported Django, Flask, SqlAlchemy and custom python objects.

The Mixer is a helper to generate instances of Django or SQLAlchemy models. It's useful for testing and fixture replacement. Fast and convenient test-

Kirill Klenov 742 Feb 9, 2021
REST API with Flask and SQLAlchemy. I would rather not use it anymore.

Flask REST API Python 3.9.7 The Flask experience, without data persistence :D First, to install all dependencies: python -m pip install -r requirement

Luis Quiñones Requelme 1 Dec 15, 2021
Forum written for learning purposes in flask and sqlalchemy

Flask-forum forum written for learning purposes using SQLalchemy and flask How to install install requirements pip install sqlalchemy flask clone repo

Kamil 0 May 23, 2022
flask-apispec MIT flask-apispec (🥉24 · ⭐ 520) - Build and document REST APIs with Flask and apispec. MIT

flask-apispec flask-apispec is a lightweight tool for building REST APIs in Flask. flask-apispec uses webargs for request parsing, marshmallow for res

Joshua Carp 617 Dec 30, 2022
Cross Origin Resource Sharing ( CORS ) support for Flask

Flask-CORS A Flask extension for handling Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), making cross-origin AJAX possible. This package has a simple philosoph

Cory Dolphin 803 Jan 1, 2023
MongoEngine flask extension with WTF model forms support

Flask-MongoEngine Info: MongoEngine for Flask web applications. Repository: About Flask-MongoEngine i

MongoEngine 815 Jan 3, 2023
i18n and l10n support for Flask based on Babel and pytz

Flask Babel Implements i18n and l10n support for Flask. This is based on the Python babel module as well as pytz both of which are installed automatic

null 397 Dec 15, 2022
Pagination support for flask

flask-paginate Pagination support for flask framework (study from will_paginate). It supports several css frameworks. It requires Python2.6+ as string

Lix Xu 264 Nov 7, 2022
Pagination support for flask

flask-paginate Pagination support for flask framework (study from will_paginate). It supports several css frameworks. It requires Python2.6+ as string

Lix Xu 223 Feb 17, 2021
WebSocket support for Flask

flask-sock WebSocket support for Flask Installation pip install flask-sock Example from flask import Flask, render_template from flask_sock import Soc

Miguel Grinberg 165 Dec 27, 2022
An extension to add support of Plugin in Flask.

An extension to add support of Plugin in Flask.

Doge Gui 31 May 19, 2022
Lightweight library for providing filtering mechanism for your APIs using SQLAlchemy

sqlalchemy-filters-plus is a light-weight extendable library for filtering queries with sqlalchemy. Install pip install sqlalchemy-fitlers-plus Usage

Karami El Mehdi 38 Oct 5, 2022