Bash-based Python-venv convenience wrapper

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DevOps Tools venvrc


Bash-based Python-venv convenience wrapper.



Copy venvrc file to ~/.venvrc, and add the following line to your ~/.bashrc file:

# source .venvrc on startup
. ~/.venvrc

Restart your shell and venv will be available as a command.


When creating virtual environments, venvrc scans for the VENV_INSTALL environment variable - if it's set, all the packages specified in it, separated by whitespace, are installed/upgraded on virtual environment creation.

For example, to upgrade pip and wheel packages on each venv creation, add the following line to your ~/.bashrc:

VENV_INSTALL="pip wheel"


venv c[reate] [ENVIRONMENT]
venv r[emove] [ENVIRONMENT]
venv a[ctivate] [ENVIRONMENT]
venv d[eactivate]
venv l[ist]
  • If [ENVIRONMENT] is not specified, the current directory's name is taken as environment name

  • If venv activate is called for an environment that doesn't exist, it will be automatically created


Since commands contain no common prefix, they can be specified through the prefix, i.e. venv c is equivalent to venv cre, which is equivalent to venv create

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