Transformers Wav2Vec2 + Parlance's CTCDecodeTransformers Wav2Vec2 + Parlance's CTCDecode


🤗 Transformers Wav2Vec2 + Parlance's CTCDecode


This repo shows how 🤗 Transformers can be used in combination with Parlance's ctcdecode & KenLM ngram as a simple way to boost word error rate (WER).

Included is a file to create an ngram with KenLM as well as a simple evaluation script to compare the results of using Wav2Vec2 with ctcdecode + KenLM vs. without using any language model.

Note: The scripts are written to be used on GPU. If you want to use a CPU instead, simply remove all .to("cuda") occurances in


In a first step, one should install KenLM. For Ubuntu, it should be enough to follow the installation steps described here. The installed kenlm folder should be move into this repo for ./ to function correctly. Alternatively, one can also link the lmplz binary file to a lmplz bash command to directly run lmplz instead of ./kenlm/build/bin/lmplz.

Next, some Python dependencies should be installed. Assuming PyTorch is installed, it should be sufficient to run pip install -r requirements.txt.

Run evaluation

Create ngram

In a first step on should create a ngram. E.g. for polish the command would be:

./ --language polish --path_to_ngram

After the language model is created, one should open the file. one should add a The file should have a structure which looks more or less as follows:

ngram 1=86586
ngram 2=546387
ngram 3=796581           
ngram 4=843999             
ngram 5=850874              
-3.4645514      drugi   -0.2088903


Now it is very important also add a token to the n-gram so that it can be correctly loaded. You can simple copy the line:

0 -0.06677356

and change to . When doing this you should also inclease ngram by 1. The new ngram should look as follows:

ngram 1=86587
ngram 2=546387
ngram 3=796581
ngram 4=843999
ngram 5=850874

0            -0.06677356
-3.4645514      drugi   -0.2088903


Now the ngram can be correctly used with pyctcdecode

Run eval

Having created the ngram, one can run:

./ --language polish --path_to_ngram

To compare Wav2Vec2 + LM vs. Wav2Vec2 + No LM on polish.


polish - No LM - | WER: 0.3069742867206763 | CER: 0.06054530156286364 | Time: 32.37423086166382
polish - With LM - | WER: 0.39526828695550076 | CER: 0.17596985266474516 | Time: 62.017329692840576

I didn't obtain any good results even when trying out a variety of different settings for alpha and beta. Sadly there aren't many examples, tutorials or docs on parlance/ctcdecode so it's hard to find the reason for the problem.

Also tried it out for other languages like Portuguese and Spanish, but no luck there either.

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