Conformer: Local Features Coupling Global Representations for Visual Recognition


Conformer: Local Features Coupling Global Representations for Visual Recognition (arxiv)

This repository is built upon DeiT and timm


First, install PyTorch 1.7.0+ and torchvision 0.8.1+ and pytorch-image-models 0.3.2:

conda install -c pytorch pytorch torchvision
pip install timm==0.3.2

Data preparation

Download and extract ImageNet train and val images from The directory structure is the standard layout for the torchvision datasets.ImageFolder, and the training and validation data is expected to be in the train/ folder and val folder respectively:



To train Conformer-S on ImageNet on a single node with 8 gpus for 300 epochs run:


export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7

python -m torch.distributed.launch --master_port 50130 --nproc_per_node=8 --use_env \
                                   --model Conformer_small_patch16 \
                                   --data-set IMNET \
                                   --batch-size 128 \
                                   --lr 0.001 \
                                   --num_workers 4 \
                                   --data-path /data/user/Dataset/ImageNet_ILSVRC2012/ \
                                   --output_dir ${OUTPUT} \
                                   --epochs 300

Model Zoo

Model Parameters MACs Top-1 Acc Link
Conformer-Ti 23.5 M 5.2 G 81.3 % baidu(code: hzhm) google
Conformer-S 37.7 M 10.6 G 83.4 % baidu(code: qvu8) google
Conformer-B 83.3 M 23.3 G 84.1 % baidu(code: b4z9) google


      title={Conformer: Local Features Coupling Global Representations for Visual Recognition}, 
      author={Zhiliang Peng and Wei Huang and Shanzhi Gu and Lingxi Xie and Yaowei Wang and Jianbin Jiao and Qixiang Ye},
      journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.03889},
  • transformer 分支是否需要强监督。

    transformer 分支是否需要强监督。

    image 你好,请问是否有实验,transformer 分支不进行loss 监督的消融实验呢?从模型结构来看,conv 层的特征已经融合了transformer 特征,如果只监督conv 分支,结果如何呢?我这边在检测DBnet的backbone 中使用了conformer 结构,但是最后只监督了conv 这个分支,结果没有优于原来,可能也和其他变量相关。

    opened by 13354236170 10
  • why does model not load state dict when do inference?

    why does model not load state dict when do inference?

    When just do inference using the model, I found that the model don't do load_state_dict after torch.load The related code is from line 301 to line 322 in './Conformer-main/'

    opened by HIT-LiuChen 5
  • training question

    training question

    Thanks for your nice work! Here I encountered a question about training from scratch for custom data, the error message is shown as the following:

    D:\dl\Conformer-main>python --model Conformer_small_patch16 --data-set IMNET --batch-size 4 --lr 0.001 --num_workers 0 --data-path ./datasets/test/ --output_dir ./output/test/ --epochs 10 Not using distributed mode Namespace(aa='rand-m9-mstd0.5-inc1', batch_size=4, clip_grad=None, color_jitter=0.4, cooldown_epochs=10, cutmix=1.0, cutmix_minmax=None, data_path='./datasets/test/', data_set='IMNET', decay_epochs=30, decay_rate=0.1, device='cuda', dist_url='env://', distributed=False, drop=0.0, drop_block=None, drop_path=0.1, epochs=10, eval=False, evaluate_freq=1, finetune='', inat_category='name', input_size=224, lr=0.001, lr_noise=None, lr_noise_pct=0.67, lr_noise_std=1.0, min_lr=1e-05, mixup=0.8, mixup_mode='batch', mixup_prob=1.0, mixup_switch_prob=0.5, model='Conformer_small_patch16', model_ema=True, model_ema_decay=0.99996, model_ema_force_cpu=False, momentum=0.9, num_workers=0, opt='adamw', opt_betas=None, opt_eps=1e-08, output_dir='./output/test/', patience_epochs=10, pin_mem=True, recount=1, remode='pixel', repeated_aug=True, reprob=0.25, resplit=False, resume='', sched='cosine', seed=0, smoothing=0.1, start_epoch=0, train_interpolation='bicubic', warmup_epochs=5, warmup_lr=1e-06, weight_decay=0.05, world_size=1) Creating model: Conformer_small_patch16 number of params: 37673424 Start training Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 375, in main(args) File "", line 335, in main set_training_mode=args.finetune == '' # keep in eval mode during finetuning File "D:\dl\Conformer-main\", line 30, in train_one_epoch for samples, targets in metric_logger.log_every(data_loader, print_freq, header): File "D:\dl\Conformer-main\", line 157, in log_every header, total_time_str, total_time / len(iterable))) ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero

    Kindly for help, thanks!

    opened by JhihJhe 5
  • QA:Norm acts on Up and Down sampler respectively

    QA:Norm acts on Up and Down sampler respectively

    Hi,Gay. I do not understand why LayerNorm in down-sampler FCU and BatchNorm in up-sampler FCU are used to regularize features.Is there any special meaning?

    opened by xesdiny 4
  • conformer_small_patch32.pth


    Nice work! And I have some questions here. The "small" pretrained model posted on home page is conformer_small_patch16.pth. And I haven't found the patch32 one which is the pretrained model in your faster RCNN's config. May I ask this checkpoint file, please? And Can you provide the configuration file of Base and Large model? Thank you very much!

    opened by JarvisKevin 2
  • first 5 epoch , test_acc1=0

    first 5 epoch , test_acc1=0

    {"train_lr": 0.0006003999999998758, "train_loss_0": 5.2468776138196835, "train_loss_1": 5.2314488993825545, "test_loss": 12.697948946271623, "test_loss_0": 6.487931878226144, "test_loss_1": 6.210017108917237, "test_acc1": 0.0, "test_acc1_head1": 0.0, "test_acc1_head2": 0.0, "epoch": 4, "n_parameters": 77557992}

    opened by eeric 2
  • Feature analysis

    Feature analysis

    Dear author, I saw the picture of feature analysis in your paper(Figure 4). I think the visualization effect is very good. Can you provide the code here? Thank you.

    opened by Yang-YuLin 1
  • Questions about the code

    Questions about the code

    1. Could you interpret the last_fusion in ConvTransBlock? I did not find a specific explanation in your paper.
    2. In ConvBlock, could you explain what is x_t in the forward function?
    opened by DrChenziyan 1
  • About Conformer tiny patch16 model link

    About Conformer tiny patch16 model link

    Hi, thanks for sharing your nice work with us.

    When I was opening Google Drive link of Conformer tiny patch16, I can only get the base one.

    Could you update the link?

    Thank you!

    opened by Ree1s 1
  • Top-1 accuracy on the CIFAR100 dataset

    Top-1 accuracy on the CIFAR100 dataset

    Happy Chinese New Year. I tried to use the command "python --model Conformer_tiny_patch16 --data-set CIFAR --batch-size 512 --lr 0.001 --num_workers 4 --data-path ../data --output_dir ./output/Conformer_tiny_patch16_batch512_lr1e3_epoch500_cifar100 --epochs 500 --input-size 32" to train Conformer on the CIFAR100 dataset with one tesla v100 GPU . But only got 45.89% accuracy. Would you mind providing the training parameters and top-1 accuracy on CIFAR 100 dataset? the validation accuracy in last epoch

    opened by HIT-LiuChen 0
  • Why is small to lr? why is lr from small to big?

    Why is small to lr? why is lr from small to big?

    batch size=128, initial lr =0.001 Epoch: [0] [ 1070/14862] eta: 1:11:01 lr: 0.000001 loss_0: 5.6751 (5.6817) loss_1: 5.6846 (5.7059) time: 0.3053 data: 0.0002 max mem: 4992

    opened by eeric 0
  • the time cost for conformer-S?

    the time cost for conformer-S?

    when i use 4 3090Ti to train the conformer-S model, with batchsize=128, epoch=300 as the sh file you showed. may take around 9 days, is this the normal speed? 2.and what can i do to shorten training time, like with larger batchsize, 3.and it would have some bad influence or not?

    opened by YuYue26 0
  • About generalization capability

    About generalization capability

    Hi! Thank you for sharing your work~ There is one place in the paper that I don't quite understand. You mentioned Rotation Invariance and Scale Invariance. But I don't see a detailed proof of them. Is this conclusion just based on experimental comparisons, or is there a theoretical basis I haven't noticed? Thank you.

    opened by salt0107fish 2
  • object detection code

    object detection code

    I saw the object detection result in the paper, but the input image size is (800,1333), I think may cause the model take up more space. Is there any code to achieve object detection?

    opened by qyu21490 0
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