Python Project Boilerplate
Simple boilerplate for starting a python proect.
Using the repo
Follow following steps to install client on server
- Create a virtual environment. Copy-paste following code to create one.
python -m venv env
or for linux:
python3 -m venv env
- Activate the virtual environment.
or for linux:
source env/bin/activate
- Install the required pacakages from requirements.txt file.
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install the pre-commit hook for formatting code. This installs the pre-commit hook to your local git project.
pre-commit install
- Configure the pre-commit parameters. Configure the
according to your requirements. Before these changes are reflected, you need to stage the file by:
git add .pre-commit-config.yaml
The code is formatted whenever you commit your changes but this does not stage your changes.
- Run the pre-commit command before staging your changes.
pre-commit run
- Run the project.