EMNLP'2021: Simple Entity-centric Questions Challenge Dense Retrievers



This repository contains the EntityQuestions dataset as well as code to evaluate retrieval results from the the paper Simple Entity-centric Questions Challenge Dense Retrievers by Chris Sciavolino*, Zexuan Zhong*, Jinhyuk Lee, and Danqi Chen (* equal contribution).

[9/16/21] This repo is not yet set in stone, we're still putting finishing touches on the tooling and documentation :) Thanks for your patience!

Quick Links


You can download a .zip file of the dataset here, or using wget with the command:

$ wget https://nlp.cs.princeton.edu/projects/entity-questions/dataset.zip

We include the dependencies needed to run the code in this repository. We recommend having a separate miniconda environment for running DPR code. You can create the environment using the following commands:

$ conda create -n EntityQ python=3.6
$ conda activate EntityQ
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Dataset Overview

The unzipped dataset directory should have the following structure:

    | train/
        | P*.train.json     // all randomly sampled training files 
    | dev/
        | P*.dev.json       // all randomly sampled development files
    | test/
        | P*.test.json      // all randomly sampled testing files
    | one-off/
        | common-random-buckets/
            | P*/
                | bucket*.test.json
        | no-overlap/
            | P*/
                | P*_no_overlap.{train,dev,test}.json
        | nq-seen-buckets/
            | P*/
        | similar/
            | P*
                | P*_similar.{train,dev,test}.json

The main dataset is included in dataset/ under train/, dev/, and test/, each containing the randomly sampled training, development, and testing subsets, respectively. For example, the evaluation set for place-of-birth (P19) can be found in the dataset/test/P19.test.json file.

We also include all of the one-off datasets we used to generate the tables/figures presented in the paper under dataset/one-off/, explained below:

  • one-off/common-random-buckets/ contains buckets of 1,000 randomly sampled examples, used to produce Fig. 1 of the paper (specifically for rand-ent).
  • one-off/no-overlap/ contains the training/development splits for our analyses in Section 4.1 of the paper (we do not use the testing split in our analysis). These training/development sets have subject entities with no token overlap with subject entities of the randomly sampled test set (specifically for all fine-tuning in Table 2).
  • one-off/nq-seen-buckets/ contains buckets of questions with subject entities that overlap with subject entities seen in the NQ training set, used to produce Fig. 1 of the paper (specifically for train-ent).
  • one-off/similar contains the training/development splits for the syntactically different but symantically equal question sets, used for our analyses in Section 4.1 (specifically the similar rows). Again, we do not use the testing split in our analysis. These questions are identical to one-off/no-overlap/ but use a different question template.

Retrieving DPR Results

Our analysis is based on a previous version of the DPR repository (specifically the Oct. 5 version w. hash 27a8436b070861e2fff481e37244009b48c29c09), so our commands may not be up-to-date with the March 2021 release. That said, most of the commands should be clearly transferable.

First, we recommend following the setup guide from the official DPR repository. Once set up, you can download the relevant pre-trained models/indices using their download_data.py script. For our analysis, we used the DPR-NQ model and the DPR-Multi model. To run retrieval using a pre-trained model, you'll minimally need to download:

  1. The pre-trained model
  2. The Wikipedia passage splits
  3. The encoded Wikipedia passage FAISS index
  4. A question/answer dataset

With this, you can use the following python command:

python dense_retriever.py \
    --batch_size 512 \
    --model_file "path/to/pretrained/model/file.cp" \
    --qa_file "path/to/qa/dataset/to/evaluate.json" \
    --ctx_file "path/to/wikipedia/passage/splits.tsv" \
    --encoded_ctx_file "path/to/encoded/wikipedia/passage/index/" \
    --save_or_load_index \
    --n-docs 100 \
    --validation_workers 1 \
    --out_file "path/to/desired/output/location.json"

We had access to a single 11Gb Nvidia RTX 2080Ti GPU w. 128G of RAM when running DPR retrieval.

Retrieving BM25 Results

We use the Pyserini implementation of BM25 for our analysis. We use the default settings and index on the same passage splits downloaded from the DPR repository. We include steps to re-create our BM25 results below.

First, we need to pre-process the DPR passage splits into the proper format for BM25 indexing. We include this file in bm25/build_bm25_ctx_passages.py. Rather than writing all passages into a single file, you can optionally shard the passages into multiple files (specified by the n_shards argument). It also creates a mapping from the passage ID to the title of the article the passage is from. You can use this file as follows:

python bm25/build_bm25_ctx_passages.py \
    --wiki_passages_file "path/to/wikipedia/passage/splits.tsv" \
    --outdir "path/to/desired/output/directory/" \
    --title_index_path "path/to/desired/output/directory/.json" \
    --n_shards number_of_shards_of_passages_to_write

Now that you have all the passages in files, you can build the BM25 index using the following command:

python -m pyserini.index -collection JsonCollection \
    -generator DefaultLuceneDocumentGenerator \
    -threads 4 \
    -input "path/to/generated/passages/folder/" \
    -index "path/to/desired/index/folder/" \
    -storePositions -storeDocvectors -storeRaw

Once the index is built, you can use it in the bm25/bm25_retriever.py script to get retrieval results for an input file:

python bm25/bm25_retriever.py \
    --index_path "path/to/built/bm25/index/directory/" \
    --passage_id_to_title_path "path/to/title_index_path/from_step_1.json" \
    --input "path/to/input/qa/file.json" \
    --output_dir "path/to/output/directory/"

By default, the script will retrieve 100 passages (--n_docs), use string matching to determine answer presence (--answer_type), and take in .json files (--input_file_type). You can optionally provide a glob using the --glob flag. The script writes the results to the file with the same name as the input file, but in the output directory.

Evaluating Retriever Results

We provide an evaluation script in utils/accuracy.py. The expected format is equivalent to DPR's output format. It either accepts a single file to evaluate, or a glob of multiple files if the --glob option is set. To evaluate a single file, you can use the following command:

python utils/accuracy.py \
    --results "path/to/retrieval/results.json" \
    --k_values 1,5,20,100

or with a glob with:

python utils/accuracy.py \
    --results="path/to/glob*.test.json" \
    --glob \
    --k_values 1,5,20,100

Bugs or Questions?

Feel free to open an issue on this GitHub repository and we'd be happy to answer your questions as best we can!


If you use our dataset or code in your research, please cite our work:

   title={Simple Entity-centric Questions Challenge Dense Retrievers},
   author={Sciavolino, Christopher and Zhong, Zexuan and Lee, Jinhyuk and Chen, Danqi},
   booktitle={Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)},
  • Aligned T-REx Samples

    Aligned T-REx Samples


    Thank you for sharing this interesting work!

    The paper mentions that the entity questions were created using triples from T-REx. Would it be possible to share the aligned T-REx samples for the questions? It could be useful to know the entities in the questions (e.g. to do similar analyses on entity statistics like in Figure 1 of the paper), as well as the corresponding evidence in Wikipedia (e.g. for mapping to knowledge bases like KILT).

    Thank you!

    opened by mleszczy 6
  • BM25 text extraction

    BM25 text extraction

    The code for text extraction in BM25 seems to incorrectly include the title portion, because hit.raw actually has the string form of the dictionary. The correct extraction code is


    This bug results in a slightly higher recall for BM25 (because answer strings can now be found in the title part included in text). It's a slight but consistent (false) improvement. Please consider updating the results in the paper if this is a legitimate bug. I've created a PR.

    opened by karlstratos 5
  • Do you have any plans to release the frequency of the entity?

    Do you have any plans to release the frequency of the entity?

    It is mentioned in the paper that “In our analysis, we use the Wikipedia hyperlink count as a proxy for an entity’s frequency.”. My understanding is to traverse the entire Wikipedia to count the number of hyperlinks that link to an entity details page to represent the entity frequency. This can be difficult, and implementations can introduce bias, Do you have any plans to release a file describing the frequencies of entities, or code that counts entity frequencies.

    Thank you so much!

    opened by xiahaoyun 4
  • Is the

    Is the "average" in Table 1 "micro-average" or "macro-average"?


    As titled, is the reported overall performance in Table 1 a micro-average over all samples in the entire dataset regardless of relation types, or a macro-average taken across all relation types?


    opened by ccsasuke 3
  • The dataset does not provide

    The dataset does not provide "positive paragraph context"

    Hi, the dataset does not provide "positive paragraph context".

    Should we use has_answer_fn.py over the entire Wikipedia to create positive_ctxs?

    opened by SunSiShining 2
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