Tool for pretty printing and optimizing Lightning Network channels.

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Networking suez


Tool for pretty printing and optimizing Lightning Network channels.



  1. Install poetry
  2. poetry install
  3. poetry run ./suez

Channel fee policy

You can set channel fees by passing --base-fee and --fee-rate parameters.

For example:

poetry run ./suez --base-fee 1000 --fee-rate 200

You can override the channel fee policy by changing the FeePolicy class.

Example implementation does the following:

  • sets lower fee rate for channels with mostly local balance
  • sets higher fee rate for channels with mostly remote balance
  • sets medium (close to specified) fee rate for balanced channels

You control the spread via the --fee-spread argument. By default --fee-spread is set to 0.0 (no spread).

For example:

poetry run ./suez --base-fee 1000 --fee-rate 500 --fee-spread 1.8

This will set the fee rate above 500 for channels with mostly remote balance and below 500 for channels with mostly local balance.

Lightning node support

Currently, Suez supports LND and c-lightning.

By default it uses LND (lncli).

You can use it with c-lightning as follows:

poetry run ./suez --client=c-lightning

If you need to pass additional options to the lncli/lightning-cli you can do so:

(single argument)

poetry run ./suez --client=c-lightning --client-args=--conf=/usr/local/etc/lightningd-bitcoin.conf

(multiple arguments)

poetry run ./suez --client-args=--rpcserver=host:10009 --client-args=--macaroonpath=admin.macaroon --client-args=--tlscertpath=tls.cert

Adding support requires writing a client similar to and instantiating it in


You can tip me some satoshis via

or you can donate via Spontaneous AMP Payment (data field encodes tip=suez):

lncli sendpayment --amt 10000 --amp --dest 0385218f0e307b6a0e989d2a717d346942d96b4fd550e937de5f8ffe1568510a18 --data 7629168=7375657a


This software is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.

  • Earned fees calculation

    Earned fees calculation

    The earned fees calculation seems to be double the actual amount. The problem seems to be around here. I'm not sure why fees are counted on both the incoming and outgoing channels? The relay fee is only earned on the outgoing channel.

    Commenting out this line results in a calculation that seems closer.

    I checked the suez script calculation with this homemade script (could have its own flaw but I did check a daily period by hand and it was correct):

    lncli fwdinghistory --start_time -30d --max_events 5000 | grep '"fee"' | sed -nr 's/.*"([0-9]+).*/\1/p' | awk 'BEGIN {total=0;}{total+=$1;}END {print "Total: ",total}'

    On my node, even after applying the fix mentioned above, my script and suez still result in an earned fees discrepancy of 16 sats.

    opened by sipsorcery 12
  • ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dataclasses'

    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dataclasses'

    $ uname -a Linux btcaz 5.4.0-1046 #48~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue Apr 13 19:41:38 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

    $ lsb_release -a

    No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS Release: 18.04 Codename: bionic

    $ python3 --version Python 3.6.9

    $ poetry --version Poetry version 1.1.6

    $ git log commit 1894ea0bfffa87b142501557c2f82def2028a4b5 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)

    $ poetry run ./suez

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "./suez", line 2, in <module>
        from suez import suez
      File "/home/azureuser/src/suez/", line 5, in <module>
        from rich.console import Console
      File "/home/azureuser/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/suez-qnYOxQkH-py3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rich/", line 9, in <module>
        from dataclasses import dataclass, field
    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dataclasses'
    opened by sipsorcery 8
  • Commissions for channels, where funds run out

    Commissions for channels, where funds run out


    What's the point of setting low commissions for channels where your balance is depleted? Thus, you stimulate payments through such channels, but there is no liquidity in them for sending. It is bad for routing (payments through them are more likely will be FAIL but third-party wallets/senders will try to choose these channels as there are low commissions).

    It would be quite logical to increase the commission for its part where your local balance is low.

    P.S. Honestly, I do not understand - why use here the distribution of Gauss?

    opened by Perlover 8
  • No module named 'virtualenv.seed.via_app_data'

    No module named 'virtualenv.seed.via_app_data'

    Attempting to install suez on Ubuntu Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS, but when running poetry install, I am receiving: No module named 'virtualenv.seed.via_app_data'.

    I am not sure what version of virtualenv is required, but mine is virtualenv 20.13.0

    opened by papercheck 4
  • Remote fees

    Remote fees

    I think remote fees are not calculated correcty:

    self.channels[cin].remote_fees += fee

    The fee on the incoming channel (the remote party fee) is their base fee + amount * fee_rate but here you're using our fee.

    This should be:

    `self.channels[cin].remote_fees += (self.channels[cin].remote_fee_base + forward_amount * self.channels[cin].remote_fee_base / 10000) / 1000

    or something along these lines.

    What do you think @prusnak ?

    opened by hosiawak 4
  • Remote Node / Umbrel

    Remote Node / Umbrel

    Looking to run on a remote node (Voltage) and an Umbrel. I think this breaks because the lncli call has to be changed. I tried changing ["lncli"] in def _run with the call commands I would use but it fails still.

    Voltage lncli --macaroonpath=/path/to/admin.macaroon --tlscertpath=""

    Umbrel docker exec -i lnd lncli

    opened by STEMr42 3
  • TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable

    TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable

    This is what I get on my testnet LND instance with both python 3.6 and 3.7.

    [bitcoin@lnd-tst suez]$ ./suez
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "./suez", line 5, in <module>
      File "/home/bitcoin/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/click/", line 1137, in __call__
        return self.main(*args, **kwargs)
      File "/home/bitcoin/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/click/", line 1062, in main
        rv = self.invoke(ctx)
      File "/home/bitcoin/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/click/", line 1404, in invoke
        return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params)
      File "/home/bitcoin/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/click/", line 763, in invoke
        return __callback(*args, **kwargs)
      File "/home/bitcoin/Download/src/suez/", line 53, in suez
        ln = clients[client](client_args)
      File "/home/bitcoin/Download/src/suez/", line 10, in __init__
      File "/home/bitcoin/Download/src/suez/", line 38, in refresh
    TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
    [bitcoin@lnd-tst suez]$

    List of all the channels:

    Fee report:

    opened by deafboy 3
  • Parallel channels for Core Ligthning are not displayed

    Parallel channels for Core Ligthning are not displayed

    Found this today when testing CLN v0.11.0.1 image image

    ₿ tlightning-cli listpeers
       "peers": [
             "id": "026a86832609bf420c56a658ef2504c8eb4f6f538d0b56824ef240d7454872894a",
             "connected": true,
             "netaddr": [
             "features": "800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002000808252a1",
             "channels": [
                   "state": "CHANNELD_NORMAL",
                   "scratch_txid": "4e60cbaadbc7c3236b1bc19b124e8de065c46efcab76cca2c8dd5ecb53b0fb4d",
                   "last_tx_fee": "183000msat",
                   "last_tx_fee_msat": "183000msat",
                   "feerate": {
                      "perkw": 253,
                      "perkb": 1012
                   "owner": "channeld",
                   "short_channel_id": "2197375x70x0",
                   "direction": 1,
                   "channel_id": "b59b31d18f11204c65c233387a67d1de5b6ca5beb8220a7e14f6fecd28cda006",
                   "funding_txid": "06a0cd28cdfef6147e0a22b8bea56c5bded1677a3833c2654c20118fd1319bb5",
                   "funding_outnum": 0,
                   "close_to_addr": "tb1qfh2fssw0u9mejljrr9g53h3fruynlfjkfdtq8v",
                   "close_to": "00144dd49841cfe177997e43195148de291f093fa656",
                   "private": false,
                   "opener": "remote",
                   "closer": null,
                   "features": [
                   "funding_allocation_msat": {
                      "026a86832609bf420c56a658ef2504c8eb4f6f538d0b56824ef240d7454872894a": 500000000,
                      "03b2b374a259d2ec8ca46f7db079fbb12b6e307dbb319b1d2f911500e332e41d41": 0
                   "funding_msat": {
                      "026a86832609bf420c56a658ef2504c8eb4f6f538d0b56824ef240d7454872894a": "500000000msat",
                      "03b2b374a259d2ec8ca46f7db079fbb12b6e307dbb319b1d2f911500e332e41d41": "0msat"
                   "funding": {
                      "local_msat": "0msat",
                      "remote_msat": "500000000msat",
                      "pushed_msat": "0msat"
                   "msatoshi_to_us": 0,
                   "to_us_msat": "0msat",
                   "msatoshi_to_us_min": 0,
                   "min_to_us_msat": "0msat",
                   "msatoshi_to_us_max": 0,
                   "max_to_us_msat": "0msat",
                   "msatoshi_total": 500000000,
                   "total_msat": "500000000msat",
                   "fee_base_msat": "2168msat",
                   "fee_proportional_millionths": 2,
                   "dust_limit_satoshis": 546,
                   "dust_limit_msat": "546000msat",
                   "max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat": 18446744073709551615,
                   "max_total_htlc_in_msat": "18446744073709551615msat",
                   "their_channel_reserve_satoshis": 5000,
                   "their_reserve_msat": "5000000msat",
                   "our_channel_reserve_satoshis": 5000,
                   "our_reserve_msat": "5000000msat",
                   "spendable_msatoshi": 0,
                   "spendable_msat": "0msat",
                   "receivable_msatoshi": 494460000,
                   "receivable_msat": "494460000msat",
                   "htlc_minimum_msat": 0,
                   "minimum_htlc_in_msat": "0msat",
                   "minimum_htlc_out_msat": "1msat",
                   "maximum_htlc_out_msat": "495000000msat",
                   "their_to_self_delay": 6,
                   "our_to_self_delay": 144,
                   "max_accepted_htlcs": 483,
                   "state_changes": [
                         "timestamp": "2022-04-27T06:15:15.081Z",
                         "old_state": "CHANNELD_AWAITING_LOCKIN",
                         "new_state": "CHANNELD_NORMAL",
                         "cause": "remote",
                         "message": "Lockin complete"
                   "status": [
                      "CHANNELD_NORMAL:Reconnected, and reestablished.",
                      "CHANNELD_NORMAL:Funding transaction locked. Channel announced."
                   "in_payments_offered": 0,
                   "in_msatoshi_offered": 0,
                   "in_offered_msat": "0msat",
                   "in_payments_fulfilled": 0,
                   "in_msatoshi_fulfilled": 0,
                   "in_fulfilled_msat": "0msat",
                   "out_payments_offered": 0,
                   "out_msatoshi_offered": 0,
                   "out_offered_msat": "0msat",
                   "out_payments_fulfilled": 0,
                   "out_msatoshi_fulfilled": 0,
                   "out_fulfilled_msat": "0msat",
                   "htlcs": []
                   "state": "CHANNELD_NORMAL",
                   "scratch_txid": "aaba8cad2e010f6993138d1dbb2cf90008d9d7dec5b3044645db0efd25c0f33e",
                   "last_tx_fee": "183000msat",
                   "last_tx_fee_msat": "183000msat",
                   "feerate": {
                      "perkw": 253,
                      "perkb": 1012
                   "owner": "channeld",
                   "short_channel_id": "2197376x20x0",
                   "direction": 1,
                   "channel_id": "9bbe6c61431fcaab9ae02b8cd975606e9f25186e55cbca9b0c84f0a9808ea00f",
                   "funding_txid": "0fa08e80a9f0840c9bcacb556e18259f6e6075d98c2be09aabca1f43616cbe9b",
                   "funding_outnum": 0,
                   "close_to_addr": "tb1qmf30ruw45h37hdydu4nw43la6p4rfusm5p635r",
                   "close_to": "0014da62f1f1d5a5e3ebb48de566eac7fdd06a34f21b",
                   "private": false,
                   "opener": "remote",
                   "closer": null,
                   "features": [
                   "funding_allocation_msat": {
                      "026a86832609bf420c56a658ef2504c8eb4f6f538d0b56824ef240d7454872894a": 250000000,
                      "03b2b374a259d2ec8ca46f7db079fbb12b6e307dbb319b1d2f911500e332e41d41": 0
                   "funding_msat": {
                      "026a86832609bf420c56a658ef2504c8eb4f6f538d0b56824ef240d7454872894a": "250000000msat",
                      "03b2b374a259d2ec8ca46f7db079fbb12b6e307dbb319b1d2f911500e332e41d41": "0msat"
                   "funding": {
                      "local_msat": "0msat",
                      "remote_msat": "250000000msat",
                      "pushed_msat": "0msat"
                   "msatoshi_to_us": 0,
                   "to_us_msat": "0msat",
                   "msatoshi_to_us_min": 0,
                   "min_to_us_msat": "0msat",
                   "msatoshi_to_us_max": 0,
                   "max_to_us_msat": "0msat",
                   "msatoshi_total": 250000000,
                   "total_msat": "250000000msat",
                   "fee_base_msat": "2168msat",
                   "fee_proportional_millionths": 2,
                   "dust_limit_satoshis": 546,
                   "dust_limit_msat": "546000msat",
                   "max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat": 18446744073709551615,
                   "max_total_htlc_in_msat": "18446744073709551615msat",
                   "their_channel_reserve_satoshis": 2500,
                   "their_reserve_msat": "2500000msat",
                   "our_channel_reserve_satoshis": 2500,
                   "our_reserve_msat": "2500000msat",
                   "spendable_msatoshi": 0,
                   "spendable_msat": "0msat",
                   "receivable_msatoshi": 246960000,
                   "receivable_msat": "246960000msat",
                   "htlc_minimum_msat": 0,
                   "minimum_htlc_in_msat": "0msat",
                   "minimum_htlc_out_msat": "1msat",
                   "maximum_htlc_out_msat": "247500000msat",
                   "their_to_self_delay": 6,
                   "our_to_self_delay": 144,
                   "max_accepted_htlcs": 483,
                   "state_changes": [
                         "timestamp": "2022-04-27T06:18:15.335Z",
                         "old_state": "CHANNELD_AWAITING_LOCKIN",
                         "new_state": "CHANNELD_NORMAL",
                         "cause": "remote",
                         "message": "Lockin complete"
                   "status": [
                      "CHANNELD_NORMAL:Reconnected, and reestablished.",
                      "CHANNELD_NORMAL:Funding transaction locked. Channel announced."
                   "in_payments_offered": 0,
                   "in_msatoshi_offered": 0,
                   "in_offered_msat": "0msat",
                   "in_payments_fulfilled": 0,
                   "in_msatoshi_fulfilled": 0,
                   "in_fulfilled_msat": "0msat",
                   "out_payments_offered": 0,
                   "out_msatoshi_offered": 0,
                   "out_offered_msat": "0msat",
                   "out_payments_fulfilled": 0,
                   "out_msatoshi_fulfilled": 0,
                   "out_fulfilled_msat": "0msat",
                   "htlcs": []
    opened by openoms 2
  • TypeError: unsupported format string passed to NoneType.__format__

    TypeError: unsupported format string passed to NoneType.__format__

    Any idea how to best debug this?


    lnd version 0.13.0-beta commit=v0.13.0-beta
    Poetry version 1.1.7
    Python 3.7.3

    lnd.conf (relevant parts):



    $ lncli getinfo
        "version": "0.13.0-beta commit=v0.13.0-beta",
    $ poetry run ./suez
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "./suez", line 5, in <module>
      File "/home/asdf/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/suez-aZJboPJE-py3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/click/", line 1137, in __call__
        return self.main(*args, **kwargs)
      File "/home/asdf/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/suez-aZJboPJE-py3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/click/", line 1062, in main
        rv = self.invoke(ctx)
      File "/home/asdf/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/suez-aZJboPJE-py3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/click/", line 1404, in invoke
        return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params)
      File "/home/asdf/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/suez-aZJboPJE-py3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/click/", line 763, in invoke
        return __callback(*args, **kwargs)
      File "/home/asdf/suez/", line 190, in suez
        info = info_box(ln, score)
      File "/home/asdf/suez/", line 29, in info_box
        grid.add_row("score  : ", "{:,}".format(score.get(ln.local_pubkey)))
    TypeError: unsupported format string passed to NoneType.__format__
    opened by xanoni 2
  • edge not foud

    edge not foud

    I'm not sure if this project intends to cover all weird edge cases, but just in case, here's another one:

    XXX 2171602535068008448
    XXX 2130060786746851328
    XXX 1598976879324692480
    XXX 2163737728395575296
    [lncli] rpc error: code = Unknown desc = edge not found
    [lncli] rpc error: code = Unknown desc = unable to find node
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "./suez", line 5, in <module>
      File "/home/bitcoin/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/click/", line 1137, in __call__
        return self.main(*args, **kwargs)
      File "/home/bitcoin/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/click/", line 1062, in main
        rv = self.invoke(ctx)
      File "/home/bitcoin/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/click/", line 1404, in invoke
        return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params)
      File "/home/bitcoin/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/click/", line 763, in invoke
        return __callback(*args, **kwargs)
      File "/home/bitcoin/Download/src/suez/", line 53, in suez
        ln = clients[client](client_args)
      File "/home/bitcoin/Download/src/suez/", line 10, in __init__
      File "/home/bitcoin/Download/src/suez/", line 61, in refresh
        chan.remote_alias = self._run("getnodeinfo", chan.remote_node_id)["node"][
      File "/home/bitcoin/Download/src/suez/", line 115, in _run
        return json.loads(j.stdout)
      File "/usr/lib/python3.6/json/", line 354, in loads
        return _default_decoder.decode(s)
      File "/usr/lib/python3.6/json/", line 339, in decode
        obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())
      File "/usr/lib/python3.6/json/", line 357, in raw_decode
        raise JSONDecodeError("Expecting value", s, err.value) from None
    json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
    [bitcoin@lnd-tst suez]$ lncli getchaninfo 2163737728395575296
    [lncli] rpc error: code = Unknown desc = edge not found
    [bitcoin@lnd-tst suez]$
                "active": false,
                "remote_pubkey": "02bda6b2aeb315edd874d72ac2873e343448e7e5f126f62cee225f284de392debe",
                "channel_point": "b605fc85e5b95b744d065877de19762697df1721d95ca02b44a3b3a0d6ca0b8e:0",
                "chan_id": "2163737728395575296",
                "capacity": "1999810",
                "local_balance": "0",
                "remote_balance": "1999627",
                "commit_fee": "183",
                "commit_weight": "552",
                "fee_per_kw": "253",
                "unsettled_balance": "0",
                "total_satoshis_sent": "0",
                "total_satoshis_received": "0",
                "num_updates": "0",
                "pending_htlcs": [
                "csv_delay": 1008,
                "private": true,
                "initiator": false,
                "chan_status_flags": "ChanStatusDefault",
                "local_chan_reserve_sat": "19998",
                "remote_chan_reserve_sat": "19998",
                "static_remote_key": true,
                "commitment_type": "STATIC_REMOTE_KEY",
                "lifetime": "84858",
                "uptime": "0",
                "close_address": "",
                "push_amount_sat": "0",
                "thaw_height": 0,
                "local_constraints": {
                    "csv_delay": 1008,
                    "chan_reserve_sat": "19998",
                    "dust_limit_sat": "573",
                    "max_pending_amt_msat": "1999810000",
                    "min_htlc_msat": "1",
                    "max_accepted_htlcs": 5
                "remote_constraints": {
                    "csv_delay": 240,
                    "chan_reserve_sat": "19998",
                    "dust_limit_sat": "546",
                    "max_pending_amt_msat": "1979812000",
                    "min_htlc_msat": "1",
                    "max_accepted_htlcs": 483
    opened by deafboy 2
  • C lightning support

    C lightning support

    I've added support for C-Lightning and:

    1. Introduced new --client and --client-args options
    2. --client can be LND or C-Lightning
    3. --client-args - I needed to pass additional options to lightning-cli
    4. Fixed remote fee calculation in (not in
    5. Added a new opener column (for both LND and C-LN)
    6. Updated the README
    opened by hosiawak 2
  • Use RPC instead of lncli

    Use RPC instead of lncli

    It would be very nice to use the RPC API provided by lnd rather than relying on lncli being installed. I am trying to run suez in a Docker container and I'd rather not install lncli when it could directly communicate over RPC with lnd from another container.

    I saw that that the choice of backend is abstracted away in separate classes, one for lnd and one for c-lightning. So in theory I could just add another one for RPC. Did somebody already look into that? Or is there some good reason to rely on lncli?

    opened by ibz 2
  • Display in Min & Max HTLCs

    Display in Min & Max HTLCs

    Hey, it would be great if there is the option to include Min and Max HTLCs of both sides of each channels. Because these are 4 additional figures it is better when they are only displayed if a command line parameter is set.

    Regards Steff

    opened by feelancer21 0
  • Confirming: is it dangerous to interrupt the script (e.g., via CTRL+C)?

    Confirming: is it dangerous to interrupt the script (e.g., via CTRL+C)?

    The following (non-exhaustive) list of things can lead to data corruption: [...] Aborting channel operation commands (see next chapter). [...]

    Next chapter (

    Things can start to take a while to execute if a node has more than 50 to 100 channels. It is extremely important to never interrupt an lncli command if it is manipulating the channel database, which is true for the following commands: [...] updatechanpolicy [...]

    Thus, I assume we should "never interrupt"

    opened by xanoni 0
  • WIP Eclair support

    WIP Eclair support

    This change adds abstraction to enable multiple LN implementations and implements basic Eclair support. It is not yet capable of updating channel policy but can show all relevant channels.

    I seek feedback for this change first. It's also a bit hackish, I mainly wanted to make basic features work with my node for starters.

    opened by Kixunil 8
Pavol Rusnak
✊ Strengthening the power and independence of individuals via open-source software and hardware projects 🚀 @Bitcoin, @Trezor, @TropicSquare, @NixOS, ...
Pavol Rusnak
A non-custodial oracle and escrow system for the lightning network. Make LN contracts more expressive.

Hodl contracts A non-custodial oracle and escrow system for the lightning network. Make LN contracts more expressive. If you fire it up, be aware: (1)

null 31 Nov 30, 2022
This Tool can help enginners and biggener in network, the tool help you to find of any ip with subnet mask that can calucate them and show you ( Availble IP's , Subnet Mask, Network-ID, Broadcast-ID )

This Tool can help enginners and biggener in network, the tool help you to find of any ip with subnet mask that can calucate them and show you ( Availble IP's , Subnet Mask, Network-ID, Broadcast-ID )

null 12 Dec 13, 2022
This is a python based command line Network Scanner utility, which input as an argument for the exact IP address or the relative IP Address range you wish to do the Network Scan for and returns all the available IP addresses with their MAC addresses on your current Network.

This is a python based command line Network Scanner utility, which input as an argument for the exact IP address or the relative IP Address range you wish to do the Network Scan for and returns all the available IP addresses with their MAC addresses on your current Network.

Abhinandan Khurana 1 Feb 9, 2022
High capacity, high availability, well connected, fast lightning node.

LND ⚡ Routing High capacity, high availability, well connected, fast lightning node. We aim to become a top liquidity provider for the lightning netwo

null 18 Dec 16, 2022
nettrace is a powerful tool to trace network packet and diagnose network problem inside kernel.

nettrace nettrace is is a powerful tool to trace network packet and diagnose network problem inside kernel on TencentOS. It make use of eBPF and BCC.

null 84 Jan 1, 2023
PcapXray - A Network Forensics Tool - To visualize a Packet Capture offline as a Network Diagram

PcapXray - A Network Forensics Tool - To visualize a Packet Capture offline as a Network Diagram including device identification, highlight important communication and file extraction

Srinivas P G 1.4k Dec 28, 2022
Tool to get the top 100 of the fastest nodes in the Tor network. Based on Kirzahk tool.

Tor Network Top 100 IPs Tool to get the top 100 of the fastest nodes in the Tor network. Based on Kirzahk tool. Just execute to get th

Juan Manuel 0 Jan 23, 2022
Nautobot is a Network Source of Truth and Network Automation Platform.

Nautobot is a Network Source of Truth and Network Automation Platform. Nautobot was initially developed as a fork of NetBox (v2.10.4). Nautobot runs as a web application atop the Django Python framework with a PostgreSQL database.

Nautobot 549 Dec 31, 2022
ANalyse is a vehicle network analysis and attack tool.

CANalyse is a tool built to analyze the log files to find out unique datasets automatically and able to connect to simple user interfaces suc

0xh3nry 87 Dec 18, 2022
A Network tool kit for scanning active IP addresses and open ports

Network scanner A small project that I wrote on the fly for (IT351) Computer Networks University Course to identify and label the devices in my networ

Mohamed Abdelrahman 10 Nov 7, 2022
Malcolm is a powerful, easily deployable network traffic analysis tool suite for full packet capture artifacts (PCAP files) and Zeek logs.

Malcolm is a powerful, easily deployable network traffic analysis tool suite for full packet capture artifacts (PCAP files) and Zeek logs.

Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency 1.3k Jan 8, 2023
this is demo of tool dosploit for test and dos in network with python

this tool for dos and pentest vul SKILLS: syn flood udp flood $ git clone $ cd demo_dosploit $ python3 -m pi

yaser amir chehrazi 5 Sep 22, 2022
A Simple but Powerful cross-platform port scanning & and network automation tool.

DEDMAP is a Simple but Powerful, Clever and Flexible Cross-Platform Port Scanning tool made with ease to use and convenience in mind. Both TCP

Anurag Mondal 30 Dec 16, 2022
Network monitoring tool

netmeter If you are looking for a tool to monitor your network interfaces, here you are. See netmeter-exporter to export Prometheus metrics. Installat

Saeid Bostandoust 97 Dec 3, 2022
Automated network configuration backups using Github actions and git-scraping

Network Config Scraper This repository demonstrates the use of Github Actions and git-scraping to build an automated backup solution for network confi

WWT 19 Dec 14, 2022
A simple, configurable application and set of services to monitor multiple raspberry pi's on a network.

rpi-info-monitor A simple, configurable application and set of services to monitor multiple raspberry pi's on a network. It can be used in a terminal

Kevin Kirchhoff 11 May 22, 2022
Simple P2P application for sending files over open and forwarded network ports.

FileShareV2 A major overhaul to the V1 (now deprecated) FileShare application. V2 brings major improvements in both UI and performance. V2 is now base

Michael Wang 1 Nov 23, 2021
Decentra Network is an open source blockchain that combines speed, security and decentralization.

Decentra Network is an open source blockchain that combines speed, security and decentralization. Decentra Network has very high speeds, scalability, asymptotic security and complete decentralization.

Decentra Network 74 Nov 22, 2022
Base on browser-time to get har from network, and use python to analyze the data .

base on browser-time to get har from network, and use python to analyze the data

null 1 Dec 20, 2021