Coverage plugin for pytest.

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Testing python pytest


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This plugin produces coverage reports. Compared to just using coverage run this plugin does some extras:

  • Subprocess support: you can fork or run stuff in a subprocess and will get covered without any fuss.
  • Xdist support: you can use all of pytest-xdist's features and still get coverage.
  • Consistent pytest behavior. If you run coverage run -m pytest you will have slightly different sys.path (CWD will be in it, unlike when running pytest).

All features offered by the coverage package should work, either through pytest-cov's command line options or through coverage's config file.

  • Free software: MIT license


Install with pip:

pip install pytest-cov

For distributed testing support install pytest-xdist:

pip install pytest-xdist

Upgrading from ancient pytest-cov

pytest-cov 2.0 is using a new .pth file (pytest-cov.pth). You may want to manually remove the older init_cov_core.pth from site-packages as it's not automatically removed.


Uninstall with pip:

pip uninstall pytest-cov

Under certain scenarios a stray .pth file may be left around in site-packages.

  • pytest-cov 2.0 may leave a pytest-cov.pth if you installed without wheels (easy_install, install etc).
  • pytest-cov 1.8 or older will leave a init_cov_core.pth.


pytest --cov=myproj tests/

Would produce a report like:

-------------------- coverage: ... ---------------------
Name                 Stmts   Miss  Cover
myproj/__init__          2      0   100%
myproj/myproj          257     13    94%
myproj/feature4286      94      7    92%
TOTAL                  353     20    94%


Coverage Data File

The data file is erased at the beginning of testing to ensure clean data for each test run. If you need to combine the coverage of several test runs you can use the --cov-append option to append this coverage data to coverage data from previous test runs.

The data file is left at the end of testing so that it is possible to use normal coverage tools to examine it.


For distributed testing the workers must have the pytest-cov package installed. This is needed since the plugin must be registered through setuptools for pytest to start the plugin on the worker.

For subprocess measurement environment variables must make it from the main process to the subprocess. The python used by the subprocess must have pytest-cov installed. The subprocess must do normal site initialisation so that the environment variables can be detected and coverage started.


Whilst this plugin has been built fresh from the ground up it has been influenced by the work done on pytest-coverage (Ross Lawley, James Mills, Holger Krekel) and nose-cover (Jason Pellerin) which are other coverage plugins.

Ned Batchelder for coverage and its ability to combine the coverage results of parallel runs.

Holger Krekel for pytest with its distributed testing support.

Jason Pellerin for nose.

Michael Foord for unittest2.

No doubt others have contributed to these tools as well.

  • No coverage data is collected for installed package when py.test is run in the project's root directory

    No coverage data is collected for installed package when py.test is run in the project's root directory

    If I have a package(and pytest-cov) installed in a virtualenv, and I run pytest-cov from the project's root directory(which has the package folder), then no coverage data is collected.

    opened by jck 39
  • support for a multiprocessing inside a subprocess?

    support for a multiprocessing inside a subprocess?

    I'm working on It's a forking process monitor. I've tried a lot of permutations of pytest-cov and haven't found any success.

    The process hierarchy is this:

    $ py.test --cov-report=term-missing --cov=hupper --cov=tests
    |- (a) tests/ (run by py.test process)
       |- (b) tests/myapp (run by test_it tests using subprocess)
          |- (c) tests/myapp (re-run by myapp via hupper using multiprocessing)

    Here is an example output, but first some observations:

    1. The tests didn't pass when I ran them with --cov flags enabled. This is because of the "No data was collected" messages in the worker process (this is process c in the above diagram). There should definitely be data collected if things were working correctly.
    2. Some coverage data is missing. For example you can see that some code was executed in tests/myapp/ however lines 1-10 are missing, which are at module scope. What?
    3. After the run is over I have a .coverage.alai.27676.269523 file left over. Presumably this file is not getting combined with the rest of the output, but that's just a guess.
    4. Almost nothing in the hupper library itself is covered. However it's used in both processes b and c.
    $ env/bin/py.test --cov-report=term-missing --cov=hupper --cov=tests
    ============================= test session starts ==============================
    platform darwin -- Python 3.5.2, pytest-3.0.3, py-1.4.31, pluggy-0.4.0
    rootdir: /Users/michael/work/oss/hupper, inifile: setup.cfg
    plugins: cov-2.4.0
    collected 2 items
    tests/ FF
    ---------- coverage: platform darwin, python 3.5.2-final-0 -----------
    Name                      Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
    hupper/            3      3     0%   4-9
    hupper/             39     39     0%   2-62
    hupper/         12     12     0%   1-44
    hupper/                10      8    20%   1-60
    hupper/            43     43     0%   1-62
    hupper/          133    131     2%   1-204, 241-266
    hupper/           26     26     0%   2-40
    hupper/             86     86     0%   1-153
    hupper/            123     70    43%   1-24, 29, 34, 42, 55-60, 74-76, 80, 90-166, 175, 179, 186-187, 191-192, 196, 200-204
    tests/             0      0   100%
    tests/myapp/       0      0   100%
    tests/myapp/      45     18    60%   1-10, 23, 28-32, 35-36, 39, 57-58
    tests/             19      2    89%   13, 25
    tests/                68      0   100%
    TOTAL                       607    438    28%
    =================================== FAILURES ===================================
    _____________________ test_myapp_reloads_when_touching_ini _____________________
        def test_myapp_reloads_when_touching_ini():
            with util.TestApp('myapp', ['--reload']) as app:
                assert len(app.response) == 2
    >           assert app.stderr == ''
    E           assert ' ... collected.\n' == ''
    E             - warning: No data was collected.
    tests/ AssertionError
    ___________________ test_myapp_reloads_when_touching_pyfile ____________________
        def test_myapp_reloads_when_touching_pyfile():
            with util.TestApp('myapp', ['--reload']) as app:
                assert len(app.response) == 2
    >           assert app.stderr == ''
    E           assert ' ... collected.\n' == ''
    E             - warning: No data was collected.
    tests/ AssertionError
    =========================== 2 failed in 6.61 seconds ===========================

    I'd really appreciate any insights here as I have no experience getting coverage reports when in a multiprocessing/subprocess environment but as far as I can tell my setup follows the guidelines (each process has pytest-cov installed and environment variables are propagated).

    opened by mmerickel 31
  • pytest-cov==1.8.1 + pytest-xdist does not show coverage report

    pytest-cov==1.8.1 + pytest-xdist does not show coverage report

    the latest pytest-cov==1.8.1 together with xdist does not show the coverage report anymore.

    pytest-cov==1.6 works

    # pip freeze | grep pytest
    opened by diefans 29
  • Send '.coverage' docker output to coveralls from travis

    Send '.coverage' docker output to coveralls from travis

    The pytest-cov documentation states the following:

    These three report options output to files without showing anything on the terminal:

       py.test --cov-report html
               --cov-report xml
               --cov-report annotate
               --cov=myproj tests/

    The output location for each of these reports can be specified. The output location for the XML report is a file. Where as the output location for the HTML and annotated source code reports are directories:

    py.test --cov-report html:cov_html
            --cov-report xml:cov.xml
            --cov-report annotate:cov_annotate
            --cov=myproj tests/

    The final report option can also suppress printing to the terminal:

    py.test --cov-report= --cov=myproj tests/

    This mode can be especially useful on continuous integration servers, where a coverage file is needed for subsequent processing, but no local report needs to be viewed. For example, tests run on Travis-CI could produce a .coverage file for use with Coveralls.

    But, how do I send the redirected report generated from --cov-report, to coveralls? I am currently using this framework within a series of docker containers, which my .travis.yml spins up for unit testing. This framework generates the coverage report, and copied from a docker container, to the host for the Travis CI. Then, my implementation of python-coveralls, used explicitly by Travis is responsible for sending the coverage report to coveralls:

                '--cov', '.',
                '--cov-report', 'xml:/var/machine-learning/coverage.xml',

    However, it seems the xml option is an invalid format for sending to coveralls.

    Note: this is the associated issue I'm working on corresponding to the above statement.

    opened by jeff1evesque 26
  • Using the plugin stops PyCharm from hitting breakpoints.

    Using the plugin stops PyCharm from hitting breakpoints.

    System Details:

    python 3.5.1 pytest 3.0.2 pytest-cov 2.3.1 PyCharm Community Edition 2016.2.2 Build #PC-162.1812.1, built on August 16, 2016 JRE: 1.8.0_76-release-b216 x86 JVM: OpenJDK Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o


    def foo():
        x = 10
        return x

    import main
    def test_foo():
        assert == 10

    Create a new project in PyCharm with those two files and create a new test config with the following options --cov=. --cov-report term-missing -rw -vv. Set a breakpoint on any line of code and hit debug.

    Expected result: The breakpoints work.

    Actual result: The breakpoints don't work.

    If you remove the options, it hits the breakpoints fine.

    opened by morganthrapp 25
  • Super-simple implementation of pytest contexts

    Super-simple implementation of pytest contexts

    Hey there! 5.0a5 will have a method Coverage.switch_context to set the dynamic context externally. This is a simple proof-of-concept of using that method to set the pytest test id, phase, and status as the context.

    I haven't done anything about limiting this to Coverage 5.0a5, or writing tests yet.

    opened by nedbat 23
  • Pytest-cov leaves .coverage.hostname.number.number data files if running tests against multiprocessing.Pool

    Pytest-cov leaves .coverage.hostname.number.number data files if running tests against multiprocessing.Pool

    Running pytest with coverage for tests against multiprocessing.Pool generates several data files, but not all of them are cleaned after. It looks similar to #100. Pool.join() doesn't seem to change anything. Example filename .coverage.myhost.local.7582.948066

    Here's the repository to reproduce:

    Your operating system name and version: Mac OS Mojave 10.14 (18A391)

    Any details about your local setup that might be helpful in troubleshooting:

    pipenv shell; pipenv install


    pytest = "*"
    pytest-cov = "*"
    pytest-mock = "*"
    tox-pipenv = "*"
    pytest-pythonpath = "*"

    Detailed steps to reproduce the bug:

    pytest --cov=src --cov-report=term-missing  tests/
    opened by manycoding 22
  • AttributeError: 'Function' object has no attribute 'get_marker'

    AttributeError: 'Function' object has no attribute 'get_marker'

    I just started getting the following error with pytest-cov v2.6.0, pytest v4.1.0 on Python 3.4.6, PyPy, and PyPy3

    self = <pytest_cov.plugin.CovPlugin object at 0x110f365c0>, item = <Function test_x>
        def pytest_runtest_call(self, item):
    >       if (item.get_marker('no_cover')
                    or 'no_cover' in getattr(item, 'fixturenames', ())):
    E               AttributeError: 'Function' object has no attribute 'get_marker'
    ../.pyenv/versions/3.4.9/envs/venv/lib/python3.4/site-packages/pytest_cov/ AttributeError

    How to replicate

    • Create a virtualenv with Python 3.4.9

    • pip install pytest==4.1.0 pytest-cov==2.6.0

    • Create with the following contents:

    def test_x():
        assert True
    • Run pytest --cov=something

    Pytest output

    ========================================================== test session starts ===========================================================
    platform darwin -- Python 3.4.9, pytest-4.1.0, py-1.7.0, pluggy-0.8.0 -- /Users/ross/.pyenv/versions/3.4.9/envs/venv/bin/python
    cachedir: .pytest_cache
    rootdir: /Users/ross/temp, inifile:
    plugins: cov-2.6.0
    collected 1 item FAILED                                                                                                        [100%]
    ================================================================ FAILURES ================================================================
    _________________________________________________________________ test_x _________________________________________________________________
    self = <pytest_cov.plugin.CovPlugin object at 0x110f365c0>, item = <Function test_x>
        def pytest_runtest_call(self, item):
    >       if (item.get_marker('no_cover')
                    or 'no_cover' in getattr(item, 'fixturenames', ())):
    E               AttributeError: 'Function' object has no attribute 'get_marker'
    ../.pyenv/versions/3.4.9/envs/venv/lib/python3.4/site-packages/pytest_cov/ AttributeError
    ---------- coverage: platform darwin, python 3.4.9-final-0 -----------
    Name           Stmts   Miss  Cover
    ----------------------------------       2      1    50%
    ======================================================== 1 failed in 0.07 seconds ========================================================
    opened by rossmacarthur 21
  • Incorrect coverage report

    Incorrect coverage report

    Using py.test --cov-config .coveragerc --cov nengo -n 6 nengo a lot of lines that should be hit get reported as missed (like class and function definitions in a module). This might be related to #19 as the project has a conftest file importing other modules from the project.

    Using coverage run --rcfile .coveragerc --source nengo -m py.test nengo instead a correct coverage report is generated, but this command does not support xdist.

    opened by jgosmann 21
  • Windows: coverage through multiprocessing not catched correctly

    Windows: coverage through multiprocessing not catched correctly

    Hi ;)

    Recently I'm trying to get the test coverage to 100% on a windows machine, but it doesn't want to. My code under test uses an event-loop driven by a concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor. Coverage is 100% on a Linux machine, but not on Windows.

    PR: Build on AppVeyor: Same build but on Linux (Travis): Relevant Python module/components under test:, specificially


    The missing lines are the ones inside def execute_task.

    setup.cfg (and yes, coverage is enabled ;D):

    Exchanging the ProcessPoolExecutor with a ThreadPoolExecutor does the trick and produces full coverage. However it would be nice to have everything being tested with a ProcessPoolExecutor (especially due to possible pickling issues on Windows for subprocesses).

    Not proven assumption: I have the feeling that other parts of the code only run through a subprocess is measured properly, only those two modules under test don't work.

    opened by Makman2 20
  • coverage is wrong when running with xdist's --boxed

    coverage is wrong when running with xdist's --boxed

    I need to run my tests with xdist's --boxed feature. there is a big difference in coverage compared to running unboxed:

    • unboxed: 93.48 %
    • boxed: 26.93 %

    35 % of all modules are completely uncovered. I also noticed, that despite that I run the tests with py.test tests/ --boxed -d -n 8 --random the uncovered modules are always the same.

    When I run one single test module in boxed mode coverage complains that the module to cover was not imported:

    py.test tests/unit/security/ --boxed -d -n 8 --cov
    ===================================================================================================== test session starts =====================================================================================================
    platform linux2 -- Python 2.7.5 -- pytest-2.5.0
    Tests are shuffled using seed number 358684703390.
    plugins: random, bdd, cov, capturelog, ipdb, cache, pep8, greendots, xdist
    gw0 [49] / gw1 [49] / gw2 [49] / gw3 [49] / gw4 [49] / gw5 [49] / gw6 [49] / gw7 [49]
    scheduling tests via LoadScheduling warning: Module was never imported. warning: No data was collected. warning: Module was never imported. warning: No data was collected. warning: Module was never imported. warning: No data was collected. warning: Module was never imported. warning: No data was collected. warning: Module was never imported. warning: No data was collected. warning: Module was never imported. warning: No data was collected. warning: Module was never imported. warning: No data was collected. warning: Module was never imported. warning: No data was collected.
    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- coverage: platform linux2, python 2.7.5-final-0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Name    Stmts   Miss     Cover   Missing
    ============================================================================================ 48 passed, 1 skipped in 3.60 seconds =============================================================================================
    opened by diefans 20
  • Is it possible pytest-cov tie to fixed version of `coverage`?

    Is it possible pytest-cov tie to fixed version of `coverage`?

    Looks like we're always pulling latest version of coverage.

    Recently it's upgraded to 7.0.0 and break old code (I'm using omit rule e.g. something** in coveragerc)

    I could solve it by adding coverage lib with fixed version to my project. But is it possible to tied to major version number? to avoid breaking change?


    opened by akivamu 1
  • Source full path

    Source full path


    I'm trying to set up Python build in a project which is 'governed' by Gradle. I'm also trying to use Gradle/Maven-conventional source path for Python files (src/main/python, src/test/python).

    In general, everything works fine and as expected with one caveat (for me, specifically). I'm using pytest with pytest.ini where I set pytest-cov configuration with the following:

    norecursedirs = .gradle/** gradle/** build/** out/** **/src/main/python/**
    python_files = *
    python_functions = feature_*
    pythonpath = src/main/python
    addopts = --cov=src/main/python --cov-config=.coveragerc --cov-report xml:build/test-results/python.xml --cov-report html:build/reports/tests/python src/test/python

    and corresponding .coveragerc:

    omit = **/test/**
    source = src/test/python

    The problem I'm having is the path to the source files in the python.xml test coverage report. It seems to prefix the src/main/python with the output of the pwd command and I'm effectively getting stuff like


    where /home/jenkins/workspace/pipeline-name-here/application/ is that annoying prefix I'm need to get rid of.

    My Gradle folder structure (w/service folders omitted) is like

    |-- Git-name-of-the-project
       |--- ansible
         |--- ansible files
       |--- application
         |--- <temp build-related folders>
         |--- src
                 |--- main
                     |--- python
         |--- gradlew <etc>
         |--- .coveragerc
         |--- pytest.ini 

    Any suggestions?

    opened by nskmda 1
  • Should html files be counted in coverage reports?

    Should html files be counted in coverage reports?

    Please go over all the sections and search or before opening the issue.


    I use both pytest-django and pytest-cov to test my Django project. The coverage report is listing out all .html files as having 0% test coverage. This substantially lowers the project's coverage. I expect coverage to list my Python files but not any of my HTML files.

    • Are there ways to write pytests to cover Python code in HTML files?
    • Is there a way to remove all .html files from my coverage report?

    Expected vs actual result



    Output of relevant packages pip list, python --version, pytest --version etc.

    Make sure you include complete output of tox if you use it (it will show versions of various things).


    Include your tox.ini, pytest.ini, .coveragerc, setup.cfg or any relevant configuration.


    Link to your repository, gist, pastebin or just paste raw code that illustrates the issue.

    If you paste raw code make sure you quote it, eg:

    def foobar():

    What has been tried to solve the problem

    You should outline the things you tried to solve the problem but didn't work.

    opened by cclauss 0
  • Tests fails with coverage 6.5.0

    Tests fails with coverage 6.5.0


    test_contexts fails with the latest release of coverage == 6.5.0.


    A tox run is visible in my fork:

    This is the output:

    =================================== FAILURES ===================================
    ____________________________ test_contexts[nodist] _____________________________
    pytester = <Pytester PosixPath('/tmp/pytest-of-runner/pytest-0/test_contexts0')>
    testdir = <Testdir local('/tmp/pytest-of-runner/pytest-0/test_contexts0')>
    opts = ''
        @pytest.mark.skipif("coverage.version_info < (5, 0)")
        def test_contexts(pytester, testdir, opts):
            with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "")) as f:
                contextful_tests =
            script = testdir.makepyfile(contextful_tests)
            result = testdir.runpytest('-v',
                                       '--cov=%s' % script.dirpath(),
            assert result.ret == 0
                'test_contexts* 100%*',
            data = coverage.CoverageData(".coverage")
    >       assert data.measured_contexts() == set(EXPECTED_CONTEXTS)
    E       AssertionError: assert {'',\n '|run',\n '|setup',\n '|teardown',\n '|run',\n '|setup',\n '|teardown',\n '|run',\n '|setup',\n '|teardown',\n '|run',\n '|setup',\n '|teardown',\n '|run',\n '|setup',\n '|teardown',\n '|run',\n '|setup',\n '|teardown',\n '|run',\n '|setup',\n '|teardown',\n '|run',\n '|setup',\n '|teardown',\n '[1]|run',\n '[1]|setup',\n '[1]|teardown',\n '[2]|run',\n '[2]|setup',\n '[2]|teardown',\n '[3]|run',\n '[3]|setup',\n '[3]|teardown',\n '|run',\n '|setup',\n '|teardown',\n '[1-101]|run',\n '[1-101]|setup',\n '[1-101]|teardown',\n '[2-202]|run',\n '[2-202]|setup',\n '[2-202]|teardown',\n '[one]|run',\n '[one]|setup',\n '[one]|teardown',\n '[two]|run',\n '[two]|setup',\n '[two]|teardown',\n '[3-1]|run',\n '[3-1]|setup',\n '[3-1]|teardown',\n '[3-2]|run',\n '[3-2]|setup',\n '[3-2]|teardown',\n '[4-1]|run',\n '[4-1]|setup',\n '[4-1]|teardown',\n '[4-2]|run',\n '[4-2]|setup',\n '[4-2]|teardown'} == {'',\n '|run',\n '|setup',\n '|run',\n '|teardown',\n '|run',\n '|run',\n '|run',\n '|setup',\n '|run',\n '|setup',\n '|run',\n '|setup',\n '|run',\n '[1]|run',\n '[1]|setup',\n '[2]|run',\n '[2]|setup',\n '[3]|run',\n '[3]|setup',\n '|run',\n '[1-101]|run',\n '[2-202]|run',\n '[one]|run',\n '[two]|run',\n '[3-1]|run',\n '[3-2]|run',\n '[4-1]|run',\n '[4-2]|run'}
    E         Extra items in the left set:
    E         '|setup'
    E         '[1]|teardown'
    E         '[two]|setup'
    E         '[1-101]|teardown'
    E         '[4-2]|teardown'
    E         '|setup'
    E         '[4-1]|setup'
    E         '|teardown'
    E         '[2-202]|teardown'
    E         '[3-2]|teardown'
    E         '|teardown'
    E         '|teardown'
    E         '[two]|teardown'
    E         '[3]|teardown'
    E         '|teardown'
    E         '[one]|setup'
    E         '[1-101]|setup'
    E         '|setup'
    E         '[3-1]|teardown'
    E         '[4-1]|teardown'
    E         '|setup'
    E         '[3-2]|setup'
    E         '[2]|teardown'
    E         '|setup'
    E         '|teardown'
    E         '[3-1]|setup'
    E         '[2-202]|setup'
    E         '|teardown'
    E         '|teardown'
    E         '[one]|teardown'
    E         '[4-2]|setup'
    E         '|teardown'
    E         Full diff:
    E           {
    E            '',
    E            '|run',
    E            '|setup',
    E         +  '|teardown',
    E            '|run',
    E         +  '|setup',
    E            '|teardown',
    E            '|run',
    E         +  '|setup',
    E         +  '|teardown',
    E            '|run',
    E         +  '|setup',
    E         +  '|teardown',
    E            '|run',
    E            '|setup',
    E         +  '|teardown',
    E            '|run',
    E            '|setup',
    E         +  '|teardown',
    E            '|run',
    E            '|setup',
    E         +  '|teardown',
    E            '|run',
    E         +  '|setup',
    E         +  '|teardown',
    E            '[1]|run',
    E            '[1]|setup',
    E         +  '[1]|teardown',
    E            '[2]|run',
    E            '[2]|setup',
    E         +  '[2]|teardown',
    E            '[3]|run',
    E            '[3]|setup',
    E         +  '[3]|teardown',
    E            '|run',
    E         +  '|setup',
    E         +  '|teardown',
    E            '[1-101]|run',
    E         +  '[1-101]|setup',
    E         +  '[1-101]|teardown',
    E            '[2-202]|run',
    E         +  '[2-202]|setup',
    E         +  '[2-202]|teardown',
    E            '[one]|run',
    E         +  '[one]|setup',
    E         +  '[one]|teardown',
    E            '[two]|run',
    E         +  '[two]|setup',
    E         +  '[two]|teardown',
    E            '[3-1]|run',
    E         +  '[3-1]|setup',
    E         +  '[3-1]|teardown',
    E            '[3-2]|run',
    E         +  '[3-2]|setup',
    E         +  '[3-2]|teardown',
    E            '[4-1]|run',
    E         +  '[4-1]|setup',
    E         +  '[4-1]|teardown',
    E            '[4-2]|run',
    E         +  '[4-2]|setup',
    E         +  '[4-2]|teardown',
    E           }
    /home/runner/work/pytest-cov/pytest-cov/tests/ AssertionError
    ----------------------------- Captured stdout call -----------------------------
    running: /home/runner/work/pytest-cov/pytest-cov/.tox/py310-pytest71-xdist250-coverage65/bin/python -mpytest --basetemp=/tmp/pytest-of-runner/pytest-0/test_contexts0/runpytest-0 -v --cov=/tmp/pytest-of-runner/pytest-0/test_contexts0 --cov-context=test /tmp/pytest-of-runner/pytest-0/test_contexts0/ --basetemp=/tmp/pytest-of-runner/pytest-0/basetemp
         in: /tmp/pytest-of-runner/pytest-0/test_contexts0
    ============================= test session starts ==============================
    platform linux -- Python 3.10.8, pytest-7.1.2, pluggy-1.0.0 -- /home/runner/work/pytest-cov/pytest-cov/.tox/py310-pytest71-xdist250-coverage65/bin/python
    cachedir: .pytest_cache
    rootdir: /tmp/pytest-of-runner/pytest-0/test_contexts0
    plugins: forked-1.4.0, xdist-2.5.0, cov-4.0.0
    collecting ... collected 20 items PASSED                                         [  5%] PASSED                                         [ 10%] PASSED                          [ 15%] PASSED                          [ 20%] PASSED                                         [ 25%] PASSED                                         [ 30%] PASSED                                         [ 35%] PASSED                                         [ 40%][1] PASSED                                      [ 45%][2] PASSED                                      [ 50%][3] PASSED                                      [ 55%] PASSED                                         [ 60%][1-101] PASSED                                  [ 65%][2-202] PASSED                                  [ 70%][one] PASSED                                    [ 75%][two] PASSED                                    [ 80%][3-1] PASSED                                    [ 85%][3-2] PASSED                                    [ 90%][4-1] PASSED                                    [ 95%][4-2] PASSED                                    [100%]
    ---------- coverage: platform linux, python 3.10.8-final-0 -----------
    Name               Stmts   Miss  Cover
    --------------------------------------      58      0   100%
    TOTAL                 58      0   100%
    ============================== 20 passed in 0.14s ==============================
    _____________________________ test_contexts[xdist] _____________________________
    pytester = <Pytester PosixPath('/tmp/pytest-of-runner/pytest-0/test_contexts1')>
    testdir = <Testdir local('/tmp/pytest-of-runner/pytest-0/test_contexts1')>
    opts = '-n 1'
        @pytest.mark.skipif("coverage.version_info < (5, 0)")
        def test_contexts(pytester, testdir, opts):
            with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "")) as f:
                contextful_tests =
            script = testdir.makepyfile(contextful_tests)
            result = testdir.runpytest('-v',
                                       '--cov=%s' % script.dirpath(),
            assert result.ret == 0
                'test_contexts* 100%*',
            data = coverage.CoverageData(".coverage")
    >       assert data.measured_contexts() == set(EXPECTED_CONTEXTS)
    E       AssertionError: assert {'',\n '|run',\n '|setup',\n '|teardown',\n '|run',\n '|setup',\n '|teardown',\n '|run',\n '|setup',\n '|teardown',\n '|run',\n '|setup',\n '|teardown',\n '|run',\n '|setup',\n '|teardown',\n '|run',\n '|setup',\n '|teardown',\n '|run',\n '|setup',\n '|teardown',\n '|run',\n '|setup',\n '|teardown',\n '[1]|run',\n '[1]|setup',\n '[1]|teardown',\n '[2]|run',\n '[2]|setup',\n '[2]|teardown',\n '[3]|run',\n '[3]|setup',\n '[3]|teardown',\n '|run',\n '|setup',\n '|teardown',\n '[1-101]|run',\n '[1-101]|setup',\n '[1-101]|teardown',\n '[2-202]|run',\n '[2-202]|setup',\n '[2-202]|teardown',\n '[one]|run',\n '[one]|setup',\n '[one]|teardown',\n '[two]|run',\n '[two]|setup',\n '[two]|teardown',\n '[3-1]|run',\n '[3-1]|setup',\n '[3-1]|teardown',\n '[3-2]|run',\n '[3-2]|setup',\n '[3-2]|teardown',\n '[4-1]|run',\n '[4-1]|setup',\n '[4-1]|teardown',\n '[4-2]|run',\n '[4-2]|setup',\n '[4-2]|teardown'} == {'',\n '|run',\n '|setup',\n '|run',\n '|teardown',\n '|run',\n '|run',\n '|run',\n '|setup',\n '|run',\n '|setup',\n '|run',\n '|setup',\n '|run',\n '[1]|run',\n '[1]|setup',\n '[2]|run',\n '[2]|setup',\n '[3]|run',\n '[3]|setup',\n '|run',\n '[1-101]|run',\n '[2-202]|run',\n '[one]|run',\n '[two]|run',\n '[3-1]|run',\n '[3-2]|run',\n '[4-1]|run',\n '[4-2]|run'}
    E         Extra items in the left set:
    E         '|setup'
    E         '[1]|teardown'
    E         '[two]|setup'
    E         '[1-101]|teardown'
    E         '[4-2]|teardown'
    E         '|setup'
    E         '[4-1]|setup'
    E         '|teardown'
    E         '[2-202]|teardown'
    E         '[3-2]|teardown'
    E         '|teardown'
    E         '|teardown'
    E         '[two]|teardown'
    E         '[3]|teardown'
    E         '|teardown'
    E         '[one]|setup'
    E         '[1-101]|setup'
    E         '|setup'
    E         '[3-1]|teardown'
    E         '[4-1]|teardown'
    E         '|setup'
    E         '[3-2]|setup'
    E         '[2]|teardown'
    E         '|setup'
    E         '|teardown'
    E         '[3-1]|setup'
    E         '[2-202]|setup'
    E         '|teardown'
    E         '|teardown'
    E         '[one]|teardown'
    E         '[4-2]|setup'
    E         '|teardown'
    E         Full diff:
    E           {
    E            '',
    E            '|run',
    E            '|setup',
    E         +  '|teardown',
    E            '|run',
    E         +  '|setup',
    E            '|teardown',
    E            '|run',
    E         +  '|setup',
    E         +  '|teardown',
    E            '|run',
    E         +  '|setup',
    E         +  '|teardown',
    E            '|run',
    E            '|setup',
    E         +  '|teardown',
    E            '|run',
    E            '|setup',
    E         +  '|teardown',
    E            '|run',
    E            '|setup',
    E         +  '|teardown',
    E            '|run',
    E         +  '|setup',
    E         +  '|teardown',
    E            '[1]|run',
    E            '[1]|setup',
    E         +  '[1]|teardown',
    E            '[2]|run',
    E            '[2]|setup',
    E         +  '[2]|teardown',
    E            '[3]|run',
    E            '[3]|setup',
    E         +  '[3]|teardown',
    E            '|run',
    E         +  '|setup',
    E         +  '|teardown',
    E            '[1-101]|run',
    E         +  '[1-101]|setup',
    E         +  '[1-101]|teardown',
    E            '[2-202]|run',
    E         +  '[2-202]|setup',
    E         +  '[2-202]|teardown',
    E            '[one]|run',
    E         +  '[one]|setup',
    E         +  '[one]|teardown',
    E            '[two]|run',
    E         +  '[two]|setup',
    E         +  '[two]|teardown',
    E            '[3-1]|run',
    E         +  '[3-1]|setup',
    E         +  '[3-1]|teardown',
    E            '[3-2]|run',
    E         +  '[3-2]|setup',
    E         +  '[3-2]|teardown',
    E            '[4-1]|run',
    E         +  '[4-1]|setup',
    E         +  '[4-1]|teardown',
    E            '[4-2]|run',
    E         +  '[4-2]|setup',
    E         +  '[4-2]|teardown',
    E           }
    /home/runner/work/pytest-cov/pytest-cov/tests/ AssertionError
    ----------------------------- Captured stdout call -----------------------------
    running: /home/runner/work/pytest-cov/pytest-cov/.tox/py310-pytest71-xdist250-coverage65/bin/python -mpytest --basetemp=/tmp/pytest-of-runner/pytest-0/test_contexts1/runpytest-0 -v --cov=/tmp/pytest-of-runner/pytest-0/test_contexts1 --cov-context=test /tmp/pytest-of-runner/pytest-0/test_contexts1/ -n 1 --basetemp=/tmp/pytest-of-runner/pytest-0/basetemp
         in: /tmp/pytest-of-runner/pytest-0/test_contexts1
    ============================= test session starts ==============================
    platform linux -- Python 3.10.8, pytest-7.1.2, pluggy-1.0.0 -- /home/runner/work/pytest-cov/pytest-cov/.tox/py310-pytest71-xdist250-coverage65/bin/python
    cachedir: .pytest_cache
    rootdir: /tmp/pytest-of-runner/pytest-0/test_contexts1
    plugins: forked-1.4.0, xdist-2.5.0, cov-4.0.0
    gw0 I
    [gw0] linux Python 3.10.8 cwd: /tmp/pytest-of-runner/pytest-0/test_contexts1
    [gw0] Python 3.10.8 (main, Oct 18 2022, 06:43:21) [GCC 9.4.0]
    gw0 [20]
    scheduling tests via LoadScheduling 
    [gw0] [  5%] PASSED 
    [gw0] [ 10%] PASSED 
    [gw0] [ 15%] PASSED 
    [gw0] [ 20%] PASSED 
    [gw0] [ 25%] PASSED 
    [gw0] [ 30%] PASSED 
    [gw0] [ 35%] PASSED 
    [gw0] [ 40%] PASSED[1] 
    [gw0] [ 45%] PASSED[1][2] 
    [gw0] [ 50%] PASSED[2][3] 
    [gw0] [ 55%] PASSED[3] 
    [gw0] [ 60%] PASSED[1-101] 
    [gw0] [ 65%] PASSED[1-101][2-202] 
    [gw0] [ 70%] PASSED[2-202][one] 
    [gw0] [ 75%] PASSED[one][two] 
    [gw0] [ 80%] PASSED[two][3-1] 
    [gw0] [ 85%] PASSED[3-1][3-2] 
    [gw0] [ 90%] PASSED[3-2][4-1] 
    [gw0] [ 95%] PASSED[4-1][4-2] 
    [gw0] [100%] PASSED[4-2] 
    ---------- coverage: platform linux, python 3.10.8-final-0 -----------
    Name               Stmts   Miss  Cover
    --------------------------------------      58      0   100%
    TOTAL                 58      0   100%
    ============================== 20 passed in 0.60s ==============================
    =============================== warnings summary ===============================
      /home/runner/work/pytest-cov/pytest-cov/.tox/py310-pytest71-xdist250-coverage65/lib/python3.10/site-packages/_pytest/config/ PytestRemovedIn8Warning: The --strict option is deprecated, use --strict-markers instead.
    -- Docs:
    =========================== short test summary info ============================
    SKIPPED [1] tests/ condition: coverage.version_info >= (6, 3)
    SKIPPED [1] tests/ Since pytest-xdist 2.3.0 the parent sys.path is copied in the child process
    SKIPPED [3] tests/ condition: sys.platform != "win32"
    SKIPPED [1] tests/ condition: coverage.version_info >= (5, 0)
    FAILED tests/[nodist] - AssertionError: asse...
    FAILED tests/[xdist] - AssertionError: asser...
    ======= 2 failed, 120 passed, 6 skipped, 1 warning in 111.56s (0:01:51) ========
    ERROR: InvocationError for command /home/runner/work/pytest-cov/pytest-cov/.tox/py310-pytest71-xdist250-coverage65/bin/pytest -vv (exited with code 1)
    ___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
    ERROR:   py310-pytest71-xdist250-coverage65: commands failed
    Error: Process completed with exit code 1.
    opened by danigm 0
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