Simple python library to deal with URI Templates.



Documentation -- GitHub -- Travis-CI

Simple python library to deal with URI Templates. The API looks like

from uritemplate import URITemplate, expand

# NOTE: URI params must be strings not integers

gist_uri = '{/gist_id}'
t = URITemplate(gist_uri)
# =>

# or
print(expand(gist_uri, gist_id='123456'))

# also
t.expand({'gist_id': '123456'})
print(expand(gist_uri, {'gist_id': '123456'}))

Where it might be useful to have a class

import requests

class GitHubUser(object):
    url = URITemplate('{/login}')
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.api_url = url.expand(login=name)
        response = requests.get(self.api_url)
        if response.status_code == 200:

When the module containing this class is loaded, GitHubUser.url is evaluated and so the template is created once. It's often hard to notice in Python, but object creation can consume a great deal of time and so can the re module which uritemplate relies on. Constructing the object once should reduce the amount of time your code takes to run.


pip install uritemplate


Modified BSD license

  • Relicense


    In order to allow users of uritemplate to continue using a library with the same API under the same license, let's dual-license our tiny project as both Apache 2 and 3-clause BSD.

    In order to do this, we need the consent of the other 4 contributors to this project:

    • [x] Eeo Jun (@eugene-eeo)
    • [x] Daniel Imhoff (@dwieeb)
    • [x] Philippe Ombredanne (@pombredanne)
    • [x] Jeff Potter (@jpotts18)
    • [x] Dennis Kaarsemaker (@seveas)

    If each of you could comment saying "I give my permission to relicense my contributions to" I can check your name off the list and then merge this and cut a new release.

    Thanks y'all

    opened by sigmavirus24 10
  • "" conflicts with "uritemplate" package

    There is a package called uritemplate on the PyPI whose name conflicts with this package. Both packages require you to import uritemplate.

    I ran into this issue because our project requires both (which depends on and google-python-api-client (which depends on uritemplate), which led to the following error:

    from uritemplate import URITemplate
    ImportError: cannot import name URITemplate

    I'm not sure what the best solution for this would be. Just thought I'd report it for record-keeping and to see if anyone had any workarounds.

    opened by sloria 7
  • repo and pypi confusion

    repo and pypi confusion

    @sigmavirus24, I like this project a lot. I noticed it's used by the Google API module for Python, so I took a look. I had just implemented a very limited version of URI templates for a requests-based project I've been working on. I didn't know anything about this project or the RFC upon which it's based. When my time allows, I'd like to contribute to this project, if you'd welcome my help.

    I have a few questions, though (maybe some of which you'd like help resolving):

    • Which git repo should be used, this GitHub one or the one on Bitbucket? I presume this one should be, since it's the most recently updated and it has the highest version number in the code. (Should the Bitbucket repo be closed or turned into a mirror of this one? Maybe remove the link to Bitbucket from the README, too.)
    • PyPI has two entries for uritemplate packages:
      • uritemplate 3.0.0 - Which appears to be this project.
      • 3.0.2 - Despite the newer version number in the name, it appears to be older. I downloaded it and found that contains a vesion of "2.0.0".
    • What do you think of giving the project another name? "uritemplate" is a too generic. From another Bitbucket repo of the same name, I found it referred to a "uri-templates" project on Google Code. Google Code linked to a GitHub repo named "uritemplates/uritemplate-py", which is maintained by three of the authors of the RFC. However, the README in that repo links to the PyPI package that happens to be... this project! Not to mention that there are similar projects for other programming languages with similar names. Maybe it's time to pick a totally different name and carry on from there. (I hear "Eric" is a nice name. πŸ˜‰)
    • The documentation is confusing. The docs linked from the README appear to be very old. Maybe a better solution would be to set up a documentation site with to consolidate everything around GitHub.
    • The history document shows that the 3.* versions are less recent than 2.0.0. 3.* is also from 2015, but 2.0.0 is from 2016.

    My apologies for dumping a bunch of things in this one message. I hope I don't seem to be complaining. I have a lot of respect for your contributions to flake8 and requests and this project seems to meet an important need, IMHO. I'd really like to contribute, so maybe these are things I could help with in addition to coding.

    opened by sloanlance 6
  • Package uploaded to wrong index

    Package uploaded to wrong index

    There are two separate packages/projects with the name uritemplate, one is "uritemplate", the other is "". It seems you are an index owner on both

    On 8/20/16, a package from was uploaded to the other project's index. This project: Clobbered this project: With this pre-release version:

    Can you remove the 2.0.0rc1 package from the other project please?


    opened by leesouza 6
  • Version 4.1.0 is incompatible with Python 2

    Version 4.1.0 is incompatible with Python 2

    In setup.cfg you are claiming that the newest version should work on Python 2 which is not true. Currently pip in Python 2 allows installing 4.1.0. Noticed this in our CI pipelines as we're installing django-rest-swagger==2.1.2 which has uritemplate (any version) as dependency.

    >>> from uritemplate.api import (URITemplate, expand, partial, variables)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
      File "/Users/julius/.virtualenvs/pcloud/lib/python2.7/site-packages/uritemplate/", line 28, in <module>
        from uritemplate.api import (
      File "/Users/julius/.virtualenvs/pcloud/lib/python2.7/site-packages/uritemplate/", line 19
        uri: str,
    SyntaxError: invalid syntax
    opened by julius88 5
  • New release?

    New release?

    Looks like there have been a few changes since the last release (in 2013 😳) particularly from last year. Is it worthwhile to cut a new release to get those out? πŸ˜‰

    opened by jakirkham 5
  • [BUG] Non-string var values aren't truly supported

    [BUG] Non-string var values aren't truly supported

    I saw #17 that claimed that int/float vals should be supported and #20 that fixed it back in 2015. Imagine my surprise when I see that removed check in the traceback on passing int.

    Looks like there's a similar place in code that hasn't been fixed for some reason and still causes trouble:

    $ ipython
    Python 3.7.1 (default, Jan 28 2019, 08:25:13) 
    Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
    IPython 7.1.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.
    In [1]: import uritemplate                                                         
    In [2]: uritemplate.URITemplate('/test{/num}').expand({'num': 3})                  
    TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
    <ipython-input-3-5afe50171000> in <module>
    ----> 1 uritemplate.URITemplate('/test{/num}').expand({'num': 3})
    ~/.pyenv/versions/3.7.1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/uritemplate/ in expand(self, var_dict, **kwargs)
        131         """
    --> 132         return self._expand(_merge(var_dict, kwargs), False)
        134     def partial(self, var_dict=None, **kwargs):
    ~/.pyenv/versions/3.7.1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/uritemplate/ in _expand(self, var_dict, replace)
         95         expanded = {}
         96         for v in self.variables:
    ---> 97             expanded.update(v.expand(expansion))
         99         def replace_all(match):
    ~/.pyenv/versions/3.7.1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/uritemplate/ in expand(self, var_dict)
        336                 expansion = self._string_expansion
    --> 338             expanded = expansion(name, value, opts['explode'], opts['prefix'])
        340             if expanded is not None:
    ~/.pyenv/versions/3.7.1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/uritemplate/ in _label_path_expansion(self, name, value, explode, prefix)
        188         safe =
    --> 190         if value is None or (len(value) == 0 and value != ''):
        191             return None
    TypeError: object of type 'int' has no len()
    opened by webknjaz 3
  • Make it compatible with Python 3.7+

    Make it compatible with Python 3.7+

    We observed the following deprecation warning in Python 3.7.1+:

    Travis CI log PR: Issue:

    ../../../virtualenv/python3.8-dev/lib/python3.8/site-packages/uritemplate/ in dict_test
        return isinstance(value, (dict, collections.MutableMapping))
    DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of from '' is deprecated, and in 3.8 it will stop working

    In this PR I updated the import to avoid the DeprecationWarning and add Python 3.7 to travis CI matrix.

    Thanks for this useful library!

    opened by Mariatta 3
  • Resolve DeprecatioWarning for import of ABCs from 'collections' instead of ''

    Resolve DeprecatioWarning for import of ABCs from 'collections' instead of ''

    Seeing this deprecation warning when running a test suite that depends on uritemplate:

      /home/myusername/venv/lib64/python3.7/site-packages/uritemplate/ DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of from '' is deprecated since Python 3.3,and in 3.9 it will stop working
        return isinstance(value, (dict, collections.MutableMapping))
    opened by kdelee 2
  • Import ABCs from if possible

    Import ABCs from if possible

    Using collections.MutableSet and collections.MutableMapping produces a DeprecationWarning under Python 3.7 with the message:

    Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of from '' is deprecated, and in 3.8 it will stop working

    This patch eliminates this warning by importing the ABCs from, falling back to collections only if that fails (i.e., if running under Python < 3.3).

    opened by jwodder 2
  • Make variable ordering deterministic

    Make variable ordering deterministic

    We encountered an issue within uritemplate indirectly while using django-rest-framework, which uses it for processing path variables - We occasionally hit problems with the variables being a different order from expected, which seems to be due to the use of the non-deterministic set internally.

    This PR introduces the use OrderedSet , which for the purposes here is using an inline version of it obtained from the ActiveState code snippets. The reason for this is to not introduce a thirdparty dependency into the project, but if that's preferable we can replace it with one such as orderedset (which is based on the same recipe, but implemented in CPython instead).

    Tests have been checked via tox and it works on Py 2+3. Thoughts? :-)

    opened by lskillen 2
  • Incorrect Reserved Expansion

    Incorrect Reserved Expansion

    Valid UTF-8-percent-encoded code points must be preserved in reserved expansion. This implementation (Version: 4.1.1) fails the following test from

      "Additional Examples 6: Reserved Expansion": {
        "variables" : {
          "id" : "admin%2F",
      "testcases": [
        ["{+id}", "admin%2F"],

    The correct/expected expansion is 'admin%2F', the actual expansion is 'admin%252F':

    >>> from uritemplate import URITemplate, expand
    >>> URITemplate('{+id}').expand(id='admin%2F')
    >>> expand('{+id}', id='admin%2F')
    opened by watuwo 0
  • Default values

    Default values

    I noticed the implementation allows specifying default values in the template, which is cool, but is not supported by the RFC.

    Maybe this feature should be added to the RFC?

    opened by plinss 5
  • Variable names are not validated

    Variable names are not validated

    The RFC limits the characters allowed in variables names, but there is no validation enforcing this.

    From Β§ 2.3:

     variable-list =  varspec *( "," varspec )
     varspec       =  varname [ modifier-level4 ]
     varname       =  varchar *( ["."] varchar )
     varchar       =  ALPHA / DIGIT / "_" / pct-encoded

    (I'm not opposed to expanding the set of allowed characters.)

    opened by plinss 0
  • Potential bug/Unspecified behaviour

    Potential bug/Unspecified behaviour

    Let's look at a template like this:{term:1}

    We have two different behaviours depending upon the value used to expand term.

    >>> import uritemplate
    >>> u = uritemplate.URITemplate('{term:1}')
    >>> u.expand(term='foo')
    >>> u.expand(term=['foo', 'bar', 'bogus'])

    A simplified version of this is simply


    In other words:

    >>> import uritemplate
    >>> u = uritemplate.URITemplate('{term:1}')
    >>> u.expand(term='foo')
    >>> u.expand(term=['foo', 'bar', 'bogus'])

    All versions of uritemplate (and exhibit this behaviour and the RFC does not provide clear guidance.

    I have not investigated how other implementations in other languages handle this, though. There do not appear to be any examples in the RFC that combine lists with length limitations.

    opened by sigmavirus24 4
  • Provide an API for validating URI Templates

    Provide an API for validating URI Templates


    Would you consider an API to validate whether a particular input was valid under RFC 6570 (or does such a thing exist already and I've missed it)?

    E.g.,{term:1}/{term is not a valid URI Template seemingly, but I cannot see an API that complains about that -- uritemplate.URITemplate will happily truncate the end part there and consider that a template with just one field.

    (Even having URITemplate do enough validation of its inputs would also work).

    Full context: JSON Schema Draft 6 adds a uri-template format. I'd love to use uritemplate to implement it in jsonschema.

    opened by Julian 9
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