Rotki v1.24.0 is by far of our biggest feature release containing lots of new features, improvements and bug fixes we made in the past 5 months! It contains a whooping 639 commits by 13 different contributors!
There is too many things to consider in this release but some of the highlights are:
- Support for kraken staking
- Uniswap as a price oracle
- Human readable ethereum transactions
- Support for FTX US
- Support for importing of Binance CSV
- ENS reverse resolution
- Actionable items after a PnL report
- Global search-box
- Balance snapshots manipulation
There is so many new things introduced here that this release comes with the "here be dragons" warning.
For more information check the detailed changelog below :point_down:
Download the binary for your OS from below:
Optionally, you can also verify the integrity of the aforementioned binaries using the following checksums:
Things of note
Can be buggy
This release is introducing a lot of new features and new functionality in the app. It's quite possible some things can be buggy or depending on user's addreses and transactions number to have some weird edge cases. Report all problems you see either as github issues or in our discord chat and we will get to them as quickly as possible in the next quick patch releases.
We opted for this approach so we can get back to a quicker release schedule with feedback from users instead of waiting to have the perfect release with all perks ironed out, since for an app like rotki user feedback is critical.
Prompt for Chromium safe storage
As stated in this issue in this version we added support for auto-login using electron's safe storage API that uses the system's Keystore.
The way it works, if you press "Remember user" it will store your password in the system's Keystore so that it can unlock your account automatically when you open the application.
So you may see a prompt telling you to activate it. If you don't want to use auto-login by remembering the password you can cancel, but if you do you can save the password in the keyring of the OS and then the app will also remember the user password and login automatically at opening the app.
Need to manually add new oracles
This release introduces 3 new current price oracles. Uniswap v2, Uniswap v3 and saddle. If you have never modified the oracle order before they will be included automatically.

But if you have ever customized the order then they will not be included and will need manual action by you to add. Go to Settings and scroll down to oracles and add them.
Balance snapshot export last graph point
If you try the new feature for balances snapshot export, keep in mind that the last point in the graph is not a snapshot saved in the database but a virtual value to be displayed to the user. So this is not exportable.
30,000ms timeout when querying transactions
This is a known problem with the release. If you query too many addresses that have too many transactions for the very first time you may see some timeouts like this. It's a problem we want to work on and will improve in the future.
But for the moment it should not matter as the querying task will continue running in the backend and even if you restart will continue from where it stopped. Once the biggest amount of transactions are queried the problem should not appear again.
Release Highlights
Here is the biggest changes introduced in this release.
Kraken staking
Kraken users who are staking in that exchange will now be able to see all staking events and track their income over any given period and/or filter by any asset.

Uniswap as a price oracle
Uniswap v2 and v3 can now be used as price oracles for the curent price in the application! They only rely on on-chain information to provide us with a price resut.

Human readable ethereum transactions
This is the biggest feature of this release! Rotki is finally showing the transactions of any given address in a human readable form. This release introduces the first iteration of the ethereum transaction decoders.

Support for FTX US
The exchange is now supported. Users can enter api keys and fetch balances, trades, deposits/withdrawals.

Support for importing of Binance CSV
CSV file generated by Binance can now be imported into rotki.
By importing a csv file you are able to import more than with the API. Particularly: Trades, Deposits and Withdrawals, Small assets exchange BNB, ETH 2.0 Staking and ETH 2.0 Staking Rewards, Launchpool Interests, POS savings interest, POS savings purchase, POS savings redemption.

ENS reverse resolution
rotki now automatically resolves ens name for each of your ethereum accounts. If there is a primary ens name specified for an account, this name will be shown instead of raw blockchain address across the app. You can find the blockchain address by hovering the mouse over the ens name.

Actionable items after a PnL report
Once a PnL report is finished you will now get a popup with:

- Missing acquisition events found during the report generation that you will need to fix

- Missing prices for assets during report generation that you can just fill in then at the spot.
Global search
You can use a global search bar provided to speed up your actions by clicking icon on top bar, or using shortcut Control-/ (Command-/ if you are using Mac).
Some actions provided by this global search: - Navigate to any page in rotki - Some basic actions such as adding a new trade, or new ledger action. - Go to certain owned asset overview page. - Go to certain location overview page.

Balance Snapshots Manipulation
Users can now export data from balance snapshots by clicking on the appropriate balance point in the netvalue graph in the dashboard.

The exported balance snapshot CSV can also be imported into rotki by clicking on the "Save" button on the top left and then selecting import snapshot.

These were the highlights. Check below for the full changelog :point_down:
New Features
- #2221 All missing yearn v1 vaults should now have their balances detected and their historical accounting taken into account.
- #1797 All missing acquisitions and missing prices found during a PnL period are now gathered and shown to the user as actionable items at the end of the report generation.
- #4154 Binance data (trades, deposits, staking, etc.) can now be imported via csv file.
- #1115 Apply ENS reverse resolution to all Ethereum addresses shown in the frontend and if any have an ENS name associated with them, display that instead of raw address.
- #2890 Transactions in the PnL report are now clickable and have a link to the chosen blockchain explorer via the transaction hash.
- #1680 Users will now be able to see their 1inch v1 and v2 trades.
- #718 Users can now ignore an exchange from the PnL report using the same option as the one for exchange syncing.
- #2219 Users will now be able to delete balance snapshots.
- #4219 Users will now be able to import a balance snapshot manually.
- #1219 Introduces basic global search (you can go to any page in the app, do some basic actions such as adding a new trade or a ledger action, and also see prices of owned asset).
- #4249 Allow users to ignore asset from the asset overview page.
- #1106 Balance snapshots will now be created automatically without the need to restart the application or force a save.
- #2853 Add option to disable sync for connected exchanges.
- #3894 Users will now be able to download a balance snapshot by clicking a point at dashboard graph.
- #3370 Manual balance labels are now editable even after their creation.
- #4125 Introduces auto login mechanism for electron app.
- #1477 Adds classification for ETH transactions and their events.
- #4071 Add option to reduce the animations effect.
- #3669 Users can export and import their custom assets.
- #4068 Introduces location overview page.
- rotki no longer uses the gitcoin api or gitcoin CSVs to import information from gitcoin.
- #4030 Add copy functionality for amount display.
- #3987 Users will now be able to delete multiple database backups.
- #2934 Users will now be able to deploy the docker image under a sub directory behind a proxy.
- #569 Users will now be able to see assets staked, and amounts gained on Kraken's staking feature.
- #3838 Support for FTX.US has been added.
- #2216 Users will now be able to use Uniswap V2 and Uniswap V3 as price oracles.
Bug Fixes
- #4261 Fixes a problem were the docker container image size would increase on every restart.
- #4172 Disallow addition and editing of external trade that could result in invalid trade fees.
- #4060 Treat reimbursement as a ledger action for imports.
- #4078 Adjust scrollbar color in dark mode for better visibility.
Newly supported assets
Added support for the following assets:
Updated the information of the following assets:
Source code(tar.gz)
Source code(zip)
latest-linux.yml(393 bytes)
latest-mac.yml(513 bytes)
latest.yml(352 bytes)
rotkehlchen-1.24.0-linux(42.68 MB)
rotkehlchen-1.24.0-linux.sha512(155 bytes)
rotkehlchen-1.24.0-windows.exe(31.93 MB)
rotkehlchen-1.24.0-windows.exe.sha512(262 bytes) MB) bytes)
rotki-darwin_x64-v1.24.0.dmg(157.94 MB)
rotki-darwin_x64-v1.24.0.dmg.blockmap(169.59 KB)
rotki-darwin_x64-v1.24.0.dmg.sha512(159 bytes) MB) KB) bytes)
rotki-linux_amd64-v1.24.0.deb(113.30 MB)
rotki-linux_amd64-v1.24.0.deb.sha512(160 bytes)
rotki-linux_x64-v1.24.0.tar.xz(113.24 MB)
rotki-linux_x64-v1.24.0.tar.xz.sha512(161 bytes)
rotki-linux_x86_64-v1.24.0.AppImage(151.17 MB)
rotki-linux_x86_64-v1.24.0.AppImage.sha512(166 bytes)
rotki-win32_x64-v1.24.0.exe(110.78 MB)
rotki-win32_x64-v1.24.0.exe.blockmap(117.98 KB)
rotki-win32_x64-v1.24.0.exe.sha512(262 bytes)