Add your telegram bot api key in and you are good to go
To get a api key Goto telegram and search BotFather
From the commands select /newbot and give it a name and you're done
Now added webhook to make the bot little bit faster if it has more traffic
To use webhook version
Create a webhook with link below{ your api key }/setwebhook?url=https://{ your heroku app name }
when you see webhook was set message when you open the link then you succesfully setup the webhook
go to and add your api key and your heroku app name at line 76
2.To make it run on heroku without webhook the Procfile should be
worker: python
3.To use webhook version change your Procfile to
web: python
then type this command in your heroku cli if you encounter any error in logs
heroku ps:scale web=1 -a your_heroku_app_name