A python discord client interaction emulator for the DC29 badge code channel



A python discord client interaction emulator for the DC29 badge code channel


Open Developer mode

Open the developer mode for your browser

  • chrome - CTRL + SHIFT + j
  • Firefox - CTRL + SHIFT + i

in Developer tools for that window, click the "NETWORK" tab.

Login to Discord on the browser

Before you start this script, login to discord.gg in your browser. Open the web-app version of discord. Navigate to the DefCon server.

Find request to 'messages' endpoint in Developer Tools window

In the developer tools NETWORK tab, hit the "DO NOT ENTER" / "Trash Can" icon (depdending on browser) to clear the network history log.

now hard-refresh the discord window (CTRL + SHIFT + R)

In the network tab you're going to see a lot of data. Find one of the URL path entries that looks like messages?limit=##

Select the entry, and look at HEADERS on the right. Scroll down to "REQUEST HEADERS".

Collect TWO headers from request to 'messages' endpoint

You need TWO headers:

  • x-super-properties
  • authorization

These will be set as DISCORD_AUTHORIZATION and DISCORD_XSUPER in your environment respectively.

Note your com/tty port for the USB Serial connection

Grab your COM# or /dev/tty number for your badge (whatever you're using to connect via Putty, etc)

  • example: COM2 or /dev/tty2 or /dev/serial0 (etc)

Set environment variables

set these in your environment you're running the script from:

  • Linux - export DISCORD_AUTHORIZATION=<authorization header data>

  • Windows - set DISCORD_AUTHORIZATION=<authorization header data>

      set DISCORD_AUTHORIZATION=abcd1234abcd1234abcd.12345.abcd1234abcd1234
      set DISCORD_XSUPER=eby-some-long.string.of-text
      set DISCORD_USER=yourUserNameWITHOUT#Suffix
      set BADGE_SERIAL_PORT=yourSerialPortCom3Tty


Now you're ready to install the required packages.

!!! NOTICE !!! - Terms of service with Discord are not straight forward. This could potentially cause discord to warn/flag/suspend your account if you abuse the API interfaces.


# from within this directory

python3 -m venv .
. bin/activate 

# windows: \Scripts\Activate.bat
# or powershell -Ex bypass \Scripts\Activate.ps1

pip install -r requirements.txt

You will need to edit main.py.

  • Replace DISCORD_USER username with your username
  • Replace BADGE_CHANNEL with your com/tty device name


# for testing/etc
python3 main.py --interactive

# to run live
python3 main.py
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      File "main.py", line 30, in <module>
        dc29SignalChatReact = f'{dc29SignalChat}/{messageID}/reactions/%F0%9F%91%8D/%40me'
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