Community Repository for Unofficial Saltbox Add-ons


Saltbox Sandbox Repo

Discord CI Ansible Lint License:

Community Repository for Unofficial Saltbox Add-ons



  • Undetermined


List of roles can be found by running

cd /opt/sandbox && sudo ansible-playbook sandbox.yml --list-tags 2>&1 | grep "TASK TAGS" | cut -d":" -f2 | awk '{sub(/\[/, "")sub(/\]/, "")}1' | sed -e 's/,//g' | xargs -n 1 | sort -u


  • Trouble with

    Trouble with "Local Storage" in Wikijs role

    What PR?

    PR #150

    What is the issue?

    There is an issue of some sort with the way things are mapped to the container. I had some trouble with this when I set it up via docker compose. When you set the local storage to /data (without the trailing slash as requested on the page) it allows the change with no errors.

    However, when you try to use the local storage, it produces "No Permission" errors. Another example of it failing to work correctly is if you go to settings/utilities/Export To Disk/Export to tarball / file system and run a backup task, with /data/.export (default if local storage set to /data) set as the directory/file, it completes like it ran the task but nothing is placed in /opt/wikijs/app/data/.

    IIRC, the reason for this had to do with the "working directory" variable/env. I can't seem to find my compose that had that in it, but if I can I'll gladly link it here. It seems that it is currently set to /wiki. You can find the current "Workinig Directory." You can find the current working directory under settings/System/Working Directory in the web UI. If its not something you care to support that's fine, I can export by copy and paste if I need to or use git. I just figured that it would be nice to be able to use this particular feature. But it may introduce issues with PG. I'm not sure. I can try messing with the role if you'd like. I made some comments on discord about it, but I was partially wrong. It saves pages and everything just fine in PG. The only issue is when you try to use or export to local storage ie /opt/wikijs/app/{data,config}.

    opened by RaneyDazed 21
  • feat(role): add tqm

    feat(role): add tqm


    Add tqm to sandbox, has a systemd service and timer file. it runs by default every 60 mins, as a dry run for qbittorrent. Config is set to enabled=true for qbit and false for deluge.

    How Has This Been Tested?

    I tested this on my home server and my remote server, but I'd love if somebody could give it a try? I'll add docs for it obviously.

    • [x] I have now checked one box without reading any of the text
    opened by RaneyDazed 20
  • minecraft-bedrock: New Role

    minecraft-bedrock: New Role


    The existing minecraft role is only for the Java version of Minecraft. This role is for the Minecraft Bedrock Edition. (the multi-platform version)

    For this server you need to expose a UDP port. You can access the server via the server IP and the default port 19132.

    You can create a SRV entry that maps the server IP and UDP port to a subdomain. Is it possible to do this automatically via Ansible?

    You can select a specific server version by overwriting this variable: minecraft_bedrock_version

    How Has This Been Tested?

    Tested on my own server.

    opened by nickstarkloff 16
  • Add Private Bin

    Add Private Bin


    PrivateBin is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. It's privacy-preserving and encrypted-by-default. Project: Container: Wiki:

    How Has This Been Tested?

    I have tested it on my saltbox setup multiple time (delete + install) and everything work without issues. It's my first role, so tell me if something is not correct. Thanks

    • [ ✅] sb install sandbox-privatebin
    • [ ✅] Check that the service work at
    opened by tipdec-siblyn 16
  • Cross seed

    Cross seed


    Cross-seed is an app designed to help you download torrents that you can cross seed based on your existing torrents. It is designed to match conservatively to minimize manual intervention. Cross-seed can inject the torrents it finds directly into your torrent client. Currently the supported clients are rTorrent qBittorrent

    Link to Project home page: mmgoodnow/cross-seed Link to docs : Cross-seed wiki

    It would be greatly appreciated if you create a sandbox documentation page yourself and do a PR into the docs repo. You, as the person creating the role, have presumably used the thing and are presumably familiar with any setup steps required. Anyone else here would need to research that.

    I will do that tomorrow hopefully if I have time.

    How Has This Been Tested?

    I tested it in a VM and the container fires up and runs, fills logs, has correct permissions, creates config.js.

    opened by RaneyDazed 15
  • rename `coder` to `code_server`

    rename `coder` to `code_server`


    Renamed coder to code_server since coder is now a different software. The old coder folder would not be automatically renamed, so anyone using the old role would have to manually rename it and then run the new tag.

    How Has This Been Tested?

    Even if it's a simple rename I tested it and it works as expected.

    opened by GiorgioBrux 10
  • feat(role): add homeassistant

    feat(role): add homeassistant


    This PR is for Home assistant, it is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. Its powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. Perfect to run on a Raspberry Pi or a local server. Docker compose:

    version: '3'
        container_name: homeassistant
        image: ""
          - /opt/homeassistant:/config
          - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
        restart: unless-stopped
        privileged: true
        network_mode: host

    It connects to LAN devices just fine, and is connectable after initial setup on lan IP, ie 192.168.1.xx:8123


    I will create the docs post haste!

    How Has This Been Tested?

    I tested it many times on my local server, removing files and the directory multiple times. Salty gave me a hand with it a few times, figuring out what would allow host mode. Requires newest update of sb and traefik. To allow for the role to work with docker network mode: host.

    opened by RaneyDazed 10
  • Role Request: Doplarr

    Role Request: Doplarr

    Requestrr development has ceased, and has been archived. Whilst it should work fine for the foreseeable future I thought it might be an idea to test Doplarr.

    I would have a crack miyself at the role but because it is my first one and the time of year, I thought I'd post it here first if someone else wanted it sooner. Otherwise I will re-visit in the new year.

    opened by thatsnasty 9
  • Wizarr


    Wizarr is a automatic user invitation system for Plex. Create a unique link and share it to a user and they will automatically be invited to your Plex Server! They will even be guided to download the Plex client and instructions on how to use your requests software!

    Automatic Invitation to your Plex Server Secured invitation environment Plug and Play SSO Support* Guide user on how to download Plex client (Optional!) Requests Integration: Guide users on how to request Movies (Overseerr, Ombi...)

    How Has This Been Tested?

    • [x] This is tested on a clean SB Core install
    • [x] This is testen on a used SB saltbox install

    Will create docs on other pull request.

    opened by markschrik 8
  • Add transmissionvpn role

    Add transmissionvpn role


    Adapted from the cloudbox community role. Container and docs

    How Has This Been Tested?

    Recently migrated from cloudbox and tested on my new saltbox instance.

    opened by ayykamp 8
  • vnstat will not start

    vnstat will not start

    After installing, vnstat.mydomain.tld shows the following error

    Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: JSON is invalid in /var/www/html/includes/vnstat.php:60 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/html/includes/vnstat.php(44): vnStat->processVnstatData('') #1 /var/www/html/index.php(27): vnStat->__construct('/usr/bin/vnstat') #2 {main} thrown in /var/www/html/includes/vnstat.php on line 60

    Docker logs

    [Tue Mar 22 09:49:35.441434 2022] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 1] AH00163: Apache/2.4.25 (Debian) PHP/7.0.33 configured -- resuming normal operations
    [Tue Mar 22 09:49:35.441484 2022] [core:notice] [pid 1] AH00094: Command line: 'apache2 -D FOREGROUND'
    /usr/bin/vnstat: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.29' not found (required by /usr/bin/vnstat) - - [22/Mar/2022:09:49:49 +1100] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 460 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.77 Safari/537.36"```
    opened by thatsnasty 8
  • Traefik 3 migration problems

    Traefik 3 migration problems

    Going to try to keep moving rather than get bogged down on issues so these are the apps not working currently.

    • [x] bookstack - DB role
    • [x] booksonic
    • [x] calibre
    • [x] calibre-web
    • [ ] delugevpn, needs proper test too.
    • [ ] gitea - another DB role
    • [ ] guacamole
    • [ ] invoiceninja - DB
    • [ ] homeassistant - gateway timeout, no docs, might just be a URL thing
    • [ ] joplin - Bad Gateway - DB related
    • [ ] koel - DB
    • [ ] minecraft related roles - I don't know how to test other than the install. Roles are :- sandbox-mcrouter, sandbox-minecraft, sandbox-minecraft-bedrock
    • [ ] miniflux - 404 [ [FATAL] Unable to connect to the database: dial tcp: lookup miniflux-postgres: Try again ]
    • [ ] moviematch - probably just needs real plex instance [ error: Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'map' of undefined const availableLibraryNames = ]
    • [ ] mqtt - installs fine but not tested
    • [ ] TESTED UP TO L's N - Z still to check


    • [ ] nextcloud - labels, regex middleware
    • [x] not sure how to deal with olivetin_traefik_middleware_api: "{{ traefik_global_middleware }}"
    • [ ] traefik_robotstxt - labels, regex middleware
    • [ ] transmissionvpn - needs testing with a VPN account
    • [ ] # default to blank whisparr_api_key: # should this get an ""

    I will just update this post as I go.

    bug help wanted 
    opened by maximuskowalski 19
  • Add Full Text Rss

    Add Full Text Rss


    Creating this as a draft because I think Max intended to help me with it? The web ui pulls up just fine, The admin panel works fine as well. But there are some apparent issues with php or apache? It also passes the "Compatability test" as well. Which is fulltextrss.domain.tld/compatability_test.php. It won't download the massive list of config files though.

    I'd test the rss functions if I knew how to.

    How Has This Been Tested?

    • [x] Tested as saltbox_mod role on local server
    • [x] Tested as saltbox_mod role on hetzner server.
    opened by RaneyDazed 7
  • AppRequest:  fivefilters-full-text-rss

    AppRequest: fivefilters-full-text-rss

    RSS feed aggregator / cleaner to use in conjunction with an RSS reader such as fresh rss.

    What's this?

    An article extractor. Extract the full article content from a web page or a summary-only RSS feed. Read articles in full, in peace, in your favourite news reading application.

    News enthusiasts

    Transform summary-only web feeds into full-text feeds stripped of clutter and ads. Read articles in full, in peace, in your favourite news reading application.


    Extract article content from web articles and partial feeds. Get results in XML or JSON. Use our hosted web service or download the software to run on your own servers.

    Probably a good small role to run through with @RaneyDazed

    opened by maximuskowalski 1
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