Basic Alarm Clock
- Program Launched
- Set Alarm Time
- Alarm Set
- Alarm Ringing
- Program Exited
shor Windows Shortcut Creation Create Windows Shortcuts to your python programs and any other file easily using this application created using PySimpl
SignIn-SignUpFormRepo Hello there, I am Shahid and this is the Signin/Signup GUI form using tkinter in python if you want to use avatar images then pa
This repository contains some projects that I have done using Python + Tkinter.
Neutron Make desktop applications using HTML and CSS with python What is Neutron Neutron will allow developers to design modern applications in python
Python code examples on how to create several applications using Dear PyGui. Includes building and editing a table, as well as visualizing sorting algorithms in a plot.
Create custom desktop notificatons using python In this video i am going to use a module called plyer
magicgui: build GUIs from functions, using magic. 📖 Docs Installation magicgui uses qtpy to support both pyside2 and pyqt5 backends. However, you mus
Abacus Abacus is a calculator used to compute expressions with the operators of Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. It is named after
QRedis A Python, Qt based Redis client user interface. Help wanted Open to people who want to colaborate. Would like to know which features you would
Basic calculator using Tkinter GUI
J.A.R.V.I.S This is a simple assistance and with a very basic GUI (Graphical User Interface) Download all the dependencies by running the below code p
goneDev-browser "basic browser based on PyQt5" This application is primarily built on macOS with more adaptibility for MacOS than Windows. v1.0 will s
News-Application---Python This is a news application created using PyQt5. News is fetched through API from Available top headlines from c
Weather-API-GUI-Tkinter ☁️ ❄️ version- 1️⃣ . 0️⃣ . 0️⃣ This repo contains a weat
Python Desktop App Learn how to make a desktop GUI application using Python, JavaScript, HTML, & CSS all thanks to pywebview. pywebview is essentially
PY-Screen-Recorder Python Screen Recorder using Python Requirement: pip install cv2 pip install pyautogui pip install numpy How to reach me? You can r
Python GUIs for Humans Transforms the tkinter, Qt, WxPython, and Remi (browser-based) GUI frameworks into a simpler interface. The window definition i is a TUI (Text User Interface) framework for Python using Rich as a renderer. The end goal is to be able to rapidly create rich term
Visions GUI An offline python frontend for the QuadVisions Colab Notebook using tkinter. It offers basic options and interactively displays the genera