This is an useful python library for people who care about privacy, this library is useful to cipher and decipher text using 4 simple functions. ckrett-python-library
Available operations in ckret library:
1.syph() -----> cypherises the user input text
2.dsyph() -----> decypherises the user input text to plain text
3.ksyph() ------> cypherises the user input text with unique 6 digit security key
4.kdsyph() -------> decypherises the text only when 6 digit security key is provided correctly
Install from official pypi repo -->
$ pip install ckrett
usecase example:
import ckrett
u can change syph(),dsyph(),ksyph(),kdsyph() respectively depeding on your operation
text ciphered using syph() can only be deciphered strictly by dsyph()
text ciphered using ksyph() can only be deciphered strictly by kdsyph()
in version 1.0.0 there is no support for characters --> @,#,$,%,^,&,*,(,),! , kindly avoid using them in your sentence.
support for these charcaters will be added in next version (1.5.0)
happy ciphering, peace