Implementation of H-UCRL Algorithm

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Implementation of H-UCRL Algorithm

CircleCI CircleCI Code style: black License

This repository is an implementation of the H-UCRL algorithm introduced in Curi, S., Berkenkamp, F., & Krause, A. (2020). Efficient Model-Based Reinforcement Learning through Optimistic Policy Search and Planning.

To install create a conda environment:

$ conda create -n hucrl python=3.7
$ conda activate hucrl
$ pip install -e .[test,logging,experiments]

For Mujoco (license required) Run:

$ pip install -e .[mujoco]

Running an experiment.

For the inverted pendulum experiment run

$ python exps/inverted_pendulum/

For the mujoco (license required) experiment run

$ python exps/mujoco/ --environment ENV_NAME --agent AGENT_NAME --action

We support MBHalfCheetah-v0, MBPusher-v0, MBReacher-v0, MBAnt-v0, MBCartPole-v0, MBHopper-v0, MBInvertedDoublePendulum-v0, MBInvertedPendulum-v0, MBReacher-v0, MBReacher3D-v0, MBSwimmer-v0, MBWalker2d-v0

Citing H-UCRL

If you this repo for your research please use the following BibTeX entry:

  title={Efficient model-based reinforcement learning through optimistic policy search and planning},
  author={Curi, Sebastian and Berkenkamp, Felix and Krause, Andreas},
  journal={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
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    experiments on mujoco Pusher

    Hi Sebastian, first thanks for your excellent code and paper! However, the BPTT and Data_Augmentation agents fail to accomplish the Pusher task in the simulation and output a very low return, e.g., -416.11. I have only tried these two agents in the Pusher environment, so I am not sure if I run it correctly. E.g., for BPTT agents, I run python exps/mujoco/ --environment MBPusher-v0 --agent BPTT --config-file exps/mujoco/config/bptt.yaml

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  • inverted_pendulum/ fails to reach the performance as in the paper

    inverted_pendulum/ fails to reach the performance as in the paper

    I am interested in your work over the H-UCRL algorithm introduced in Curi, S., Berkenkamp, F., & Krause, A. (2020). Efficient Model-Based Reinforcement Learning through Optimistic Policy Search and Planning. I believe the work is very important.

    Currently I have one question and one bug report.

    My question is how can I run the H-UCRL algorithm for reproduction of the experiments described in the paper, e.g. at Appendix B.2? I understand that the execution "% python exps/inverted_pendulum/" with default value agent_name="mbmpo" corresponds to the experiment of App. B.2.1 though the some parameter configurations may differ. But how about the other experiments? The task is fixed only to InvertedPendulum as in the function Do we need to implement by ourselves for the other tasks? Or is it possible if we use exps/mujoco/ with some modification? Because it seems that MBMPO alg. described in the papers appendix B.1 is not supported; where an Agent class is called from rllib module. I hope I can execute H-UCRL alg. with MBMPO using exps/mujoco/ because this way make it easy to compare the other configurations.

    The bug I found is about the execution of exps/inverted_pendulum/ First of all I found that just execution "% python exps/inverted_pendulum/" fails to swing up the pendulum even after 20 episodes. With two modification it succeeded.

    1. Set PLAN_HORIZON to non-zero value e.g. 50 in
    2. Change shape of variable returns from [..., -1, :] to [..., -1] in the source code of rllib This is based on an observation of a shape mismatch when calculating td_error in The second bug is critical but this workaround is unacceptable.

    A minor question is even with the modification above and no action penalty, the Train Return does not reach to 300 as reported in the paper e.g. by Fig.1. but about 220 at best. Is this enough?

    opened by 4kubo 5
  • Unable to Reproduce Results

    Unable to Reproduce Results

    Hi Sebastian, first of all, great paper and thanks for sharing your code! I encountered some issues with simple import errors (different folder names) and/or non-existing attributes in some classes (one example could be "forward_transformations" @166 of hucrl/agent/model_based/ I am using your configuration file for the virtual environment and Python3.7. May I ask you to check whether the up-to-date versions of hucrl and rllib are currently working for you?

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  • Unable to reproduce results in multiple environments

    Unable to reproduce results in multiple environments

    Hi, Sebastian thanks for the great paper. I am trying to reproduce the results in the paper, in order to check some research directions, but so far without success. I am using your configuration file for the virtual environment and Python3.7.
    Attaching a document with the results for CartPole environment, tested on different exploration/agents. Can you figure it out? thanks

    results of hucrl simulations.docx

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