100 Days of Code
It's a challenge that aims to gain code practice and enhance programming knowledge.
Day #1 Create a Band Name Generator
It's actually a pretty basic exercise to understand string manipulation and input function. You have two inputs which contain city and pet name , and to create a band name , you have to put two of them together.
Day #2 Tip Calculator
This project is mostly about mathematical operators. It’s a useful project to calculate the bill per person if you’re bad at math :) . In addition to the bill , there’s a tip which you must add to the bill to calculate the total amount of the bill. Then, you can calculate the bill per person by dividing the total amount of bill by the person to split.
Day #3 Treasure Island
This is a fun game to play . You have to find treasure to win the game, but it's not easy. You must be careful because there are lots of traps. It helps us to understand ,that the basis of if/else statements. Also I added a island view that called ASCII ART . For more ASCII ART you can visit :