Official code repository for Continual Learning In Environments With Polynomial Mixing Times


Official code for Continual Learning In Environments With Polynomial Mixing Times

Continual Learning in Environments with Polynomial Mixing Times

This repository provides official code base for the paper "Continual Learning in Environments with Polynomial Mixing Times"

Basic Setup

Clone this repository and then follow this command

cd polynomial-mixing-times

Create either use a python virtualenv or a conda environment and activate it.

pip install virtualenv
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.7 mixing-times
source mixing-times/bin/activate

To install all the relevant packages use the following command:

pip install -e .

Running the experiments

We provide a running script with all relevant hyperparameters used for both baselines and our proposed model. One can run to run all the models.

To run the experiments of the proposed models on the Example 2 Bottleneck MDP class with 4 rooms, "random" task evolution and a random seed of 1, use the following command

bash 1 4 "random"

Available Models

  1. Online Q learning
  2. Q learning with Replay
  3. Q learning w/ Dyna
  4. Model based n-step TD
  5. Vanilla Policy Gradient
  6. Onpolicy rho learning
  7. Off-policy rho learning
  8. rho Policy Gradient

List of Environments

  1. ScaleClass-v0
  2. NBottleneckClass-v0
  3. NCycleClass-v0

System requirements

We used python 3.7 version to run all our experiments.

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