Find existing email addresses by nickname using API/SMTP checking methods without user notification. Please, don't hesitate to improve cat's job! 🐱🔎 📬



The only cat who can find existing email addresses by nickname.


First install requirements:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Then just run the script:

./ username

It's recommended to run script through Tor and proxies. You can use internal Tor routing (--tor) or proxychains:

./ --tor username
proxychains4 -q python3 username

Supported providers

Total 26 providers, > 60 domains and > 100 aliases.

Name Domains Method
Gmail SMTP
Yandex + 5 aliases SMTP
Protonmail + 2 aliases API
iCloud,, Access recovery SMTP/Registration
MailRu + 4 other domains Registration
Rambler + 5 other domains Registration
Tutanota + 4 other domains Registration
Yahoo Registration
Outlook, Registration
Zoho Registration
Lycos Registration
Eclipso + 9 other domains Registration
Posteo + 50 aliases Registration Registration
Firemail + 2 other domains Registration
Fastmail Registration
StartMail Registration
KOLABNOW + 23 aliases Registration
bigmir)net,, Registration
Xmail Registration
Ukrnet Registration
Runbox + 30 other domains Registration
DuckGo Registration
HushMail + 5 other domains Registration
CTemplar Registration
  • How to run

    How to run

    I downloaded the app, try to run it via "./ USERNAME', but the result is:

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "./", line 14, in import dns.resolver ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dns'

    What is going wrong?

    opened by tsmitsmitonline 5
  • help me please

    help me please

    python3 ./ **********

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/kali/mailcat/./", line 10, in import aiosmtplib ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'aiosmtplib'

    opened by Faisa1245 2
  • Add


    I managed to add one more Polish provider. Detection is based on the error handling in the password recovery process. Email owner will not be notified because the request is incomplete so can't be processed on the backend side.

    opened by P3run 2
  • Update requirements

    Update requirements

    add aiosmtplib to requirements allowed me to run the script without throwing that error: Traceback (most recent call last):

    File "", line 10, in <module>
        import aiosmtplib
    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'aiosmtplib'
    opened by R3dHash 1
  • Polish providers

    Polish providers

    I added 4 Polish email providers:

    • Wirtualna Polska
    • O2

    Unfortunately I couldn't add another two big providers ( and as they use captcha and custom headers in the requests.

    opened by P3run 1
  • Added additional target validation for fastmail

    Added additional target validation for fastmail

    Additional validation of target is needed for fastmail to prevent false positive results. In the registration form on the fastmail website all input is lowercased. Uppercase letters cause false positive results. Additionally length limit is from 3 to 40 characters

    opened by StigP1337 1
  • Added target syntax validation for fastmail to prevent false positive…

    Added target syntax validation for fastmail to prevent false positive…

    … results

    If you check usernames on fastmail which violate the syntax rules (only a-z0-9_ allowed) from the website (e.g. with a dot) you get false positive results.

    opened by StigP1337 1
  • Deprecation Warning

    Deprecation Warning

    Hey guys,

    I'm not a command prompt pro, far from it, but so far I've never had any problems (Holele, Toutatis, blackbird...). However, I have a little problem with MailCat.

    It may come from the path: C:\Users\Me\mailcat\

    I tried to run two scripts :

    • mailcat\ USERNAME
    • python mailcat/ USERNAME

    Same result:

    C:\Users\Me\mailcat\ DeprecationWarning: There is no current event loop jobs = asyncio.gather(*[print_results(checker, target, req_session_fun, args.verbose) for checker in checkers]) C:\Users\ME\mailcat\ DeprecationWarning: There is no current event loop asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(jobs)

    Exception in callback _ProactorBasePipeTransport._call_connection_lost(None) handle: <Handle _ProactorBasePipeTransport._call_connection_lost(None)> Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Program Files\Python310\lib\asyncio\", line 80, in _run, *self._args) File "C:\Program Files\Python310\lib\asyncio\", line 162, in _call_connection_lost self._sock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) ConnectionResetError: [WinError 10054] Une connexion existante a dû être fermée par l’hôte distant

    Error while checking gmail: 421 Cannot connect to SMTP server 2a00:1450:4025:c03::1b (2a00:1450:4025:c03::1b:25), connect error 10060 Error while checking yandex: 421 Cannot connect to SMTP server 2a02:6b8::311 (2a02:6b8::311:25), connect error 10060 Error while checking mailDe: 421 Cannot connect to SMTP server 2001:868:100:600::211 (2001:868:100:600::211:25), connect error 10060

    I guess it's a silly mistake on my part, can someone point me in the right direction?

    opened by Thalmalynx 4
  • eclipso shows false positive results when the username contains certain words

    eclipso shows false positive results when the username contains certain words

    eclipso shows false positive results when the username contains certain words like host, mail, bot or sex Probably more of these blocked words exist. Position of the blocked word in the username does not matter.

    opened by StigP1337 0
  • Possible fake results

    Possible fake results

    Hi guys. There is some possible issue about protonmail results: whatever email inputed the results of protonmail provider are always present =>

    opened by bret99 7
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