Deep Learning for Human Part Discovery in Images - Chainer implementation


Deep Learning for Human Part Discovery in Images - Chainer implementation

NOTE: This is not official implementation. Original paper is Deep Learning for Human Part Discovery in Images.

We are now reproducing the experiments in the original paper. Any contribution will be welcomed!


  • Python 2.7.11+

    • Chainer 1.10+
    • numpy 1.9+
    • scipy 0.16+
    • six
    • matplotlib
    • tqdm
    • cv2 (opencv)




This script downloads VOC 2010 dataset ( and the authors' original dataset (


You can download pre-trained FCN model from here.

We will use weights of this model and train new model on VOC dataset.

Start training

python -g 0 -b 3 -e 3000 -l on -s on

Possible options

python --help

GPU memory requirement

Citation from the original paper:

Each minibatch consists of just one image. The learning rate and momentum are fixed to 1e 10 and 0.99, respectively. We train the refinement layer by layer, which takes two days per refinement layer. Thus, the overall training starting from the pre-trained VGG network took 10 days on a single GPU.

Current maximum batchsize is 3 for 12 GB memory GPU.

Also it was confirmed that MBP (Late 2016, memory 16 GiB) can run with batchsize 1.


Now in prep.

Visualize Prediction





shiba24, August 2016.


  • Any tips to reduce training time

    Any tips to reduce training time

    • I am using p2.x.large machine on aws .It has 12gb gpu memory

    • For batch size > 1 I see high gpu utility and gpu memory usage .Thus ending up with out of memory issues

    • With batch size = 1 ,an epoch takes 4 hrs ,thus 3000 epochs = 500 days :)

    • Is there a pretrained model which I can use for training

    • Is such High usage normal.I see that each image is 10kb and mask is 2.5kb.I am using chainer for the first time .Am i doing something wrong .

    opened by cricket1 7
  • fcn-8s-pascalcontext_W_and_b.pkl pre trained model not accesible

    fcn-8s-pascalcontext_W_and_b.pkl pre trained model not accesible

    The URL for the pre-trained model fcn-8s-pascalcontext_W_and_b.pkl '' not accessible .I also checked in

    opened by cricket1 3
  • Comparison raises notimplementederror in Chainer

    Comparison raises notimplementederror in Chainer

    When using all the suggested parameters, but CPU, instead of GPU and the initial model in pkl format provided by you, I get this error:

    loading VGG model... ('training datasets: ', 9788, 'test datasets: ', 516) Epoch 1 : training... 0it [00:00, ?it/s]Create Iterator settings

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 102, in model, optimizer, train_mean_loss, train_ac = train(model, optimizer, MiniBatchLoader, train_mean_loss, train_ac) File "", line 31, in train optimizer.update(model, x, t) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/chainer/", line 392, in update loss = lossfun(_args, *_kwds) File "/home/tamme/Desktop/humanparts/", line 86, in call self.accuracy = self.calculate_accuracy(h, t) File "/home/tamme/Desktop/humanparts/", line 168, in calculate_accuracy mask = truths != -1 File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/chainer/", line 463, in ne raise NotImplementedError() NotImplementedError

    Is it a bug or have I done something incorrectly? I don't seem to find a related problem in google either.

    opened by Tamme 3
  • On reproducing some fcn experiments

    On reproducing some fcn experiments

    I am now working to reproduce some experiments reported in the fcn paper.

    Compared to the layer-by-layer refinement training reported in the paper, the current model is trained end-to-end. It is interesting to see how much differences it make. One thing I observed is that the bilinear interpolation initialization for deconvolution layer is essential, otherwise the model can not be properly trained.

    I will also include some pretrained models if needed.

    opened by bobye 1
  • important changes to the model

    important changes to the model

    I add some important changes to the initialization. Now the current model is successfully trained on a simplified setting (> 90 pixel accuracy at 20 epochs), which is the binary segmentation of human silhouette. I will try the four parts and fourteen parts segmentation later.

    opened by bobye 1
  • ValueError: axes don't match array

    ValueError: axes don't match array

    • I am using a p2 instance on aws .I ran python -g 0 -b 5 -e 3000 -l on -s on

    And I am getting

    loading VGG model... ('training datasets: ', 9788, 'test datasets: ', 516) Epoch 1 : training... 0it [00:00, ?it/s]Create Iterator settings 1it [00:04, 4.19s/it]Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 102, in model, optimizer, train_mean_loss, train_ac = train(model, optimizer, MiniBatchLoader, train_mean_loss, train_ac) File "", line 27, in train for X, y in tqdm(MiniBatchLoader): File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tqdm/", line 816, in iter for obj in iterable: File "/home/ubuntu/deep-learning-for-human-part-discovery-in-images/", line 83, in next minibatch_X, minibatch_y = self.process_batch(minibatch_X, minibatch_y) File "/home/ubuntu/deep-learning-for-human-part-discovery-in-images/", line 145, in process_batch reshaped_X = np.transpose(self.standardize(processed_X), (0, 3, 1, 2)) # n_batch, n_channel, h, w File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/numpy/core/", line 556, in transpose return transpose(axes) ValueError: axes don't match array

    • Update - I am not able to reproduce the issue .Everything seems to be working fine now
    opened by cricket1 1
  • TypeError: __init__() got unexpected keyword argument(s) 'wscale' heeeeellllllppppppppppppppp

    TypeError: __init__() got unexpected keyword argument(s) 'wscale' heeeeellllllppppppppppppppp

    loading VGG model... Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 81, in model = HumanPartsNet(n_class=15) File "/home/leisther/Downloads/deep-learning-for-human-part-discovery-in-images-master/", line 53, in init upsample_pool1=L.Convolution2D(64, self.n_class, ksize=1, stride=1, pad=0, wscale=0.01), File "/home/leisther/anaconda2/envs/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/chainer/links/connection/", line 120, in init deterministic="deterministic argument is not supported anymore. " File "/home/leisther/anaconda2/envs/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/chainer/utils/", line 19, in parse_kwargs raise TypeError(message) TypeError: init() got unexpected keyword argument(s) 'wscale'

    opened by leisther 1
  • MiniBatchLoader


    Hello, I'm having an issue regarding the dataset preparation process here is the error:

    loading VGG model... training datasets: 9273 test datasets: 1031 scanning all images for human part labels ... 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 10304/10304 [07:30<00:00, 22.87it/s] training datasets: 0 test datasets: 0 found 3785 images Epoch 1 : training... 0it [00:00, ?it/s]Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 113, in model, optimizer, train_mean_loss, train_ac, train_IoU = train(model, optimizer, MiniBatchLoader, train_mean_loss, train_ac, train_IoU) File "", line 27, in train for X, y in tqdm(MiniBatchLoader): File "C:\Users\Lenovo\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\lib\site-packages\", line 962, in iter for obj in iterable: TypeError: iter() returned non-iterator of type 'MiniBatchLoader'

    could anyone help me please it's URGENT

    opened by IbrahimMuh96 0
  • Any hints about using the pre-trained pkl file?

    Any hints about using the pre-trained pkl file?

    Hi, I am a newbie to ML and just followed the readme to download the FCN model, without any idea using it. My goal is to use the pre-trained model and see how it works, because my GPU is around 6GB which seems not enough for training. I googled the pkl file and it seems to be something working with python pickle model, so I:

    python ActivePython (ActiveState Software Inc.) based on Python 2.7.10 (default, Aug 21 2015, 12:07:58) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

    import pickle loaded_model = pickle.load(open('fcn-8s-pascalcontext_W_and_b.pkl', 'rb'))

    and get the dictionary "loaded model", with a bunch of numbers, while the keys are:

    loaded_model.keys() ['conv4_3_W', 'conv5_1_b', 'conv1_2_b', 'upsample_W', 'conv5_2_b', 'conv1_1_W', 'score-pool3_W', 'conv5_2_W', 'conv5_3_W', 'conv1_1_b', 'conv4_3_b', 'conv5_3_b', 'conv5_1_W', 'conv1_2_W', 'conv3_2_W', 'conv4_2_b', 'conv4_1_b', 'upscore2_W', 'conv3_3_W', 'conv2_1_b', 'conv3_1_b', 'conv2_2_W', 'fc6_b', 'score-pool4_W', 'fc7_b', 'score59_W', 'conv2_2_b', 'fc6_W', 'upsample-fused-16_W', 'score59_b', 'fc7_W', 'conv4_1_W', 'conv3_2_b', 'conv4_2_W', 'score-pool4_b', 'conv3_3_b', 'conv3_1_W', 'conv2_1_W', 'score-pool3_b']

    Then stuck here, not knowing what to do next. Could anyone please help telling how to use the pre-trained model? Any hints would be appreciative.

    opened by adayoegi 6
Shintaro Shiba
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