《Where am I looking at? Joint Location and Orientation Estimation by Cross-View Matching》(CVPR 2020)


Where am I looking at? Joint Location and Orientation Estimation by Cross-View Matching

This contains the codes for cross-view geo-localization method described in: Where am I looking at? Joint Location and Orientation Estimation by Cross-View Matching, CVPR2020. alt text


Cross-view geo-localization is the problem of estimating the position and orientation (latitude, longitude and azimuth angle) of a camera at ground level given a large-scale database of geo-tagged aerial (\eg, satellite) images. Existing approaches treat the task as a pure location estimation problem by learning discriminative feature descriptors, but neglect orientation alignment. It is well-recognized that knowing the orientation between ground and aerial images can significantly reduce matching ambiguity between these two views, especially when the ground-level images have a limited Field of View (FoV) instead of a full field-of-view panorama. Therefore, we design a Dynamic Similarity Matching network to estimate cross-view orientation alignment during localization. In particular, we address the cross-view domain gap by applying a polar transform to the aerial images to approximately align the images up to an unknown azimuth angle. Then, a two-stream convolutional network is used to learn deep features from the ground and polar-transformed aerial images. Finally, we obtain the orientation by computing the correlation between cross-view features, which also provides a more accurate measure of feature similarity, improving location recall. Experiments on standard datasets demonstrate that our method significantly improves state-of-the-art performance. Remarkably, we improve the top-1 location recall rate on the CVUSA dataset by a factor of $1.5\times$ for panoramas with known orientation, by a factor of $3.3\times$ for panoramas with unknown orientation, and by a factor of $6\times$ for $180^{\circ}$-FoV images with unknown orientation.

Experiment Dataset

We use two existing dataset to do the experiments

  • CVUSA dataset: a dataset in America, with pairs of ground-level images and satellite images. All ground-level images are panoramic images.
    The dataset can be accessed from https://github.com/viibridges/crossnet

  • CVACT dataset: a dataset in Australia, with pairs of ground-level images and satellite images. All ground-level images are panoramic images.
    The dataset can be accessed from https://github.com/Liumouliu/OriCNN

Dataset Preparation: Polar transform

  1. Please Download the two datasets from above links, and then put them under the director "Data/". The structure of the director "Data/" should be: "Data/CVUSA/ Data/ANU_data_small/"
  2. Please run "data_preparation.py" to get polar transformed aerial images of the two datasets and pre-crop-and-resize the street-view images in CVACT dataset to accelerate the training speed.


Codes for training and testing on unknown orientation (train_grd_noise=360) and different FoV.

  1. Training: CVUSA: python train_cvusa_fov.py --polar 1 --train_grd_noise 360 --train_grd_FOV $YOUR_FOV --test_grd_FOV $YOUR_FOV CVACT: python train_cvact_fov.py --polar 1 --train_grd_noise 360 --train_grd_FOV $YOUR_FOV --test_grd_FOV $YOUR_FOV

  2. Evaluation: CVUSA: python test_cvusa_fov.py --polar 1 --train_grd_noise 360 --train_grd_FOV $YOUR_FOV --test_grd_FOV $YOUR_FOV CVACT: python test_cvact_fov.py --polar 1 --train_grd_noise 360 --train_grd_FOV $YOUR_FOV --test_grd_FOV $YOUR_FOV

Note that the test set construction operations are inside the data preparation script, polar_input_data_orien_FOV_3.py for CVUSA and ./OriNet_CVACT/input_data_act_polar_3.py for CVACT. We use "np.random.rand(2019)" in test_cvusa_fov.py and test_cvact_fov.py to make sure the constructed test set is the same one whenever they are used for performance evaluation for different models.

In case readers are interested to see the query images of newly constructed test sets where the ground images are with unkown orientation and small FoV, we provide the following two python scripts to save the images and their ground truth orientations at the local disk:

  • CVUSA datset: python generate_test_data_cvusa.py

  • CVACT dataset: python generate_test_data_cvact.py

Readers are encouraged to visit "https://github.com/Liumouliu/OriCNN" to access codes for evaluation on the fine-grained geo-localization CVACT_test set.


Our trained models for CVUSA and CVACT are available in here.

There is also an "Initialize" model for your own training step. The VGG16 part in the "Initialize" model is initialised by the online model and other parts are initialised randomly.

Please put them under the director of "Model/" and then you can use them for training or evaluation.


This work is published in CVPR 2020.
[Where am I looking at? Joint Location and Orientation Estimation by Cross-View Matching]

If you are interested in our work and use our code, we are pleased that you can cite the following publication:
Yujiao Shi, Xin Yu, Dylan Campbell, Hongdong Li. Where am I looking at? Joint Location and Orientation Estimation by Cross-View Matching.

@inproceedings{shi2020where, title={Where am I looking at? Joint Location and Orientation Estimation by Cross-View Matching}, author={Shi, Yujiao and Yu, Xin and Campbell, Dylan and Li, Hongdong}, booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition}, year={2020} }

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    Hi Yujiao, Could you please provide the train-19zl.csv & val-19zl.csv , which is an import data split conpoment of CVUSA dataset, If could, update it in the repo? Thanks very much!

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    First of all, thank you for providing your code and model.

    I'm trying to use your model for a localization system. Currently I'm just testing with your pre-trained models. I've been able to successfully execute the "test_cvusa_fov.py" script. At the end of execution, it outputs a matlab file with 3 matrices. Within the "grd_descriptor" and "sat_descriptor" matrices, I can tell that each row corresponds to each individual image that it ran on. However, I can't seem to figure out what each column represents.

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    Thanks for any assistance you can provide.

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  • Calculating the orientation error in table 4

    Calculating the orientation error in table 4

    Thanks for sharing the code!

    I am trying to reproducing the result in table 4 about the orientation error. I did not find a script for this calculation, but there is cal_FOV_acc.py in the folder. cal_FOV_acc.py do some calculation fro the orientation, but is not exactly what described in the paper. I am developing a script based on cal_FOV_acc.py to reproduce the result in table 4.

    Here are some questions hope can get your help:

    1. in the cal_fov_acc.py it read some result files and continue the calculation on the orientation. It is result file the output of test_cvusa_fov.py
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    orien_acc = np.sum(orientation_gth==pred_orientation)/data_amount orien_error = np.abs(orientation_gth - pred_orientation) orien_acc_5 = np.sum(orien_error<2)/data_amount

    Is this orien_acc the percentage of image predicted exact in the same angle bin as ground truth? and orien_acc_5 the percentage of the image within two bins? As the feature map is 4 x 64 for 360 view, then each bin is 5.625 degree (360/64).

    1. For the median of error, I am little confused about the number such as 2.38 2.38 4.50 4.88 (in degree). As each angle bin is 5.625 degree. the median error would be a multiplication of half bin (2.8125 degree). 2.38 2.38 4.50 4.88 is more like a mean instead of median. From my calculation, the error are 0 for 360 and 180 FOV and 5.625 for 90 degree FOV. I feel I misunderstood some part.

    2. In the paper, it states the orientation accuracy is only calculated for the correctly matched images. Looks like cal_FOV_acc.py is calculating for all images, which makes the error very large.

    Hope you get your feedback.

    Best regards, WM

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