An original implementation of "Noisy Channel Language Model Prompting for Few-Shot Text Classification"


Channel LM Prompting (and beyond)

This includes an original implementation of Sewon Min, Mike Lewis, Hannaneh Hajishirzi, Luke Zettlemoyer. "Noisy Channel Language Model Prompting for Few-Shot Text Classification" 2021.

For any questions about the paper or the code, or to request pretrained checkpoints, please contact the first author (email) or leave issues.

If you find our code or paper useful, please cite the paper:

@article{ min2021noisy ,
  title={ Noisy Channel Language Model Prompting for Few-Shot Text Classification },
  author={ Min, Sewon and Lewis, Mike and Hajishirzi, Hannaneh and Zettlemoyer, Luke },
  journal={ arXiv preprint },
  year={ 2021 }

This also includes implementations of many recent papers studying prompt-based learning. Please make sure to cite corresponding papers when you use implementations of the methods in this repo.


  1. Installation
  2. Download & Preprocess Data
  3. Demonstration-based methods
  4. Tuning methods

You can run the channel model and the direct model for each of these methods. Please see Section 3 of the paper for more details about these formulations.


$ conda create -n lm-prompt python=3.8
$ conda activate lm-prompt
$ conda install pytorch=1.7.1 -c pytorch
$ pip install transformers==4.3.0

Download and Preprocess Data

We use (and modify) the data and the preprocessing script from Gao et al. ACL 2021 (paper, code) and Zhang et al. NeurIPS 2015 (paper, data).

To download the k-shot data (already preprocessed): Download the data (776MB) from this link. Pleae place under the same directory as the code and unzip it.

To download the original data and preprocess yourself:

pip install pandas==1.1.5 # for preprocessing script
mkdir data
cd data
tar xvf datasets.tar
cd ..

Also, download the data from here and place it in data/original.

Then, run python3, and you are done!

Optionally, you can specify arguments such as

  • --k: number of training examples (default is 16).
  • --balance: whether or not to guarantee the balance between labels in the training data; more precisely, whether k is the number of training examples in total or per label (default is False).
  • --data_dir: directory for the original data (default is data/original).
  • --output_dir: directory for the preprocessed data (default is data).

To check the data: You can see the list of eleven datasets used in the paper by ls data/k-shot. Each dataset consists of five different splits based on five different splits (test sets are the same).

Demonstration-based methods

This section is for methods which does not update any of the model parameters. For details about methods, please see Section 4.1 of the paper.


python \
    --task {task_name} \
    --split {dev|test} \
    --data_dir data \
    --out_dir out \
    --gpt2 gpt2-large \
    --do_zeroshot \
    --method {direct|channel}

This command will run zero-shot inference using GPT2-large using four different templates (verbalizers) as reported in the paper.

  • For "channel", please specify --method channel.
  • For "direct", please specify --method direct.
  • For "direct++", please run the command line without --split first (this will run inference using the N/A input, following Zhao et al. ICML 2021), and then run the command line with --method direct --use_calibration.

Useful notes:

  • Note that, once you run inference, it will save a cache in the out directory, and will re-load the cache file when you run the exact same command line.
  • You can adjust --batch_size if you run into OOM issue (default is 32).
  • Please note that GPU parallization is not implemented for inference.
  • To save a log file, please specify --log_file.
  • To use GPT2 with different sizes, please use --gpt2 {gpt2|gpt2-medium|gpt2-xl}.

Concat-based demonstration

python \
    --task {task_name} \
    --split {dev|test} \
    --data_dir data \
    --out_dir out \
    --gpt2 gpt2-large \
    --do_zeroshot \
    --method {direct|channel} \
    --use_demonstrations \
    --k 16 \
    --seed {13|21|42|87|100}
  • You can modify k and seed to try different numbers of training examples and different seeds for the k-shot data.

Ensemble-based demonstration

Add --ensemble to the command line for the Concat-based demonstration method.

Tuning methods

This section is for methods that fully finetune the model parameters (standard finetuning), or update a very limited number of parameters (prompt tuning, head tuning and transformation tuning). For details about the methods, please see Section 4.2 of the paper.

Prompt tuning

python \
    --task {task_name} \
    --split {dev|test} \
    --data_dir data \
    --out_dir out \
    --gpt2 gpt2-large \
    --method {direct|channel} \
    --prompt_tune \
    --do_train \
    --batch_size 32 \
    --lr {0.1|0.01|0.001}
  • Please see Appendix B of the paper to see which learning rate we used for each dataset.
  • Once you train the model, you can specify --do_check to load the existing checkpoint without retraining the model.
  • Please note that GPU parallization is implemented for training, but is not implemented for inference.
  • Note that, by default, we use the checkpoint that is trained for 100 steps.
  • To explore different numbers of prompts, please specify --n_prefix. The default value is 20, following the original prompt tuning paper (Lester et al. 2021).
  • If you want to explore zero-shot task transfer (Section 6.4 in the paper), you can (1) first train the model on the training data, and (2) run inference by specifying --task {task_name_for_test} --train_task {task_name_for_train} --do_check.

Head tuning

Use --head_tune instead of --prompt_tune to the command line for the Prompt tuning method. Note that head tuning is only for the direct baseline.

Transformation tuning

Use --transform_tune instead of --prompt_tune to the command line for the Prompt tuning method. Note that transformation tuning is only for the direct baseline.

Standard finetuning

To finetune the entire model parameters, as in typical finetuning, please do not specify any of --prompt_tune, --head_tune or --transform_tune.


For all results, please check out Table 3 and Table 4 of the paper.

  • how to evaluate and test afterwards

    how to evaluate and test afterwards

    Hi I see the running commands in the repo, I find it hard how to automatically, when you find the checkpoint based on the loss, also evaluate that on the test set to report the results, could you kindly provide one example when you train and test on the best checkpoint automatically. thanks

    opened by jackfeinmann5 10
  • Commands to reproduce the results of Table 4

    Commands to reproduce the results of Table 4

    Hi, I am trying to reproduce the Table 4.

    • Could you tell me please if the results are on dev or test set?
    • Did you run each model for multiple learning rates and then report the test results for the model obtaining the best on the dev set? did you do this for all methods? seems lr for prompt-tuning is finetuned between {0.1, 0.01, 0.001} and for the other method is set to 1e-5? (page 13)
    • Do I need to change any hyper-parameters in the scripts? (this is said global step is set to 100 in the paper, but I could not find it within parameters to set it).
    • this is written you have run each model for 80 times, shall I do it with 80 different seeds?
    • you mentioned "Note that, by default, we use the checkpoint that is trained for 100 steps.", I was wondering why not choosing the steps that performing the best on the validation set?
    • Could you share with me the commands you used for Table 4? Here please find the sample commands I am planning to use, not sure if this can be all I need to set:
    // Direct with Head 
    python     --task trec     --split dev     --data_dir data     --out_dir out     --gpt2 gpt2         --method direct --do_train --head_tune
    //Direct Transform 
    python     --task trec     --split dev     --data_dir data     --out_dir out     --gpt2 gpt2         --method direct --do_train --transform_tune 
    //Direct prompt
    python     --task trec     --split dev     --data_dir data     --out_dir out     --gpt2 gpt2         --method direct --do_train --prompt_tune
    //Channel model with prompt 
    python     --task trec     --split dev     --data_dir data     --out_dir out     --gpt2 gpt2         --method channel --do_train --prompt_tune

    Shall I run all above commands with multiple lrs and then report the test set for the model obtaining the best average accuracy? would this be the same hyper-parameters/setup as you did for Table 4? really appreciate letting me know if I am missing some setups for each model.


    opened by dorost1234 6
  • loss computation for noisy channel model

    loss computation for noisy channel model

    Hi First thanks for being patient with my questions. I have some questions on how the loss for noisy channel model is computed:

    1. In prepro_sentence_pair_single in you compute token_type_id which is 1 for labels. If we were using direct model, could you tell me if one would still need this masking?
    2. the length of input during computation of loss is 146 instead of input length of 128, do you mind telling me why the final length is different from what is set?
    3. During the data-processing, you set inputs = BOS+ids1+ids2+EOS+padding, and labels = inputs for the direct model. I am wondering why you don't feed ids1 and let the model predict ids2, and why input and labels are the same? Also, huggingface codes seems not having BOS/EOS tokens in data processing, could you kindly tell me why you added them?
    4. I also wonder why you truncate to max_length-16 during data preparation?
    truncated = np.sum([len(inputs)>max_length_per_example-16 for inputs in test_inputs]) 

    Thank you.

    opened by dorost1234 2
  • running direct model + prompt

    running direct model + prompt

    Hi I was wondering why direct model + prompt-tuning is not included in the paper? could I run this method with setting prompt_tune=True and model = direct ? thanks for your help

    opened by dorost1234 2
  • verbalizers for trec dataset

    verbalizers for trec dataset

    Hi this seems to me the place of "location" and "number" needs to get swapped, as label 4 (zero-indexed) corresponds to "number" and label "5" corresponds to "location".

    Here is the link to the dataset labels: if you search trec

    Here are the current verbalizers: ["Description", "Entity", "Expression", ​"Human", "Location", "Number"]


    opened by dorost1234 1
  • initialization from pretrained model's vocabulary

    initialization from pretrained model's vocabulary

    Hi could you tell me how you could compute the top 5000 words for initialization? In the paper you refer to work of lester, I checked that one, apparently they have computed the probability each token appreared during pretraining and took the most common ones, I am not sure how to compute this probability, thanks a lot.

    opened by dorost1234 1
  • datasets are missing

    datasets are missing

    Hi thanks for the codes, I am trying to download the data and subsample them myself for larger Ks, some of the datasets like SST-2, sts-5, mr, cr, trec, subj are missing from the ones you have uploaded, could you kindly let me know from where I can download these? appreciate sharing a download link to the version of these datasets used in this work if feasible. thanks

    opened by jackfeinmann5 1
  • closest code in transformers to noisy channel model

    closest code in transformers to noisy channel model

    Hi I am trying to build your codes based on huggingface library examples, could you tell me please which example in HF repo is the closest to your work that you have build on top of it? thank you

    opened by jackfeinmann5 1
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