SkyPort terminal implemented as a console script written in Python
Sky Port is an universal bus between user software and compute resources. It can also be considered as a transportation layer between workload producers and compute resource providers. Sky Port makes it easy to connect user software to different cloud resources.
The current project represents a console program that uses swmclient python package to utilize client API of the core Sky Port daemon.
How to run
Python >= 3.9 is required.
- The following command setups all requirements in a local virtualenv directory:
make prepare-venv
- Load the python environment:
. .venv/bin/activate
- Run the script:
src/swm-console --help
Code autoformatting and validation tools start with the following commands:
make format
make check
We appreciate all contributions. If you are planning to contribute back bug-fixes, please do so without any further discussion. If you plan to contribute new features, utility functions or extensions, please first open an issue and discuss the feature with us.
We use a shared copyright model that enables all contributors to maintain the copyright on their contributions.
This software is licensed under the BSD-3-Clause license.