Explaining Hyperparameter Optimization via PDPs
This repository gives access to an implementation of the methods presented in the paper submission “Explaining Hyperparameter Optimization via PDPs”, as well as all code that was used for the experimental analysis.
This repository is structured as follows:
├── analysis/ # Scripts used to create figures and tables in the paper
├── data/ # Location where all experimental data is stored
│ ├── raw/ # Raw datasets for the DNN surrogate benchmark
│ ├── runs/ # Individual runs
├── benchmarks/ # Code for experimental analysis (section 6)
│ ├── synthetic # Synthetic benchmark (section 6.1)
│ ├── mlp # DNN surrogate benchmark (section 6.2)
├── renv/ # renv configuration files to enable a reproducible setup
├── R/ # Implementation of methods
└── README.md
Reproducible Setup
To allow for a proper, reproducible setup of the environment we use the package renv
The project dependencies can be installed via
Quick Start
# Loading all scripts we need
First, assume we have a surrogate model that we want to analyze.
Here, for example, we tuned a support vector machine on the iris
task, and extracted the surrogate model after the last iteration.
par.set = makeParamSet(
makeNumericParam("cost", -10, 4, trafo = function(x) 2^x),
makeNumericParam("gamma", -10, 4, trafo = function(x) 2^x)
ctrl = makeMBOControl()
ctrl = setMBOControlInfill(ctrl, crit = makeMBOInfillCritCB(cb.lambda = 1))
ctrl = setMBOControlTermination(ctrl, iters = 5)
tune.ctrl = makeTuneControlMBO(mbo.control = ctrl)
res = tuneParams(makeLearner("classif.svm"), iris.task, cv3, par.set = par.set, control = tune.ctrl,
show.info = FALSE)
surrogate = res$mbo.result$models[[1]]
FALSE Model for learner.id=regr.km; learner.class=regr.km
FALSE Trained on: task.id = data; obs = 13; features = 2
FALSE Hyperparameters: jitter=TRUE,covtype=matern3_2,optim.method=gen,nugget.estim=TRUE
We are computing the PDP estimate with confidence for hyperparameter cost
. We use the marginal_effect_sd_over_mean
function, which uses the iml
## cost mean sd
## 1 -9.998017 0.8085137 0.12850346
## 2 -9.261563 0.8223581 0.11260680
## 3 -8.525109 0.8271599 0.09651956
## 4 -7.788655 0.8161618 0.07913981
## 5 -7.052201 0.7814865 0.06697429
## 6 -6.315747 0.7200586 0.06511970
We visualize the outcome:
p = plot_pdp_with_uncertainty_1D(me)
To improve the uncertainty estimates, we partition the input space. We perform 2 splits and use the L2-objective.
predictor = Predictor$new(model = surrogate, data = data)
effects = FeatureEffect$new(predictor = predictor, feature = "cost", method = "pdp")
tree = compute_tree(effects, data, "SS_L2", 2)
We now want to visualize the PDP in the node with the best objective after 1 split.
plot_pdp_for_node(node = tree[[2]][[2]], testdata = data, model = surrogate, pdp.feature = "cost", grid.size = 20)
Reproduce Experiments
The steps necessary to reproduce the experiments are described here.